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The strength of the collective

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Every year one sees a certain team rise to fame for one season only to fall far behind the next season. In my country f.e. AZ Alkmaar who won the league last year, but are nowhere this year. The new surprise is FC Twente, who are probably/maybe not going to be anywhere next year..

Every new game of mine shows Twente in the lower regions, but in reality they are like going to win the league.

This is because individually those players aren't high-class, but collectively they are unbeatable. The reason it doesn't go well the second year is that either the manager quits because he leaves for Bayern in this case, or the 'star-player' leaves (who is just second-rate at his new club)

Well, how to reflect this in the editor. I'm not playing with these teams, so I don't have any influence in-game. Do i change the stats of the manager? The reputation of the team (which will then keep the change every year which i don't want) and I also don't want to increase the stats of the players, because they aren't actually that good.

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