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How do You change player position only (not instructions) ?

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This may be a stupid question but anyway;

How do I change player position only and not instructions when using the tactics screen ?

The problem is that I use individual settings for all my on field positions and only very few settings are meant to follow a specific player. When I change the a players position on the tactics screen (drag-drop) the game (FM09) ruins everything by also swapping the instructions intended for the original position. I have "solved" the problem by reloading the tactics when all position selecting are done, but that's really easy to forget...

BTW; The game should really have 3 steps of tactical instructions: Team, Position and Player. The way it works today (with just Team and Player) makes it very hard to use in a elegant way.

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If you click on player instructions there is a set to button right next to it, that allows you to set the players instructions to presets instructions on the game, I think you might be able to change them somehow and save your players instructions but I don't know how to do it.

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I'm not sure if this helps but what you can do is move one of the players you want to swap to a position that is unused. Then move the other player you want to swap to the position that you've just vacated. Then move the first player that you placed in a dummy position to the position you want. Does that make sense?

This will keep both players individual instructions but you will have to alter their mentality, closing down, forward runs if they aren't want you want from their new positions.

I agree, it's not perfect but at least it maintains some instructions that you want constant like long shots, run with the ball etc

You can also edit the player preset instructions. Here's a link that shows how to


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