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FM 10: Official West Ham United


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Good work on getting rid of Dyer for that much, do you still have to pay his wages? I could only get rid of him on loan, and I’m still burdened with 40%. Kearns never really amounts to anything in the game, so it was probably good business getting rid of him, though he could be kept as a cheap Reserve team player. I would have though Behrami/Collison had the wings down, or at least they do on my save, with Faubert backing up the right, and I just realised I have no cover on the left. You probably could have gotten better than Brunt, but he looks decent enough :). If I could offer some advice, I would have opted for Smithies, he costs less, is first team ready, and has a good 15 years ahead of him. Stech is decent enough back up for Green, and Smithies would offer you a lot more for the future. There are better keepers, but I tend to keep with my English players. :)

Apaprt from that, you look like you’ll have a strong season, good luck mate. :)

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I still pay about half of his wages which is a bit of an annoyance, better than all 70k though I guess.

Chris Brunt's crossing alone makes him worth having imo, great player to help dig out results and throw the ball in towards Cole/Lukaku late on. I also much prefer out and out wingers, although it will be either Collison or Behrami on the left I think. Faubert at RB makes up for Brunt's lack of pace, and so far in preseason they have linked up well.

Yeah not quite sure why I opted for Westwood, was a bit of a panic buy when Green picked up a 3 week injury and I realised Stech and Kurucz aren't good enough to play first team football. Westwood has a high reflex stat which I like in my keepers.

First two games of the season:

Tottenham 1-1 West Ham (Diamanti)

West Ham 2-1 Man Utd (Giggs OG, Cole)

How good have people see Spence become? I dont mean CA wise as I obviously know all about that, but I mean how big has be got on a world stage. Gone on to play for a bigger side? Gone on to get a lot of caps for England? Just wondered what sort of career people have seen him have, as I for one am very excited about his potential.

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I hate how Dyer won’t just **** off. :rolleyes:

I have had no experience with Spence, but a few guys on the West Ham forums said it’s a roll of the dice. I think there is a spoiler somewhere on these forums. He is certainly a player with a large amount of potential, just depends on how he is developed. I’d suggest Smithies, cos if you don’t get him, one of the top 4 will, and he only costs 1.2 million pounds.

I’ve closed FM down now, in prep for bed, but I’m sitting 5th after 14 games. 9W 2D 3L.

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Cole has just come back from injury, but has scored 2 from 4 (1) and has a 7.36 average.

I’ve always found that my teams never have a single top goalscorer, it’s always 4 or 5 with around the same amount.

How is your defence going? Mine is leaky, can’t keep that many clean sheets.

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So far, not bad. Not sure wether to settle on Gabbs or Tomkins alongside Upson yet though. We conceded late against Spurs and United but that was more my fault, poor set up.

Away at Pompey in game three I won 4-0, awesome performance. 2 for Cole, one for Diamanti and Collison.

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You should post that one on the Portsmouth thread, address it to Tyoldinho :).

I do it every time I give Portsmouth a right flogging, just rubs salt in the wound a bit.

Tomkins is a great player, consistent as any other Premier League player, and is young. If I re-call correctly, he’s competent cover for left-back to, but don’t quote me on that one. I’m going to try and continue the West Ham way of old, and get first teamers out of my youth academy. :)

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Nah its right back Tomkins covers, he used to play there a lot for the reserves when he was coming through the ranks.

Yeah I'd like to think I can do the same, but Spence and Hines are the only ones of the current crop I can ever see being good enough. As for the imports though, Nouble could prove to be a great player for us I think, and Daprela has improved a lot since I first saw him though, but anyway thats not got a lot to do with FM!

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Daprela looks like bat droppings in FM. I’ve loaned him out with the hop of him becoming good, but I don’t have very high hopes. I wasn’t sure what side he covered, but I knew it was one of them. I count Collison, Noble, Tomkins and such as youth products to, Moncour looks promising on my save, I might break his first team cherry soon. :).

And make sure you post that screen shot for Ty :p.

