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Aberdeen, The SPL challenge!

Stuart Johnston

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Dons and Hearts hold to a draw

Aberdeen 0 - 0 Hearts

Aberdeen and Hearts drew, in a quite Depressing match, the only thing it was good for was putting people to sleep.

Man of the Match - Moilanen (10) Hearts

Aberdeen Bookings - N/A

Hearts Bookings - N/A

League Positions - Aberdeen (6th) Hearts (11th)

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Celtic nearly lose to Dons!

Celtic 3 - 1 Aberdeen

Ok, so they didn't NEARLY lose, but they nearly drew, Stuart Johnston's side played well but Ilic kicked the ball into his own net! The Striker Winner from the Next Big Thing, scored, on his 2nd match, first start! Lambert and Juniniho were the other Scorers.

Man of the Match - Paul Lambert (9) Celtic

Aberdeen Scorers - Alex Martin (60)

Celtic Scorers - Sasa Ilic (O.G, 23), Paul Lambert (32), Juninho (78), Petrov (Missed Pen, 17)

League Postions - Celtic (1st) Aberdeen (7th)

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Aberdeen through to Final of League Cup!

Inverness 2 - 4 Aberdeen

With Ilic Banned, it seemed an Impossible task, but not for Alex Martin, 25 years old, and just signed his first professinal Contract at Aberdeen, and followed up his goal against Celtic, with a Hat-Trick against Inverness, to put Aberdeen to the Final of the League Cup. Alex, speaking after the game, said "Rangers, Celtic and St.Mirren said I was rubbish, but after 7 long years as a footballer, Some1 Believed in me, Stuart Johnston is a great man, he knows more about Players Abiltys then anybody else. McAllister is a great Example of that, he was another one, that was told he was a flop, now he's a first team player." He then Celebrated his Man of the Match award, by Drinking half the Bottle of Champaigne in one shot.

Man of the Match - Alex Martin (10) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Martin (21, 79, 81) Steven Craig (90)

Inverness Scorers - MacMillan (22), Keogh (74)

Aberdeen will Face Rangers in the final. Rangers are clear favourites to win!

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Dons Hero's Dark Past

Alex Martin has revealed he was once overweight, alcholic and on the brink of being Homeless, until Stuart Johnston, told him to turn himself around 3 years ago, during Manchester United's tour of Scotland. Stuart's wife, who was friends with Martin's Sister, told him about this, and he went to see him. He was able to get Martin off the Beer, and got him playing Football again. He then told him, after a year, to play for a Local team and Prove himself, which he did. He left his Local Team after hearing that Stuart was the new Manager of Aberdeen. He then waited until the Reality TV show, The Next Big Thing, came on, and he entered. Stuart chose him not because he already knew him, but because he shined over the youngsters. And nows hes a Superstar, well, Nearly. A real Success story!

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Well bring Dons back down to Earth

Motherwell 4 - 2 Aberdeen

McDonald (3) and Foran made Aberdeen, still Celebrating making it to the Scottish League Cup final. Martin and Adams got goals for Aberdeen, but it was too late.

Man of the Match - Scott MacDonald (10) Motherwell

Motherwell Scorers - MacDonald (3), Foran

Aberdeen Scorers - Martin, Adams

Aberdeen Bookings - Diamond

Motherwell Bookings - Foran

League Positions - Motherwell (4th) Aberdeen (7th)

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Press Conference

SJ: Yo, I just have to say that Motherwell were, by far, the better team on the day. So, any Questions?

Sun Reporter: Do you think Ilic is not performing well recently?

SJ: Yeah, he does seem to be losing his performances, Bengt Andersson will be replacing him until I think he's ready for first team football again.

Press & Journal Reporter: Alex Martin seems like a great player, 4 games, 5 goals, he seems to be a great bargain!

SJ: Of course, you may of heard his life story a couple of days ago, he has turned his life around! He is a class player, I think he has the ability to play for Scotland.

Daily Record Reporter: I think your team is in quite a bad position, do you think that?

SJ: no, since we were tipped to be relegated, ya know? now, I gotta go talk to the boys! C y'all!

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Aberdeen out of cup!

Dundee Utd 2 - 1 Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scottish Cup Dreams are over, after blowing their lead, and it might of not been that way if Andersson hadn't got an Injury. Ilic let in two easy goals, while Adams, who scored for Aberdeen, tried to spit on him, he missed though. Adams said after the match that Ilic has to be dropped, and Stuart agreed, but he still lashed out at Adams for his Spitting!.

