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Getting profile pictures larger


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Hi. wanted to do the same. I messed around a bit and got it to work. you have to do some "basic skinning" though.

use the resource archiver tool that comes with game. browse for a file and look for one called: player profile personal details.xml (it is located in panels). extract that one. now you have to edit it a bit. I use notepad (just use remeber to save the edited file as an .xml and not as a .txt dokument)

these are the things I edited in the file with RED (you may try other parameters to make it even bigger)

<!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->

<container class="group_box" id="over" row="0" col="0" column_span="5" row_span="11">

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="0"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0" />


<widget class="picture" id="ppic" image_alignment="bottom" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true"/>

<!-- Attribute Analyser -->

<container id="ppaa" file="player profile attribute analyser"/>


<!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->

<!-- Temporary Row Fillers - the picture and logo should possibly be put in their own table -->

<widget class="label" col="0" row="1" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="2" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="3" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="4" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="5" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="6" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="7" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="8" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="9" />

<widget class="label" col="0" row="10" />

<!-- Nationality -->

<widget class="nation_button" id="pfna" col="1" row="11" column_span="1" icon_alignment="left,can_scale" dspf="1" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- International Appearances -->

<widget class="international_appearances_label" id="pfcg" col="1" row="12" column_span="2" size="7"/>

<!-- Age -->

<widget class="label" id="pfag" col="3" row="11" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Date Of Birth -->

<widget class="label" id="pdob" col="3" row="12" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Height -->

<widget class="height_label" id="phei" col="1" row="13" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Weight -->

<widget class="weight_label" id="pwei" col="1" row="14" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Preferred Foot -->

<widget class="label" id="pfot" col="3" row="13" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Preferred Foot Label -->

<widget class="label" id="text" text="Preferred Foot" col="3" row="14" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Wage -->

<widget class="label" id="wagw" col="1" row="15" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Contract Expiry -->

<widget class="label" id="pexp" col="1" row="16" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!-- Value -->

<widget class="label" id="pval" col="3" row="15" column_span="2" style="semi_bold"/>

<!-- Value Label -->

<widget class="label" id="text" text="Estimated Value[COMMENT: player profile; value label]" col="3" row="16" column_span="2" size="7" />

<!--Extra Info -->

<widget class="text" id="pinf" spec="text" col="0" row="17" column_span="4" alignment="centre_x,centre_y" style="semi_bold" colour="profile extra text"/>


put the finished file in the folder called "panels" in your favorite skin. thats it. good luck.

hope you get it to work...

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