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FM 10: Official West Ham United


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I can’t wait for your season review, looks like it’ll be an interesting one. You’ve done well to get West Ham to 3rd with 8 games to go, I hope you can keep your form up. I only won the FA Cup the first season, and still haven’t managed win the League and FA Cup in a season. :)

I’m glad my advice worked, not often it does ;). My defence has been pretty good all year, only conceding 22 in the league (with two games to play). Smithies has been extraordinary, and is actually England’s 5th best player. Mark Noble is a good backup for me, though he’ll never break past Sissoko or Rodwell, and also had Parker to contend with. He has a few caps now, I like him as a player, and I hope he’ll get updated in FM11 so I can keep him as a first teamer (he has played really well in the latter part of this year).

What are your thoughts on British passports? Or do they need to be born and bred?

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I know, I know... spent a shed load of cash this season, I didn’t realise just how much you get to spend with West Ham, but still- that’s not a bad performance is it?!

Also, some great players! Noble, Behrami, Tomkins, Upson, Parker, Collison, Cole (!!!), and even the young lads like Hines and Stanislas are amazing! I would say (one FM), the West Ham squad is up there with Liverpool’s (the only other Premiership side I’ve properly managed)!

Putting it down to my tactical genius away from home, and Mr Gandy’s idea that I should play 4-4-2 at home (which is where most of my goals came from).

But, honestly, do you think I’m spending my way into trouble? Look at the steady downwards slope in the finances graph!

Got to make some changes to my squad over the summer months, any players who you all think would fit my system and be able to play in the champion’s league? (Must be UK & Irish)

Mostly, I’m seriously thinking of replacing the keeper (R. Green), sick of the sheer amount of mistakes he makes, I would’ve genuinely challenged for the league title had it not have been for him! I’m thinking one of B. Foster, J. Heart, or D. James (a bit old, but still looks good).

And I’d love to bring Ashley Young in, not for any other reason than I think he’s brilliant and I’ve never used him on FM before!

Any suggestions lads? I’m gona take a break for a couple of hours and go be smug with myself, before getting back to it and re-building for a proper title challenge!

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Well done Mooki, very nice update and a brilliant league performance!

How have your younger players that you bought in developed, anyone not done great or done amazing?

Cheers pal!

My youngsters are coming along quite well... although the main downside to my season was that I didn’t get enough playing time for them, due to wanting to win the cup competitions.

Jack Rodwell- Coming along a treat, I certainly thank Gandy for this recommendation. He’s been pushing Matty Upson and Scotty Parker hard for their places in my first XI. One thing myself and Gandy don’t agree on though is his best position, I can see his use as a CM/DM, but it’s as a cultured CB (ala Alan Hansen) that I plan on using him long term.

Jordan Spence- Always does a job in and of the defensive positions (including DM) when asked, but his stats aren’t shooting through the roof. I’m putting him down as a Jamie Carrager type player, consistently good, 110% committed, and a hard little worker. Next season will be a big one for him to see if he can impress me into pushing him to my first team squad.

Jonjo Shelvey- Not really got himself going yet, but I know from my previous Liverpool save that he can become good enough to seamlessly replace Stevie Gerrard, so I’m defiantly sticking with him. Think I may well loan him out next season as I seriously doubt he’s up to challenging for the league title and in the champions league next season.

Alex Smithies- Thanks to yourself for this recommendation! He is possibly my favourite back-up keeper I’ve ever had on the game, does a perfect job whenever it’s asked of him, in the second half of the season I lost my rag with Rob Green quite a lot and so Alex Smithies got his chance and really took it. I’m selling Green this summer, sick of him. But I still think Smithies is a little young and inexperienced to be first choice just yet, so I’m searching around looking for replacements. No doubt though, this kid will still get cup games etc. and will go (if he continues to develop as fast as he has this season) on to be my first choice and England’s No. 1!

Danny Wilson- Another doing very well, progressing at a fast rate. Still not quite as good as Upson or James Tomkins, as as such can’t break into the first team- but he still gets a lot of minutes and has become a regular for his country over the season, so clear development here too.

Nathan Delfouneso- Hmm... Not really had the impact I expected from him. He doesn’t seem to have come on a great deal, and even lost his place on the bench to Hines toward the end of the season. Not sure what I’m going to do about him. Might try and loan him out to a lower Premiership club and see how he gets on next season before making a decision.