Man of the Match - Mark Kerr (8) Dundee Utd

Aberdeen Scorers - Adams

Dundee Utd Scorers - Scotland, Samuel

Aberdeen Bookings - Severin

Dundee Utd Bookings - Scotland, McIntyre

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Inverness pulls another punch to Dons

Aberdeen 2 - 3 Inverness

Johnston has had enough of his goalkeepers unperforming. He's admitted that he thought a new contract would boost their performances, well, he thought wrong. Bengt Andersson let in 2 goals even Stuart Johnston could save, and now people are wondering, is the ex-Sweden International past his game at the age of 38? Who knows?

Man of the Match - Alex Martin (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Martin (2)

Inverness Scorers - Juanjo, MacMillan, Finnigan

Aberdeen Bookings - Martin, McGuire, Severin

Inverness Bookings - Dobson

League Positions - Aberdeen (8th) Inverness (5th)

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Late goal clinches 3 points for Dons

Hibs 1 - 2 Aberdeen

Hibs looked set to settle for a point, after Derek Adams scored to make it 1-1, when Noel Whelan, who came on as a sub, hit one into the back of the net. Sasa Ilic and Bengt Andersson was not playing so well, so he put on a goalkeeper who hasn't played all season. Enter....Ryan Esson. Ok, He let in a Phil McGuire O.G, but that was impossible to block, so he really deserved a clean sheet. He only saved one shot, because all the others went over, or wide, or was blocked by a defender. At the end of the day, it was Aberdeen's game!

Man of the Match - Derek Adams (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Adams, Whelan

Hibs scorers - McGuire (O.G)

Aberdeen Scorers - McNaughton

League Postions - Hibs (7th) Aberdeen (6th)

Other Results - Inverness 1 - 1 Hearts

Kilmarnock 1 - 2 Dundee

Motherwell 0 - 1 Celtic

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Dons hardly worked as they beat Killie

Kilmarnock 0 - 1 Aberdeen

Aberdeen looked like schoolboys, against Toddlers, as they beat Killie 1-0, Steven Craig with the goal. When we said they played like Shoolboys, we ment on how relaxed they were. After the goal the midfield and the Strikers did pretty much nothing, but the defence and Esson worked hard. Now people are asking this question, can Aberdeen make it to the UFEA cup next season? Well, their almost their, as long as Celtic win the Scottish Cup. They beat Rangers 3-1 so they do look good, and Aberdeen are out of it so they need Celtic to win it, or they beat Rangers in the League Cup Final, it Depends!

Man of the Match - Phil McGuire (8) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Steven Craig

Kilmarnock Bookings - Greer, McDonald

League Postions - Killie (9th) Aberdeen (6th)

Other Results - Celtic 1 - 1 Hearts

Hibs 0 - 2 Livingston

Inverness 3 - 0 Dunfermilne

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Dundee Utd and Dons draw!

Aberdeen 1 - 1 Dundee Utd

Aberdeen went out onto that ptch looking for revenge, since Dundee Utd put them out of the Scottish Cup. Derek Adams scored early on, and that goal took Aberdeen in the lead for mot of the game, before Dundee Utd Equalised, Stuart Duff getting the goal. Other then that, it was an uneventful match.

Man of the Match - Barry Robson (9) Dundee Utd

Aberdeen Scorers - Derek Adams

Dundee Utd Scorers - Stuart Duff

League Postions - Aberdeen (6th) Dundee Utd (4th)

Other Results - There were no other games!

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Late goal from Ferguson put Rangers on top!

Aberdeen 0 - 1 Rangers

Aberdeen lasted 86 minutes without conceding a goal, and the first half had Rangers with the best chances, second still had Rangers with the best chances, and Aberdeen with a couple, but a specatular 35 yard shot by Barry Ferguson saved the day for Rangers, and took them top. Rangers will go into next week's Scottish League cup Final match with much more confidence the Aberdeen. These two were only playing because their both out of the Scottish Cup.

Man of the Match - Marvin Andrews (9) Rangers

Rangers Scorers - Ferguson

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Aberdeen team to Face Rangers in League Cup Final

GK: Ryan Esson (51 apps, 0 goals)

DR: Kevin McNaughton (140 apps, 1 goal)

DL: Phil McGuire (161, 10 goals)

DC: Craig Sives (bought from Hearts, 5 apps, 0 goals)

DC: Zander Diamond (52 apps, 4 goals)

MR: Chris Clark (86 apps, 3 goals)

ML: Ross McAllister (25 apps, 2 goals)?

