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The 2007/08 Chelsea Thread

Philip Rolfe

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people claiming Chelsea didn't play entertaining football with JM is beyond silly. But i guess these are the kind of people that prefer to watch a 5-4 match where clearly both sides can't defend over a solid 2-0 win. IMO those people should honestly be watching Dutch football and not the EPL.

I expect the team to crumble without JM, luckily for the president the transfer season is closed but i would expect Drogba, Lampard and a few others to leave as soon as they can, since most of these only stayed on because of JM.

Meeting is still going on and i bet JT and Frank are being as hard on the board as they can about this manager change, i know very little about Grant but he does feel more like a pupet than a real manager, hope for the clubs sake that he can make something out of this.

I was expecting this ever since Grant was brought in..he was bound to interfere sooner or later and JM wouldn't put up with it..reports he might get up to 40M€ in compensation so he won't be too bothered. icon14.gif

Managers of other european big clubs are probably all shaking in their seats atm. icon_biggrin.gif

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I do think there is a bit of over-reaction about players leaving tbh. they are professional footballers and yes they love Jose but they won't just up and leave just coz. JT and Frank have repeatedly stated they love the club not the manager.

If players want to follow Jose then they are welcome as, as much of a legend as he was Chelsea FC will be here for much longer than him.

The King is dead. LONG LIVE THE KING.

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Originally posted by poyplemonkeys:

Success > being able to say that the consolation goal we scored was quite pretty.

Wtf are you on about?

I wasn't trying to irk anyone, and as you can judge by other responses, what I wrote was hardly anything other than fact. If I intended to IRK you, don't you think I would post something far more offensive than one word in brackets that happens to be a fact?

Btw, apart from certain periods under Mourinho, I have always thought Chelsea were an interesting and entertaining team to watch. I really hope they straighten the current situation out. Now that's not fake modesty, that's genuinely hoping Chelsea can pull back and give Arsenal, United and Liverpool some good competition for the title.

"fake modesty" > bandwagons and populistic drivel

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people claiming Chelsea didn't play entertaining football with JM is beyond silly. But i guess these are the kind of people that prefer to watch a 5-4 match where clearly both sides can't defend over a solid 2-0 win. IMO those people should honestly be watching Dutch football and not the EPL.

Imo, we didn't really play entertaining football. Efficient football yes, but not really entertaining. With the kind of players we have, I am sure we can play both entertaining and efficient football which JM didn't fully utilise. He has more of a winning mentality, which isn't a bad thing, just irksome to other fans who rate entertainment before silverware.

Still, I think it was a mistake to let JM go. It's been coming, with the signs of extreme unhappiness from Roman Abramovich at our type of football and JM's off-the-field comments. Didn't expect it to come so fast though.

Putting the past behind me anyway, no way should we allow ourselves to wallow in self pity at the irreversible, but I do have to say I look forward to more entertaining football plus silverware now. Hopefully.

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Originally posted by Walrus:

Shanyi - You strike me as very much a new football fan who sees football as entertainment like the theatre rather than a passionate, in your blood, love that you can't get rid of. And winning is the best thing rather than playing nice football.

I would rather have Jose and a million 1-0's than fancy football and a maybe we'll win a trophy.

Football is not purely entertainment it is life. And only winners matter in life.

I did a little sick-up when I read that.

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I would love that Chelsea still did well this season but i there will be a slump in morale now and it will be hard to keep the spirit up IMO.

Mourinho left Stamford Bridge on Thursday, with Chelsea quick to place Grant in charge of the first team after the Israeli arrived as director of football over the summer.

Grant's first test comes against champions Manchester United on Sunday, live on Sky Sports 1, and Carvalho wants his team-mates to look to the future.

Enormous test

"It is important that we are united behind Grant because he is the future of Chelsea now," Carvalho told the Daily Mail.

"The match at United is now going to be an enormous test. Our mission is not to lose."

Reflecting on his fellow Portuguese's exit, Carvalho said: "We are extremely sad about this. We are sad and we are shocked.

"For me there is no doubt. Jose Mourinho is the best coach in the world and I cannot believe that we have lost him.


"It has come as an enormous surprise to all the players. In the past few weeks the coach was unhappy because of our bad results, but we were all working together towards a solution."

Veteran midfielder Claude Makelele echoed Carvalho's sentiments, telling the Daily Star: "This news was like a bomb for me.

"I would never have believed we would see the exit of the coach just two months into the season.

"The squad have all been affected by Mourinho's departure. But we have to let that go now and start getting on with the new boss and start fighting to get back to the top because Chelsea need success.

"The match at Old Trafford is key. Our objective is to win so we avoid any pressure in the following matches."

They're a strong group but what kept it together was their relationship with JM, maybe guys like JT can now bring the best from the group, but i don't think Grant will, cause players won't see the authority in him for a while.

Compensation reported to be 26M€ (more than what he had to receive from pay) but is said that includes no revealing what happened and not training in the EPL (i would guess this would be until 2010 no?)