Zavon Hines- Another awesome young Eastender! Although he is now a regular in the Jamaica side! Like I said previously, has forced Delfouenso out of the equation in the first team squad. If he continues to develop like he has this season he’ll be pushing Agbonlahor hard for the No. 9!

Sam Cowler- Best keeper in the U18s by quite a way, should make the step upto Reserve team level and we’ll see from there.

Junior Stanislas- Great little player, I’ve got a lot of depth out wide, but he still manages a place on the bench most games. I’m going to loan him out next year to see if he’s up to being a first team player, to be honest I’d be surprised if he’s not.

Conor Okus / Jack Werndly / Daniel Kearns / Adam Street / Christian Montano / Fabio Daprelà- have been the other players who I’ve noticed coming along, through the system very nicely.

Frank Nouble / Sergio Sánchez / Fred Sears- majorly disappointed in these lads, to be honest I though all three had great futures after looking at them at the beginning of the game, but none of them have developed as I would like, and none have grabbed the opportunity of first team football at all either. I think I may well cut my losses with them this summer, unless anyone knows better?

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Good to see that most of your youths are devloping nicely!

I can tell you now that Jordan Spences stats can get quite high the important areas, I have seen him with 20 strength 19 heading and 17 marking/tackling. I hope too see Smithies one day become your number and maybe even for England!

Good Luck with the further development of what already look the be your great youth system and on your next season, hopefully will snatch the title!

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Here are some of my player updates.

Alex Smithies. - England and West Ham number one, should I say more? Seriously the best £1.2m I have spent so far, although Luke Bunce (regen) is scoring for fun in the 18’s and Reserves leagues, and he is only 16.

Jack Rodwell. - Ah, the second part of my midfield maestros. Plays well for me as a Ball Winning Midfielder, partnering Sissoko as a Box to Box Midfielder. Should be a part of EVERY Premier League squad.

George Moncur. - I admit I cheated with this lad, giving him England caps to aid his development, but I so desperately wanted him to make it to my first team, and he played quite amazing for England. Might sell off Sissoko in a few years and hope to bring him through the ranks.

James Tomkins. - Probably could find a better player, but the fact he’s consistent and an academy player means he is a first team starter. :)

Dan Gosling. - Could be faster, could have better crossing, others could play better than him etc.. I’ve thought it all before, but if Fabio Capello capped him as a right back (ahead of Richards, Glen Johnson), then he’s good enough for me.

Once again, if you want any screenshots, I am more than happy to provide them. David Gold must be loaded, as he just pumped £82m to help with the running of the club, and has found me two sponsors, one worth £5m per season, and the other £6.44m per season. Here’s to the next couple of years.

On another note, I think you may have spent a tad to much, unless you keep up the success you’re having right now. I have never spent £81m in the first window, so I can’t really put my opinion out on that, but try and build with what you have now, and see how it pans out. :)

And I also think you should play Rodwell in the middle of the park ;).

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I’d try and sell McGeady on for as much as you can, and look at bringing in one of the following; Aaron Lennon, James Milner, Jack Wilshere, or Theo Walcott. I know these players come with a heavy price tag, but they’ve all been starters for England (before I took over the reigns), and are another step beyond McGeady. If you’re looking for the cheaper option, Kieran Gibbs (arsenal) looks decent, as does Jordan Henderson (Sunderland).

I would look at offloading Robert Green, as Smithies can become a first team player as early as the second season. Try bringing in Steven Taylor as a back-up, as Kurucz and Stech are not Premier League standard. Look at getting rid of your deadwood with inflated prices, such as Fred Sears, Terry Dixon, Jonathon Spector, possibly Diamanti as you have enough cover in terms of strikers, and he’s just taking up your wages. Zavon Hines hasn’t done anything in my side, and I am looking t getting rid of him as soon as I can, I’m not sure how he has developed for you.

Have a look at Dan Gosling, he is an able player in the midfield, and is solid at right back. For home games, he can play on the right wing, and at away games, he can fill in at right-back, and he is also young enough for you too mould him into a player you want. If you need any suggestions, look at my early transfer activities, as most of these players have done a good job for me so far.

Good luck for season 2 :).

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Cheers for the input lads, I’ve made some signings for next season now already (A. Young, L. Cattermole, M. Owen, D. Beckham et al.), and let me tell you Gandy if you think I’ve overspent last season, you’ll have a heart attack when you see next seasons!