MC: Markus Heikknen (239 apps, 8 goals)

AMC: Derek Adams (261 apps, 61 goals)

FC: Steven Craig (122 apps, 23 goals)

FC: Alex Martin (10 apps, 7 goals)

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Rangers win League Cup!

Rangers 3 - 0 Aberdeen

Alex McLeash was ecstatic after the match, after Rangers got a convincing win at the team he made his name at. Steven Thompson, Ferguson and Agnew with the Rangers goals, and Aberdeen's goalie, Ryan Esson, said his Biggest match of his Carrer turned out to be his worst. Stuart was very dissapointed, but he did admit, he thought it would be 5-0! Can Aberdeen win it Next season, we doubt it!

Man of the Match - Barry Ferguson (8) Rangers

Rangers Scorers - Steven Thompson, Barry Ferguson, Scott Agnew.

Rangers have now won their first cup, but can they win the SPL? Celtic are in the lead so, we don't know!

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Aberdeen beat Livvie

Aberdeen 1 - 0 Livingston

Scott Sevrin got a fantasic goal as Aberdeen keep their bid for a Euro Place alive. Their biggest hope of a Euro Place is in the Euro Vase, though. Stuart is happy with ANY Euro place. He admitted, "there would be no need for Friendlys".

Man of the Match - Bengt Andersson (8) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Severin

Aberdeen Bookings - Scott Severin

Livingston Bookings - McAnmee, Stanic, Vincze, Wilson, Scott

League Postions - Aberdeen (6th) Livingston (11th)

Other Results - Celtic 3 - 0 Inverness

Rangers 2 - 0 Dunfermilne

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Andersson Hero as Aberdeen get another 3 points

Dunfermilne 0 - 1 Aberdeen

Bengt Andersson has changed over the last month, from letting in everything, from letting in nothing. He was named Man of the Match for the second Match in a row and seems on course to be Aberdeen's no.1 next season. Andersson had to save shot, after shot, after shot, and hardly broke a sweat. The 38-year old Swedish keeper. Stuart Johnston will reveal which players will be leaving at a press conference at the end of the month, and Taribo West is already been named by Assistant Manger, Jimmy Nichol, after failing to challenge for a first team place after being signed by manager Stuart Johnston. He will also reveal which players hes bringing in, and hoping to bring in.

Man of the Match - Bengt Andersson (8)

Aberdeen Scorers - Ross McCormack

Aberdeen Bookings - McNaughton, Diamond, Watson, Severin, Morrison, Craig

Dunfermilne Bookings - Ross, Branco, Mason, Hunt, Makel

Dunfermilne Sendind off's - Lee Makel

League Postions - Dunfermilne (8th) Aberdeen (6th)

Other Results - Celtic 0 - 0 Dundee Utd

Dundee Utd 3 - 2 Rangers

Hearts 0 - 2 Hibs

Motherwell 2 - 0 Kilmarnock

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Hearts beat Aberdeen as they continue come-back

Hearts 1 - 0 Aberdeen

Even though Craig Sives, the ex-Hearts youngster, stole the show, Phil Stamp's powerful shot from 25-yards went right past Bengt Andersson, has he tries to keep his No.1 Jersey. Alex Martin and Darren Mackie failed to get any chances, while Severin, who used to play for Hearts, and Captian Derek Adams, were Injures on th 44th minute and 45th minute. The Dons fans will be hoping to see them back A.S.A.P, and so will Stuart Johnston. He wasn't dissapointed, he was a bit un-happy, still, one of his Winter Signings got a M.O.T.M, against his old club, must be worth something.

Man of the Match - Craig Sives (8) Aberdeen

Hearts Scorers - Phil Stamp (22)

Aberdeen Bookings - Graeme Watson

Hearts Bookings - Phil Stamp, Dennis Wyness, Stephan Simmons.

League Positions - Hearts (up, 8th) Aberdeen (unmoved, 6th)

Other Results - Dundee 2 - 0 Dunfermilne

Inverness 1 - 3 Dundee Utd

Livingston 1 - 0 Kilmarnock

Motherwell 2 - 2 Hibs

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Brave Dons lose to Mighty Celtic

Aberdeen 1 - 3 Celtic

Steven Craig stunned everybody today, by passing not 1 player, not 2 players, but 5 players before scoring, it was amazing. Sutton (2) and Lawson got the Celtic goals keeps Celtic at the top of the table to 5 points ahead of rivals Rangers. Aberdeen drop down to 7th.