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Originally posted by orion318:

I've read somewhere that Grant refuses to work on the Jews holy day..saturday, he simply doesn't train the team etc, or go to games. Israel had a game v Ireland on a saturday and the assistant had to take over the team...if true that will go well with supporters icon_rolleyes.gif

So Stevie Clarke will be the real manager! \o/

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ok FC thanks for that info...it would be really silly if he does miss every saturday since that would mean missing about half a season.

Really can't believe that they went from someone like JM to Grant...bet he now doesn't have to win 2 CL's in 6 years..in fact i think he'll be lucky to get 1 EPL in that time, i believe this bunch of players will mostly leave between now and next season.

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The pessimism is unbelievable in this thread. Listen, players won't leave just coz the manager has left. They have contracts, large wages and large transfer fees. And they are professionals.

Do you leave your job just coz your boss who you get one with has left? No. It's business.

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You are right Walrus..unless most of them are at the club just because they wanted to work with Mourinho, and that is the case for a lot of the players. Carvalho, Drogba, Malouda, Ferreira, Hilario are sure examples.

They won't go AWOL but will probably ask the club to listen to any offers that come in.

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Originally posted by Walrus:

So many idiotic questions during the conference?


PK: Avram's contract is a permenant contract.

journo: Well, how long is that?

PK: how long is permanant (confused)?


What makes it idiotic?

Its permanant as apposed to part time/caretaker but it can still have a lenght, eg 4 years or whatever.

And he doesnt have a contract yet.

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that was just a highlight of the idiotic nature of the questions. Like repeatedly sking the same question. Queing BB and PK to have to repeatedly reply that they had already answered the question.

They were basically asking questions like would be asked on here. Raise above the sewer fellas.

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TBF all those listed above we can do without. Including the Drog and Ricky. They are great players but replacable.

Drogba is irreplaceable. The most effective striker in the world for me imo. Would be so gutted if he left.

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Yeah sorry Walrus but to suggest Didier is replacable is laughable, he's probably the best striker in the world in my opionion for different reasons, goals obviously, amazing control, anticipation, ability to win just about any ball pumped up to him and lay it off despite two centre backs up his backside constantly, power, pace and so - SO important when defending set piece's.

He is NOT replacable, but I fear he more than anyone will be thinking of going and can only hope someone does some serious convincing.

Think you underestimate just how good Ricky is too, despite the occasional stupid howler, he was amazing last year especially. Again won't be easy to replace, we've missed him the last few games and his partnership with JT was coming along very nicely, although I agree he could be replaced a hell of lot easier than Didier.

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Haven't had the net for a few days but here's my reaction...

Absolutely gutted. I really did love Jose, he has such a massive part of Chelsea for me and it will feel like a different club without him. Still massively grateful to Roman for all he has done, but ****ed off with him right now. In my head have written this season off and waiting for when we appoint a new manager in the summer.

But yeah, whatever happens in the future hope Jose does well, absolute hero to me. So gutted he didn't win the Champions' League with us, but brought us so much glory....just gutted.

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Originally posted by Walrus:

TBF all those listed above we can do without. Including the Drog and Ricky. They are great players but replacable.

The only players I would be concerned about would be JT and Cech. Everyone else is can be replaced.

That is a lot of crap tbh. Riccardo Carvalho easily our best defender last season and wouldn't be surprised at all if he is agian this season and you won't get many people arguing against the fact that Drogba is the best striker in the world at the moment.

JT is replaceable. Cech isn't. That's about all you got right.

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Originally posted by poyplemonkeys:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Walrus:

TBF all those listed above we can do without. Including the Drog and Ricky. They are great players but replacable.

The only players I would be concerned about would be JT and Cech. Everyone else is can be replaced.

That is a lot of crap tbh. Riccardo Carvalho easily our best defender last season and wouldn't be surprised at all if he is agian this season and you won't get many people arguing against the fact that Drogba is the best striker in the world at the moment.

JT is replaceable. Cech isn't. That's about all you got right. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

After that comment Rcjuk - Yes. icon_biggrin.gif

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Ofcourse Chelsea would still be Chelsea without him, just like we were before him, and like we will be long after he, Roman or anyone for that matter is gone.

We would be alot poorer for it if he wasn't here while he is still in his prime with better years ahead, its not just what he does on the pitch, its what he does off it as captain of the club.

A small example being Chelsea sign a new player, he'll be off to airport to greet said player, help them settle in, help them find a house, car, make them welcome, be on the other end of the phone if needed.

The fact he's been with us from the beggining means hes part of our identity, he the captain of our club and he goes beyond the call of standard duty, figuratively(sp?) speaking, if you cut him open he will bleed blue like the rest of the "real" Chelsea supporters, their is no one remaining in the club who understands what our club is all about.

Ok, the one fault I could bring out is the fact he's been quite happy to berate the ref's as regular occurence recently, I'd rather he showed some form of passion (despite if its correct or not) than show no emotion at all on the pitch.

I could go on but I cant really be bothered. icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Ratinho:

Yep, Arsenal managing to be Arsenal without our (debatably but not that debatably) best ever player. Chelsea are fine aslong as they don't f**k up the transition. Doing their best though by the look of it.