I’m taking a couple of days away from this save to go and get involved with something over at the Real Madrid thread- never been a manager in Spain and quite fancy it!

Chat you all in a couple of days, peace.

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I may have to do a quick fire sale, I am losing roughly £14m a month, and that’s paying upfront prices for my players. I spent less than £40m last transfer window, and am still about £80m in the black, but this new stadium is burning a huge hole in my pocket. Quick Mr Gold, I need more sponsors. Thinking of flogging Sissoko and Lukaku off for a hefty profit, as that alone could fetch £60-£70m, plus slash about £200,000 off the wage budget. :)

Any advice is appreciated.

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Hey guys, some great stuff going on in this thread! I've experienced the goalscoring power of Carlton Cole for a different team, and wanted to build an all british squad somewhere, and decided West Ham was the perfect place to do this, with some of the players and the facilities there. However, it looks like a couple of you have already beaten me to the idea, so I'll update you with how it goes, and hopefully I can emulate your achievements so far!

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Haha we have another on the bandwagon. I feel a West Ham challenge coming along ;). Once again mate, the core players you want to invest in are Jack Rodwell, Alex Smithies and Jack Wishere (just picked him up on loan, magnificent, am more than willing to pay his transfer fees), Joe Mattock (as a cheaper Gareth Bale), and possibly Fabian Delph.

I recommend offloading the higher paid and fringe players such as Dyer, Gabbidon, Franco, Boa Morte, McCarthy and Mido to help reduce the wage bill. The first year will be tight if you splash out, so you’ll need to reign in as much spare funds as you can to avoid the difficulties I almost ran into just recently. If you need any help, give me a shout out, I normally check this page every couple of hours (when I’m not at work, or out). :)

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Thanks very much mate. :) I'll pass on Smithies, I know how brilliant he becomes, I've pretty much been using every game since the start of 10.3, so I want to try out some other young british goalie. I'm thinking of getting Scott Loach from Watford, as I've seen him turn out well. Rodwell etc are definitely up there on my targets list though!

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Haha I suggest Smithies to everyone :). You can stick with Green until he is 34, he is total class still, I just moved him as I preferred to use Smithies. Joe Hart is a potential target, or even Foster, as they are both not first team players.

I would probably strengthen my back four, or really the full backs. Spector is stupid, and Ilunga is prone to mistakes. I have Gosling and Mattock as RB and LB respectively, with Eckersley and regens as cover. Try and sign Dorrans from West Brom, keep as close to real life as you can aha, and he is pretty good in my save, currently at a tycoon owned Aston Villa, and starting games to.

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Haha I suggest Smithies to everyone :). You can stick with Green until he is 34, he is total class still, I just moved him as I preferred to use Smithies. Joe Hart is a potential target, or even Foster, as they are both not first team players.

I would probably strengthen my back four, or really the full backs. Spector is stupid, and Ilunga is prone to mistakes. I have Gosling and Mattock as RB and LB respectively, with Eckersley and regens as cover. Try and sign Dorrans from West Brom, keep as close to real life as you can aha, and he is pretty good in my save, currently at a tycoon owned Aston Villa, and starting games to.

Keiren Westwood is surprisingly good as well! (I know he's not British, but well...)

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Right, I’m going to re-start my West Ham game when I get back to London (and my computer) on Tuesday. There is some good stuff going on in this thread at the minute, so i want to get involved again. At the start of my 2nd season, and have signed A. Young, M. Owen, D. Beckham and I think that’s it from memory. I’ll update as and when.

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He’s still a good player. Do the Irish count towards domestic player bias?

I'm counting them, but I wouldn't have thought they do in the game.

Haha I suggest Smithies to everyone :). You can stick with Green until he is 34, he is total class still, I just moved him as I preferred to use Smithies. Joe Hart is a potential target, or even Foster, as they are both not first team players.

I would probably strengthen my back four, or really the full backs. Spector is stupid, and Ilunga is prone to mistakes. I have Gosling and Mattock as RB and LB respectively, with Eckersley and regens as cover. Try and sign Dorrans from West Brom, keep as close to real life as you can aha, and he is pretty good in my save, currently at a tycoon owned Aston Villa, and starting games to.

Smithies is amazing, don't miss out on that bargain!!

Thanks very much mate. :) I'll pass on Smithies, I know how brilliant he becomes, I've pretty much been using every game since the start of 10.3, so I want to try out some other young british goalie. I'm thinking of getting Scott Loach from Watford, as I've seen him turn out well. Rodwell etc are definitely up there on my targets list though!

