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The rise of an unlikely Asian star


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by milanfan_apoorv:

mebbe its was better if you left the story ben icon_razz.gif are you depressed or something? seems to be spilling over to your story icon_razz.gif

enjoy yourself at the "sandhurst of singapore". </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

No Apoorv, I meant for it to be like that. Ben in the story is going through a rough patch. I'm absolutely fine IRL. icon_biggrin.gif

coolmoose, answer will be revealed shortly. icon_wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by coolmoose:

Wonder what Anthony Stokes will do when he sees Ben at Sunderland </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think he had already asked for a free transfer icon_biggrin.gif

Wonder if Ben will change nationality...

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Thanks guys for the comments. icon14.gif

And so, with Ben still in a huff, he made his way to the Stadium of Light to meet the manager, Mr Roy Keane.

"Good morning Sir." he muttered, trying not to expose his still boiling emotions, bearing in mind the reputation Keano has.

"Good morning Ben. No need for the niceties. Call me Roy." Keane's chirpiness took Ben by surprise.

"C'mon boy, I'll take you to the training ground to meet some of the lads." he continued.

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At the training ground, the Sunderland players were up and about with their morning training.

"Feel free to mingle about, and get to know some of them. I have some work to do in the office, but I'll come and check on you in a while." Keane suggessted.

And so, Ben walked around the training pitch, trying to identify the faces he knew, and introduce himself to them.

Just then, a guy staggered across towards Ben.

"Eye, ain't youse that bloke who woz at the Arsenal?" He appeared drunk as he slurred.

"Erm, you are?" Ben asked.

"Stoko mate. Wha' ya doing 'ere, ya Asian ****?" he answered.

And Ben realised it was his old enemy once again, Anthony Stokes.

"Look, you young upstart. I'm not in the best of moods, so don't take the ****." Ben reacted, still a bit miffed about the morning's events.

"Wha', the Arsenal ain't good enough for ya? Or ya wanna rematch? C'mon lad, I'll take ya! C'mon!" Stokes threw a few pretend punches Ben's way.

"Look, I'm not looking for any aggro here..." But before Ben could finish his sentence, Stokes threw a punch across his face, perhaps accidental due to his drunk state.

That really riled Ben up, and he swiftly countered, and it soon turned into a full-on brawl, with the surrounding players trying to split the two warring players up.

"Oi oi oi! What's going on?!" Keane roared as he emerged from his office back onto the pitch.

As soon as he realised what had happened, he ordered, "Ben, I want to see you in my office now. Stokes, go bloody home! You're suspended from the next match!"

Ben's day was going from bad to worse.

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In Keane's office...

"Ben, I know you have a bit of history with Anthony, but you have to understand we don't condone such practices here." Keane started.

You're one to speak, Ben thought, images of Roy Keane's own playing career springing to his mind. But he kept schtum, wisely.

"B..but, he started it first!" Ben protested.

"I don't care who started it first. Discipline is of utmost importance here." Keane reiterated.

"The thing is, Stokes is a player under contract, so we could hand out a relevant punishment."

"However, as you are not a player under contract with us, I'm afraid I won't be able to sign you, as it would be sending out a wrong message. It might seem that I would be condoning your actions if I do offer you a contract."

Ben was shattered. What was going on?

"So regretfully, I'm afraid that I have to send you back to Arsenal. I'm sorry it hasn't worked out. I wish you all the best, and hoped you learnt your lesson."

Ben was stunned. It seemed like an injustice that Stokes was the perpetrator but was only given a slap on the wrist, but Ben being the victim was made to pay. He felt slighted by it all.

"Thank you Sir." he muttered as he shuffled out the door, head hung low. The unfairness of it all...

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Back at Arsenal...

Arsene Wenger was livid. "What on earth were you thinking?" he shouted at Ben.

Ben was shocked. He had never seen Wenger so angry before, and it left him speechless.