We're having ago yeah icon_biggrin.gif

If it all does go tits up, oh well, I'll still be here, supporting the team no matter what, I went through of midtable nothing-ness, I'm sure I could do it again if it came to it. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Chapman:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ratinho:

Yep, Arsenal managing to be Arsenal without our (debatably but not that debatably) best ever player. Chelsea are fine aslong as they don't f**k up the transition. Doing their best though by the look of it.

We're having ago yeah icon_biggrin.gif

If it all does go tits up, oh well, I'll still be here, supporting the team no matter what, I went through years of midtable nothing-ness, I'm sure I could do it again if it came to it. icon14.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Must be getting tired, so many mistakes icon_frown.gif

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Ok guys what can you "locals" tell me about this opening story here in the media.

'Turncoat' Terry

Jose Mourinho's relationship with John Terry has broken down completely over the Chelsea and England captain's central role in his departure from Stamford Bridge last week.

The Champions League-winning coach was replaced on Thursday by Avram Grant, a former Israel national team coach with no experience of club management outside his own country. According to many Chelsea sources, Grant will defer on football matters to owner Roman Abramovich, who has already started to take a hands-on role with the first team.

Mourinho holds Terry responsible for charges levelled by Chelsea's board of directors that he had lost the support of his playing staff after Tuesday's Champions League draw with Rosenborg - a match that was followed by club owner Roman Abramovich lecturing a senior professional on his on-field tactics behind Mourinho's back.

Half an hour before the Group B fixture, claims a dressing-room source, Terry told one of Mourinho's assistant coaches that he had 'things on my mind'. Only the intervention of a team-mate put him in the right state of mind to take part in the pre-match warm-up, for which Terry arrived late.

Midway through the first half Rosenborg scored, after Miika Koppinen beat Terry at a set piece. When Mourinho then directly criticised the centre back's defending at half time, Terry refused to accept responsibility for the goal or even to respond to his manager.

Earlier on Tuesday, Terry had been informed that Mourinho had gone to the club's medical department to ask whether there was any physical reason for the player's sub-standard performances in matches this season. Mourinho hoped to find an explanation for a significant decline in Terry's play following an operation to remove a disc from the defender's spine in December.

Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon was made aware of the dispute and, according to the dressing-room source, presented the information to an emergency board meeting on Wednesday as evidence that the manager had lost the trust of key players. The club subsequently asked Mourinho for his resignation, which he refused to tender, but ultimately settled on dismissal by 'mutual consent'. Later on Wednesday, Mourinho sent Terry a text message sarcastically thanking him for talking to the club's hierarchy.

On Friday, several first-team regulars apparently took their captain to task during a 50-minute team meeting called by Terry in the aftermath of Mourinho's dismissal. Ashley Cole, Didier Drogba and Florent Malouda are believed to have accused him of not doing enough to keep Mourinho at the club.

Terry is England's best-paid footballer after agreeing a five-year, £131,000-a-week contract this summer. In initial negotiations he had requested a 'limitless parity' clause to ensure he was the club's biggest earner for the duration of a proposed nine-year term. According to a Chelsea insider Terry also wanted - and was refused - a contractual option for him to manage the club at the end of his playing career.

As far-fetched as that request might be, Abramovich's actions in the aftermath of the Rosenborg draw were equally bizarre. In front of the entire Chelsea team, but while Mourinho was occupied with press conference duties, the Russian billionaire decided to hand out an impromptu tactics lesson to Michael Essien.

Employing striker Andriy Shevchenko as translator, he instructed midfielder Essien, player of the year last season, to hit passes wide rather than through central areas where the Norwegians had compressed play. Abramovich is expected to take an increasingly hands-on role in the team following the appointment of Grant to replace Mourinho and, according to several sources, will effectively select the side. In a press conference on Friday, Grant insisted he would not tolerate interference but declined to respond when asked who was the most important individual at Chelsea. 'Look, the owner gives the financial support,' Grant said. 'I'm not going to make remarks.'

The 52-year-old is already the subject of significant discontent among a first-team squad predominantly still loyal to Mourinho. Grant, though, is confident he will bring not only more silverware to Chelsea but a more attractive brand of football and said on Friday that he had no problems with the playing staff. 'There's a very good relationship with the players,' he said. 'I like their attitude, how they want to win all the time, even if the last result wasn't like that, but the relationship is good.'

Grant's first match comes at Old Trafford this afternoon, but he did not work yesterday for religious reasons. He must also wait for his Israeli coaching qualifications to be cleared by Uefa before he can be formally approved as a top-flight manager. Chelsea insist the process will be trouble-free.

Though Grant claimed that he had no 'plan to be the manager' until the appointment came about, he had begun requesting clearance from Uefa a fortnight ago.

According to Kenyon, the 'first-team coach' will be involved in all key areas of transfers and team building. He said: 'We are not embarking on the arbitrary buying of players and telling the coach to play them. Avram will be absolutely involved, responsible for picking the team and responsible for the results.'

Kenyon denied that Terry - who declined to comment last night - played any part in Mourinho's departure: 'There is absolutely nothing in stories that the dressing room has been lost. In particular there is no truth in any rumours that a bust-up with one or several of our players led to him leaving the club.'

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