In which case, I'd use Green for the first season, and then go for a Joe Hart, or Ben Foster etc.

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Right, I’m going to re-start my West Ham game when I get back to London (and my computer) on Tuesday. There is some good stuff going on in this thread at the minute, so i want to get involved again. At the start of my 2nd season, and have signed A. Young, M. Owen, D. Beckham and I think that’s it from memory. I’ll update as and when.

Actually, just watching the Sunderland v Mancs game, add L. Cattermole and J. Evans to that list! :o But, I'm sure that all!!

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Actually, just watching the Sunderland v Mancs game, add L. Cattermole and J. Evans to that list! :o But, I'm sure that all!!

Haha, I would love to see your finances now, I bet they’re in shatters :).

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Just started my West Ham save.

Doing quite well so far but only played 1 pre season friendly so far and that was against CFR Cluj:-


I have a range of targets in mind but, my main area for improvment must be that of the CB role. I need a good partner for Matty Upson. :thup:

Adil Rami was on the verge of signing but Porto snapped him up at the last minitue. Bloody Portugese.

Should be good fun though. :thup:

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Finally started my new West Ham save, mid november, sitting 6th whilst recording a 1-0 home win against liverpool and a 5-0 home win against Aston Villa.

Carlton Cole as most people know is amazing on this version of FM and is at it again with 10 goals and 4 assists in 12 games, I am also very happy to say that finally after all my saves with West Ham this year Cole has managed to get himself into Capello's squad!

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Hi guys. I'm just looking for some pointers and analysis of my season 3 West Ham team.

What you would suggest my end league position should be based on the squad i currently have.

So I'm playing 4-3-3.

GK: Green

RB: N'Koulou - Support

CB: Zapata

CB: Kovac/ Jelle Van Damme

LB: Ilunga - Support

MF: Defour - DLP

MF: Badelj - AM

MF: Annan - BWM

ST: Cardozo - AF

ST: Lukaku - CF

ST: Adriano - TM


S1: GK: Stech

S2: Faubert

S3: Van Damme/Kovac

S4: Spence

S5: Parker/Noble/Ntambwe

S6: Collison/Gueye

S7: Cole/Kadlec

That's pretty much my first team. Kadlec isn't amazing yet as i've just signed him and i think a couple of seasons should make him the player i expect of him.

I want to ask also, can i play a DLP and an AP together? Or will they cancel eachother out?

And, If i want to tutor two players at the same time, but two players have the same linked player, how do i get another good player linked to him. Like Adriano, although he's a bit annoying at times. If i alternate them am i massively risking the maximum potential or is there a certain amount of times a player can get tutoring?

Any comments are appreciated. Thanks :)

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I play Cole as target man/Support. I havent had much luck with Diamanti too :(! I play him as a deep lying forward/attack.

I bought Thiago form Barca for £3.4M, he turns out awesome in other saves for other teams but just plain sucks for me....bah

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Can i ask how has everyone got soo much money to spend? Ive only had £8, which is a lot, but compared to some peoples pending here is nothing! So far ive bought Alex Smithies, James Rodriquez, Danny Wilson and Jonjo Shelvey. Which has left me with a transfer balance of £0. And what instructions do you guys suggest for Carlton Cole?

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Carlton Cole - target man support. If you play him with a strike partner then pair him with a pacy striker like Yannick Djalo who should be set as a poacher or advanced forward.

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Jesus christ I just finished fourth in my first season.

I had a hell of alot of 1-0/2-1 wins and was very defensive in my setup. Without Carlton Cole I never won and I managed to bag Van Der Vaart on loan in January which helped me a great deal.

Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham and Aston Villa had very very bad seasons also. I managed to double over United too!

Heres to hoping I can get a decent transfer budjet as I want a new left-back, centre back, creative midfielder, left midfielder and at least two strikers. Agreed a deal for Ochoa for £4.1M.

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I started a new game with the Hammers and i thought i'd try and get a fully english club (staff + all players).

First season around October i got a brilliant take-over from Ralph Gold who literally throws money into the club and into the transfer kitty.

I managed to shift most of the foreign players in the first season and finished 6th - Qualifying for a Europa Cup place. I didn't do too well in the cups though. Lost 2-1 to Chelsea in the League Cup Quarters, Lost 1-0 to Hull in 4th round of the cup.

I'll get some screen shots on soon.

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