Man of the Match - Chris Sutton (8) Celtic

Aberdeen Scorers - Steven Craig

Celtic Scorers - Chris Sutton (2), Paul Lawson

Aberdeen Bookings - McAllister, Sives

Celtic Bookings - Lennon, Sylla

League Postions - Aberdeen (7th) Celtic (1st)

Other Results - Dundee utd 1 - 0 Kilmarnock

Hibs 4 - 2 Inverness

Rangers 4 - 0 Motherwell

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Press Conference regarding Future Signings

Jimmy Nicholl: Aberdeen are glad to say that we have sucessfully able to get some brilliant players for free. Here is Stuart Johnston (SJ) to tell you all of the future Signings.

SJ: Thx, Jimmy. Now, before I announce the future signings, I just wanna say that some of these player you might not of heard of, ever, here they are.

Mirian Pavlin - APOEL - £0

Steven Murray - Wick Academy - £0

Derek Stillie - Dunfermilne - £35k

Edilson - Al Ain - £0

Morten Weighorst - Brondby - £0

Fabian Caberello - Dundee - £0

Paul Lambert - Celtic - £0

Thank y'all! and c y'all later!

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Bottom Placed Dundee draw to Aberdeen

Aberdeen 1 - 1 Dundee

After a report that said that Goalkeepers make good Strikers, Stuart said that wasn't true, and he also said he'll put his no.4 goalie up front. He did, and Brain Hamilton, their NO.4, Scored Aberdeen's only goal. Stuart's mission was to prove the report wrong, insted, he proved it right. Steve Lovell scored Dundee's goal.

Man of the Match - Chirs Clark (10) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Brian Hamilton

Dundee Scorers - Steve Lovell

Aberdeen Bookings - Diamond

Dundee Bookings - Caberllelo

League Postions - Aberdeen (7th) Dundee (12th)

Other Results - Dundee Utd 3 - 2 Motherwell

Dunfermilne 1 - 0 Livingston

Hibs 2 - 0 Celtic

Kilmarnock 4 - 0 Inverness

Rangers 3 - 1 Hearts

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Aberdeen push for 3rd place

Aberdeen 1 - 0 Hibs

The first game since the League Splt, and Aberdeen are among the three clubs pushing for 3rd place. Yet out of those three clubs, Dundee Utd, Motherwell and Aberdeen, Aberdeen are the underdogs, 4 points behind Dundee Utd, who are 4th. Mackie scored Aberdeen's only goal, as Andersson is proving why Sasa Ilic was Transfer Listed earlier this week, Andersson is just too good. Since December, when he joined, he was struggling at first, now he looks set to retire, as Aberdeen's no.1 next season. IF he retires, Esson or Stillie will take his place. Ronald Watterus was interested in Aberdeen, but changed his mind at the last minute, after another on of Andersson's amazing performances. He said <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> I wouldn't beat him for a no.1 place. If I did, I would lose it quite quickly. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Man of the Match - Markus Heikkinen (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Darren Mackie

Aberdeen Bookings - Adams

Hibs Bookings - Scott Brown

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Celtic 3 points away from SPL

Celtic 3 - 0 Aberdeen

After losing to Motherwell last week, they needed to beat Aberdeen, which they did. They are now 4 points ahead of Rangers, with 9 more points to play for. But they've got Rangers next, which means if they win that match, they've won the title. While Alex McLesh looks set to leave Rangers after a quite dismal Season, could Stuart be tempted to join Rangers as their new manager? Who knows?

Man of the Match - Chris Sutton (9) Celtic

Celtic Scorers - Sutton, Juninho, Valgaeren.

League Postions - Celtic (1st) Aberdeen (5th)

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Alex McLesh and Stuart Johnston in the pub.

AM: How's the Family?

SJ: The wife's fine, our two kids, Jim (after Jim Leighton) and Eion (after Eion Jess) are doing well in School, how's yours?

AM: Same really.

SJ: Kool.

AM: I hope we can beat Celtic.

SJ: Same ere.

AM: Yeah, Prso, Novo are gonna rack in those goals. Sutton's been rubbish.

SJ: 27 goals this season.

AM: Really? I thought your team had scored more then that!

SJ: Not us, Chris Sutton!

AM: Oh, right, really?

SJ: Aye, scored one against us in the last match.

AM: Hmm, and you've got a good goalie.