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Yeah he was rated by the Swiss researchers in my defence, I didn't feel comfortable changing him too much yet has I've only seen him play a dozen games or so at reserve level. Glad I'm getting to see him play some first team football now, very much helps with the research :)

Yeah I just didn't mention them as they are already establised :)

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I know, they are great players though. I only hope that Gold and Sullivan have the brains to hold onto them. What is your opinion of Moncur? Is he anything like his father? Unfortunately, in Australia we don’t get much news on West Ham. :(

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Moncur has been key for our youngsters so far this year, I'm pretty sure he's played more games than anyone. He's certainly much more of a technical player than his dad ever was, is quite lightweight but has a few years to develop yet :)

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That sounds promising, looks like the researchers did well with him. What about that youngster we poached from Fulham, and now Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool are trying to sign him. His name escapes me, but he isn’t in the game. I think he may well have been too young. :confused:

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Ive just started a new West Ham save after having to re-install the game ( You can see how my last save went on the previous page).

Ive got up to 12 mil to spend on a decent AML with pace a good creativity that would also do a good job of tutoring stanislas, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

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Perhaps you could look at Aaron Lennon or Shaun Wright-Phillips? You could maybe stretch that 12 million pounds to about 48 million, and get someone really special. What formation are you playing? I’ll try and help you find a good player. :)

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That sounds promising, looks like the researchers did well with him. What about that youngster we poached from Fulham, and now Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool are trying to sign him. His name escapes me, but he isn’t in the game. I think he may well have been too young. :confused:

I am the researcher ;)

Erm not sure who you mean, Under 18s squad is here though if that'll help!

Sessegnon is worth looking at on the left wing :)

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I’ve actually given that tactic a go in 10.1, and it worked quite well for me. I don’t download tactics, but I got the idea off one of these forums. So you are looking for a player where Celdran is playing in that screenshot? I’d think that Wright-Phillips would move, not completely sure on Lennon though. The only thing is that they are already established players, and would cost a fortune in transfers and wages. I’ve heard good things about Zezinho, Jovetic, Carlos Eduardo and Juan Manuel Mata. The last three will set you back a pretty penny though.

No problems, anytime.

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I am the researcher ;)

Erm not sure who you mean, Under 18s squad is here though if that'll help!

Sessegnon is worth looking at on the left wing :)

Ah, you’d know a whole lot more than I do then haha.

I just did a little bit of searching, his name is Dominic Vose.

Can you shed any light on him for me? I’ve read that he’s the next big thing. :)

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Im rather poor when it comes to tactics, so i generally try out different ones i download, i know, rather naughty of me :p

I'll take a look at some of these players, and if i have to offer some money over 48 months to get someone who will last for a few seasons, it doesn't really bother me :)

Also, it's good to see this thread getting some more attention, us hammers deserve to be spoken about more! ;)

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Eh, we’re not judgemental on these forums. I used to use Genie scout, but can’t now as I am a Macbook user. And I don’t regret stopping. :)

That’s the reason I am doing 3 month (in-game time) updates. I want everyone else to do it, make this thread flourish. :)

A good player, if you swap that AM/L to a AM/R, would be Marko Marin. I’ve had a FM crush on him since I’ve played FM.

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Ah Vose of course, sorry haha for some reason I thought you said striker which had me confused :\ He looks like an awesome playmaker type from what I've seen of him (which is admittedly very little). In fact it'd probably be better to ask the fulham researcher about him than me, he'd have seen a lot more of him :)

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Regarding the left winger question, on previous versions Sessegnon was absolute class for me there.

Got to say that after four games I would heavily recommend Chris Brunt! Absolute brilliance so far!

I think he was looking for someone younger, but I’m not completely sure on that. :)

edit: I stand corrected with below post.

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I am looking at a few AML players atm, and if Fleck was older i would have got him straight away, he fits the bill perfectly, but im not after another youngster :(

Perhaps you could get Van Persie in and train him to AM/L as he is already competent there?