"I'm sorry boss." he wimpered.

"Sorry?! You've ruined your future young man! It's all over the news and now no club in England will want to take you on now." Wenger pointed out.

The reality struck Ben hard. It was true in a way. Everybody in England knew about it, and Ben's reputation as a trouble maker will work against him finding another club willing to take him on loan.

"You leave me no choice. I'm going to send you to our American feeder club in Los Angeles." Wenger stated.

"B..but, they're not playing football there now!" Ben protested. It was the MLS off season, and there wouldn't be any games for three months.

"All the more time for you to think about your actions!" Wenger roared.

Ben knew there wasn't any use arguing with his boss, and so accepted his punishment. He was to pack his bags and fly out to join the LA Galaxy the next day.

As he trooped out of Wenger's office dejectedly, he thought, What have I done now? Is my career ruined? Will I ever play a senior game for Arsenal? Or anyone else for that matter?

Some serious soul searching was needed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by milanfan_apoorv:

screw dat motha******!! yeah!! ya gotta do some chin checkin' knamean?

too much boondocks again icon_frown.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

um... what?

Oh well done Ben icon_rolleyes.gif. Thrown away your career. Will this jiggyness be censored? icon_wink.gif

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Ho hum. More misery...

Ben faced a lonely trip to LA. There wasn't anyone to see him off at Heathrow. No one to accompany him there. It was to be a long, lonely flight. No Rachel with him as well.

Still, it meant time for him to reflect upon himself.

The only bright spot was the possibility of working with David Beckham. And LA was also a city full of entertainment, so he couldn't possibly be bored.

But he had to be focused. He had to put his career back on track, and not be distracted by other things.

Easier said than done though...

I'll be taking a short break from writing during the holidays, but I hope to be back soon. icon_wink.gif

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coolmoose, The Boondocks was a comic strip and is now an animated T.V. series. It's about these two black brothers, Huey and Riley, who move from the south side of chicago to the 'blindingly white' suburb of woodcrest. Huey is a Neo Malcolm X/Huey P. Newton (who Huey claim is his namesake). Riley on the other hand is an eight year old foul mouthed wanna be gangsta rapper. find out more about it here.


BTW when will you be back chia?

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  • 3 weeks later...

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by milanfan_apoorv:

<prod> <prod> <prod>

holiday over innit icon_razz.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

He used to liste nto this song and in the chorus they went "Rainbow Remo". Just thought I might ask.

And yes, hliday is over Ben. Workers are back at work and all. Not wanting to rush you though icon_wink.gif

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Okay, I'm gonna do something a bit interesting. It's a brief recap, done in the style of newspaper reports. icon_biggrin.gif

When he first signed:

The Sun - Arsenal Sign Jungle Boy

Arsenal are due to appear at a hearing to appeal for a work permit for their recently discovered talent, from the South East Asian jungle state of Singapore. 20 year old Ben Cee comes with no previous professional playing experience, and his signing is seen as a risk, or even a mistake, for the normally astute Arsene Wenger.

When he went out on loan:

The Sun - Jungle Boy to return home

Arsenal's young Singaporean defender Ben Cee is to return to his homeland of Singpore on loan in order to gain some playing experience. He will spend the next six months playing for his hometown club Woodlands Wellington in the Singapore League. One wonders whether he has enough quality to cut it as a professional footballer, let alone for one of the biggest clubs in the world.

After his first bust up with Anthony Stokes:

Sky Sports News - Cee in training ground bust-up

Arsenal have agreed a fee with Sunderland for young striker Anthony Stokes. Sources have reported that Stokes was involved with a bust-up with Singaporean Ben Cee, which has left the young defender out injured for a significent period of time. Though there has been no official comment from the club or the players involved, newspapers have started to question Wenger's overprotectiveness of Cee.

When he went to watch Arsenal play Liverpool at Anfield:

The Daily Mail - WHO'S THAT GIRL I CEE?