SJ: I suppose. Another beer? Its my turn to pay for it.

AM: Nah, I'm driving.

SJ: I take the bus.

AM: Do you have a car?

SJ: Yes, but the Bus takes less work.

AM: Ok, well I better go, see you.

SJ: Yeah, bye. hmm, how many goals HAVE we scored this season?

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Aberdeen's are just 2 points behind the 4th place

Motherwell 1 - 2 Aberdeen

Adams got a goal against his old club, as Aberdeen go 2 points behind them in 5th place. Aberdeen, who had just came off a loss from Celtic, were looking for 4th place, and now there hoping Rangers, Hibs and Dundee Utd can get results against them. McGurie, pen, scores for Aberdeen and McDonald score for Motherwell.

Man of the Match - Chirs Clark (10) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - D.Adams, P.McGuire(pen)

Motherwell Scorers - S.McDonald

Aberdeen Bookings - McGuire, Craig

Motherwell Bookings - Craigian

League Postions - Aberdeen (5th) M'Well (4th)

Other Results - Dundee Utd 1 - 2 Hibs

Rangers 1 - 2 Celtic

Celtic have won the SPL!

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Dons push Rangers to their limits, but Dons could not find goal.

Aberdeen 0 - 1 Rangers

Nacho Novo's goal was enough to beat Aberdeen. But Aberdeen were the best team out there. The Rangers squad, their Morale low after failing to win title, were pushed to their limits by Aberdeen. Andersson got a rare relaxing day, while Klos got another hard day, and came out with a Man of the Match award.

Man of the Match - Stefan Klos (8) Rangers

Rangers Scorers - Nacho Novo

Aberdeen Bookings - Heikkenen

League Postions - Rangers (2nd) Aberdeen (5th)

Other Results - Celtic 4 - 0 Dundee utd

Dunfermilne 0 - 0 Kilmarnock

Hibs 3 - 0 Motherwell

Livingston 2 - 1 Hearts

Aberdeen are hoping for Rangers to beat Motherwell, while they gonna hope to beat Dundee Utd.

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Dons finish 4th after easy win against Dundee utd

Dundee Utd 0 - 3 Aberdeen

Steven Craig scored a hat-trick on getting Aberdeen to 4th, but they still finished 4th, 2 points behind Dundee Utd. Aberdeen will be waiting to see if they will be in the Euro Vase next season, but they have a feeling they won't be. Man of the Match and Hat-Trick hero, Steven Craig, said Aberdeen deserved to be thired after that performance, that will be hoping to be third by next season. Craig finished off Aberdeen's top scorer with 17 goals.

Man of the Match - Steven Craig (10) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - S.Craig (3)

Aberdeen Bookings - Clark, Adams.

Dundee Utd Bookings - Scotland, Crawford, McLaren.

Dundee Utd Sent Off - McLaren

League Postions - Aberdeen (4th) Dundee utd (3rd)

Other Results - Hibs 3 - 3 Celtic

Rangers 0 - 0 Motherwell

Final League Table

1st - Celtic (88 pts) C

2nd - Rangers (81 pts)

3rd - Dundee Utd (57 pts)

4th - ABERDEEN (55 pts)

5th - Motherwell (55 pts)

6th - Hibs (50 pts)


7th - Inverness (49 pts)

8th - Livingston (47 pts)

9th - Dunfermilne (46 pts)

10th - Hearts (43 pts)

11th - Kilmarnock (33 pts)

12th - Dundee (30 pts) R

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July 2005/ Intertoto Cup

Euro Vase 2nd Round/1st leg

Pittordrie (Attendence - 10253)

Aberdeen 1 (Adams, Pen, 10)

Viking 1 (Ostenstad, 49)

Euro Vase 2nd round 2nd Leg

Viking Stadion (Attendence 8027)

Viking 2 (Larsen, Kopteff)

Aberdeen 2 (Mackie, Craig)

Euro Vase 3rd Round/1st Leg

Kaftantzogleio, 2205

Iraklis 0

Aberdeen 1 (Adams)

Euro Vase 3rd round/2nd Leg

Pittodrie, 10245

Aberdeen 2 (Thompson, Kiely)

Iraklis 1 (Kapetanos)

Euro Vase Semi Final/ 1st leg

Ataturk, 8288

Denizlispor 2 (Dogan, Cengiz)

Aberdeen 0

Euro Vase Semi Final 2nd Leg

Pittodrie, 12634

Aberdeen 0

Denizlispor 0

Got to the semi-Final, before being knocked out. Singed Youri Djorkeff on a free. Missed out on some young stars, but still Got B.Collet from Man Utd, for free.