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I would have no idea how to find a researcher to ask, yet alone the Fulham one. :)

Do you think we have any chance of holding onto him, or is he going to be poached? :(

Ah I'm almost certain he'll be at the club for a while. Young players know its better to establish themselves at West Ham first then move on to a big club once we have fully developed them ;) We should definitely see him play first team football (if he makes it, that is) before he moves on.

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I think a player like Van Persie would just snub my wage offer, ive tried Di Maria and Vukcekic which are both at a club with lower reputation than Arsenal =/. Ive been looking at N'Zogbia, what are your thoughts on him?

N'Zogbia is average imo. Did you have a look at Sessegnon?

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When I played Wigan, N’Zogbia ripped me up. He kept making runs down the left which I couldn’t stop, but luckily I prevailed with a 2-1 win. I would not have been happy if he single handedly beat me, cos Wigan were pathetic that game, and my side were doing great.

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N'Zogbia is average imo. Did you have a look at Sessegnon?

I had a look just then, I don’t think he’d be able to attract him over, French/African players like playing in France. Perhaps he could try Hleb from Barcelona?

Ah I'm almost certain he'll be at the club for a while. Young players know its better to establish themselves at West Ham first then move on to a big club once we have fully developed them ;) We should definitely see him play first team football (if he makes it, that is) before he moves on.

Hopefully we stay in the Premier League this season then. It’s not looking good at the moment. :(

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Probably because you're playing the criminally slow John Spector? ;)

edit: Just to confirm, I mean slow mentally!

Faubert actually started that game, Spector had some sort of injury I think. :)

edit: I think he’s decent enough, though I’ve only seen him play through FM. They haven’t got the graphics yet for drooling or licking windows. :)

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Hehe, poor old Spector, this is the first west ham save where i have not actually sold him, but i might give him a go in the centre rather than on the right because i sold Gabbs.

I think im going to take a shot with N'Zogbia and hope he does well, he's pacey and got some nice dribbling.

I'll let you know how my season is going when i start, I have a nice first game but after that it gets tough, Burnley (H) Arsenal (A) Chelsea (H) Bolton (A) Everton (H) Man City (A). This will definitely be tough!

Edit. I Have actually put in a Bid for both the players and will decide on them, but after looking at Sessegon he does look very good, shame about lack of finishing though.

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Hehe, poor old Spector, this is the first west ham save where i have not actually sold him, but i might give him a go in the centre rather than on the right because i sold Gabbs.

I think im going to take a shot with N'Zogbia and hope he does well, he's pacey and got some nice dribbling.

I'll let you know how my season is going when i start, I have a nice first game but after that it gets tough, Burnley (H) Arsenal (A) Chelsea (H) Bolton (A) Everton (H) Man City (A). This will definitely be tough!


Play Tomkins, he is a stud. Spector isn’t an intelligent player, you’ll be leaky with him partnering Upson.

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I got Sessegnon in my first season on the last update, shouldn't be much of a problem unless he's changed a lot :)

Ah we'll be fine, Burnley and Hull are both far worse sides than us.

I just did a scout report, he has no intention of joining West Ham. :( And you just reminded me, I have Sissoko coming in soon haha. He cost me a pretty penny, might have to loan him out to, my midfield is full.

We’re not playing that well at the moment, I like Zola, but he needs to be tougher.

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I'll have to use spector for atleast the first game, as Tomka is Suspended :(

I’ve played Da Costa there once, he did alright. Sorry for the caps, just Spector should not be a starter as a centre back. Try getting in Mark Beevers if you have any funds left over, he’s doing solidly for my Reserves, and is English :D.

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Wow, what a first game against Burnley.

I was dominating for the first 30 mins untill they get a penalty, but fletcher hits the post, i run back up the other and and franco gets his first goal. Second Half they peg one back, i'm still dominating so not too worried, until parker gets sent off! On comes Benni Mccarthy to score in the 85th min and get me a 2-1 win!

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I suggest Smithies to everyone, he’s really impressed me so far. I’ve had no experience with Zezinho, but from what Ty has told me, he is a really good prospect for a Premier League team (he plays as Portsmouth, so you’ll have no problem attracting him over).

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