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Return of the Injuries fm 2010

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Not trying to make excuses but bear in mind with early pre-season games when your players are unfit your players are much more susceptible to injuries. I would suggest playing lower paced matches to ease the players in.

Of course if you are constantly getting injuries throughout the whole demo please let us know so we can look into it. Thanks.

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@beta testers. I told you. :)
The former. :D There always seems to be a rush every year to be the first to find some game-killing bug.

As expected. The injuries are normally the first one, followed by AI cheating, followed by strikers not scoringa goal to every 2 shots, followed by strikers not scoring ALL team goals, followed by teams not selling you their best players.

On a bright note, after the initial 'bug' tirades, we can look forward to the flawed but lengthly posts detailing someones equally flawed and painstaking research into proving a conspiracy theory against the AI, Match Engine, Regens, etc. :D

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Guys try to remember that not everything is instantly a bug. Sometimes its down to poor coaching and training methods.

Yes, but the injury thing WAS a bug on FM2009 for a long, long time.

People might be jumping the gun a bit, but given that last year - when the game came out - the game was completely destroyed by that bug, so you can forgive people for being wary.

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Injuries are part and parcel of football, sometimes you'll have some, sometimes none and somrtimes lots. To say it's a bug after a few games is simply ridiculous, i've been testing the same game for over 4 seasons and can assure you there is NO injury bug!

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Injuries are part and parcel of football, sometimes you'll have some, sometimes none and somrtimes lots. To say it's a bug after a few games is simply ridiculous, i've been testing the same game for over 4 seasons and can assure you there is NO injury bug!

Snap :thup:


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First thing I thought of :D

We should have done some demo thread reaction bingo cards.

That would have been fun!! Two fat ladies..............crushed my players causing 5 injuries, curse you Si it must be the injury bug!!

Just realised that this thread is not a beta topic thread, heh, oh well :)

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My first two friendlies, no one plays more than 45 mins.

Next couple anyone dipping below 75% comes off.

Pre season training is slightly higher tactics, ball control and aerobic, with lower shooting and strength, keeping overall at medium. Then about two weeks before league kick off, I move them to individual training programs for their position.

Very low injury rate.

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maybe SI should make the demo incredibly easy, and you win every game 6-0 without doing any tactics or training, then everyone would stop complaining.

remember guys, this is the demo and you are probably just playing it to get a feel for the game. i mean i could spend hours on tactics and training and signing players but i aint, its the demo, im just trying to get a feel for the game.

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@beta testers. I told you. :)

Pfft. I predicted this in 2001. September 4th to be precise. It's THAT obvious that someone will always assume any injury problem they have is a bug.

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The injury problem is always related to the training. In my case i used the same training system that i use on FM 2009 and found out that i can't use it because in 10 days i lost 7 players with 4-10 weeks injure. My opinion is that it's a bit unrealistic because the trainings on the pre-season are always intensive trainings and it isn't normal to see 7 players getting injured in 10 days. (and no, my workload is not at the maximum...)

I saw in the previous posts that this issue was tested by the Beta testers, my question to them is if they tested with different kinds of training.

Some information:

my training workloads are at the lowest lvl of Heavy.

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I would never ever have a heavy training routine in pre-season - I would keep it something in the middle of medium with fitness and strength being the areas I'd pay most attention to. To be honest, the highest I'd go in training is high end medium as any more is asking for trouble.

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Im having no problems with injuries either. 7 games in had 2 injuries, Chris Eagles Strained knee ligaments out for 2months and Steven Fletcher broke his collar bone and out for 7 weeks. Nothing that unrealistic about those 2 as in reallife Paterson and Chris McCann are both injured for at least 3months at the moment.

I agree last years FM was full of injuries left right and center something like up to 8 injuries at the start of a new game and as soon as one player recovered two more players got injured soon after, Which was highly frustrating untill it was all pacthed up.

But this FM is nothing like that, No unrealistic injuries whatso ever on my game imo.

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I would never ever have a heavy training routine in pre-season - I would keep it something in the middle of medium with fitness and strength being the areas I'd pay most attention to. To be honest, the highest I'd go in training is high end medium as any more is asking for trouble.

Well in previous versions of the game this was a level that you could play without having this numbers on injuries.

I still think that this level of workload shouldn't be causing so much injuries. At the most the condition of the players would decrease to low levels and then some injuries could appear, not having conditions of 90% and a lot of players getting injuries. My opinion... :)

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