Young Arsenal defender Ben Cee was spotted with a mystery lass at Anfield over the weekend. Questions have now been raised over the Singaporean's true intentions of coming to Britain, with reports claiming that he's just here to leech money from clubs and waste it all on girls.

When he had a pre-season bust-up with Wenger:


Arsenal defender Ben Cee was left out of the team squad that headed out to Austria for pre-season training yesterday. Reports have mentioned that the young Singaporean had an amazing bust up with manager Arsene Wenger over Ben's 'girlfriend'. Apparantly Wenger refused permission for Ben to bring his girl to Austria, which infuriated Cee and led to the argument. Could this finally mean the end of this young man's Arsenal career?

When he made his debut against Hamburg in a pre-season friendly:

The Daily Mirror - Young Guns fail to get past Germans

Arsenal's youngsters today went down 2-1 to German side Hamburg at the Emirates today in the Emirates Cup tournament. After their magnificent win against Inter Milan yesterday, Arsene Wenger decided to rest his stars and put out a young side against the Germans. Young Singaporean defender Ben Cee made his long-awaited debut at right back, but his inexperience was telling, letting in two quick goals from laymaker Rafael van der Vaart. Midfielder Marc Randall scored a superb goal in return, but ultimately the Gunners paid the price for putting out a weakened team.

When he wanted to leave Arsenal out on loan:

The Daily Telegraph - Ben Cee to leave Arsenal

Arsenal's young Singaporean defender Ben Cee's future is in doubt as he is said to be unhappy with the lack of first team opportunities. He has requested a move away from the Emirates in order to further his footballing career, or lack thereof. Manager Arsene Wenger is said to be willing to let him go out on loan and Sunderland are among the clubs currently interested in the right back who can play anywhere across the defence.

After his second bust up with Anthony Stokes at Sunderland:


Arsenal defender Ben Cee's hopes of securing a loan move to Sunderland were scuppered today after yet another training ground bust up WITH THE SAME GUY. Anthony Stokes, apparantely drunk, insulted Ben with a few choice words, leading to a brawl which had to be stopped by the other Sunderland players and manager Roy Keane. Stokes and Cee have clashed before while bothe were at Arsenal, and in fact was the reason Stokes was shipped out of the Emirates. Keane is said to be disappointed with Cee and has duly sent the defender back to London. With the transfer deadline looming and Ben's reputation now in tatters after this latest incident, will his career finally be over?

After he was sent to America by Wenger in anger:

The Times - Cee sent to Hollywood

Arsenal has sent defender Ben Cee to Los Angeles Galaxy in America after his well publicised bust-up at Sunderland. Manager Arsene Wenger was said to be furious with Ben's behaviour and has sent him across the Atlantic for him to 'wake up his idea'. With no games in the MLS until April, will Ben be distracted by the wayward Hollywood lifestyle? Could this decision backfire on Wenger, and ruin Ben once and for all?

P.S. Arsenal has an MLS feeder club IRL, but it's actually the Colorado Rapids, and not LA Galaxy. But there's a reason why I sent him to LA, so watch this space. icon_wink.gif

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He has played, just not made his official debut yet.

I'm sorry, but there's been a lot going on for me lately, hence the lack of updates. I'll really try to think of something as soon as possible, but I can't guarantee when I'll be free next.

I hardly even have time to play FM now...

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Hey guys. I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to find the time to continue this. I really don't want this to end, but I suppose it's for the best, instead of leaving you guys hanging.

Alternatively, you guys can be creative and continue it for me, since it's fictional and it's only limited to your imagination.

My ending for Ben would be simple (if I choose to end it):

Ben was depressed after being sent to LA that he retired from football.

It's been a fun run. I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. Cheers and thanks for the support. icon14.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by milanfan_apoorv:

sent you a mail on your listed IDben please check. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That email add is a dummy. Send it to benchia.ase(at)gmail.com

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