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Saturday, 6th of August

Aberdeen's singings proved to be quite good, Stillie, Pavlin, Djorkeff, Edilson and others held out to draw 1-1 with Celtic. Pavlin scored on the 44th minute, and making it look easy as he beat Douglas. Edilson then set up Fabian Caberello 3 times, none of which beat Douglas. Sutton then scored on the 89th minute, to save Celtic being embarassed by Aberdeen.

Man of the Match - Ross Wallace (8) Celtic

Aberdeen Scorers - Mirian Pavlin

Celtic Scorers - Chirs Sutton

Other Results - Dundee Utd 3 - 2 Kilmarnock

Hibs 0 - 2 Dunfermilne

Raith 1 - 0 Inverness

Rangers 1 - 0 Livingston

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Saturday 14th August 2005

Rugby Park, Kilmarnock, attendence: 10226

Kilmanock 2 - 4 Aberdeen

Fabian Caballero only got 6 goals in 27 apps for Dundee last season, but he scored the first two Aberdeen goals, as Aberdeen won 4-2 away to Kilmarnock. After the two Caballero goals, Liam McGuiness got a goal back for Kilmarnock, but Steven Craig, who came on for Edilson, scored one back to make it 3-1. Barry Nicholson, a new signing from Dunfermilne, scored on his debut, but Craig got another goal on the 89th minute to rack up the win for Aberdeen.

Man of the Match - Fabian Caballero (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Caballero (2), Craig (2)

Kilmarnock Scorers - McGuiness, Nicholson

Aberdeen Bookings - McGuire, Djorkaeff, Filekovic

Kilmarnock Bookings - McGregor

League Postions - Kilmarnock (down, 11th) Aberdeen (up, 2nd)

Other Results - Dunfermilne 0 - 1 Rangers

Hearts 2 - 0 Raith

Inverness 1 - 3 Hibs

Livingston 1 - 0 Dundee Utd

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Saturday 20th August

Pittodrie, Aberdeen, Attendence: 13599

Aberdeen 2 - 0 Livingston

It took 59 minutes for Suad Filekovac, the 26 year old Slovenia International, to score, a brilliant cross by Collett to set up Filekovac. Rubio scored an own goal on the 90th minute to wrap up the win for Aberdeen. But the main story is Djorkaeff's failing fittness. The 37 year old, who won the world cup with France in 1998, came off the field on the 46th minute, looking pale and, as we were told, he was sick a lot. This will mean he won't be playing in the next game, probably as a sub though. He said, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> I didn't feel too well before the match, but I still played, I wanted to play. During half-time, Stuart told me not to play any more of the match, but I wouldn't listen, and a minute into the second half, I was sick and was replaced by Collett. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> At the time, we were hoping he was ok, he did look like he could just faint right there, on the pitch.

Man of the Match - Suad Filekovac (8) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Filekovac, Rubio (O.G)

Livingston Bookings - Rubio

League Postions - Aberdeen (down, 4th) Livngston (unmoved, 8th)

Other Results - Hearts 3 - 0 Inverness

Motherwell 2 - 2 Kilmarnock

Raith 0 - 2 Celtic

Rangers 2 - 0 Hibs

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Saturday 27th August 2005

East End Park, Dunfermilne, Attendence: 8394

Dunfermilne 1 - 1 Aberdeen

A close game, but Aberdeen, once again, looked the better side. Speaking before the match, Gordon Strachen, the Dunfermilne gaffer, said that Stuart Johnston has talent, but Stuart replied with, I learnt from Gordon, he is a World-Class Manager. So, Gordon taught Stuart about being a manager, while, by the looks of things, Stuart is the better Manager. Youri Djorkaeff came on as a sub, and looked well, getting in some perfect crosses, even though the dunfermilne defence were good.

Man of the Match - Derek Stillie (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Phil McGuire (pen)

Dunfermilne Scorers - Greg Ross

Aberdeen Bookings - Severin, Filekovac

Dunfermilne Bookings - Wilson, Branco

League Postions - Dunfermilne (down, 6th) Aberdeen (up, 3rd)

Other Results - Celtic 2 - 0 Hearts

Hibs 2 - 1 Dundee Utd

Inverness 1 - 4 Rangers

Kilmarnock 1 - 1 Raith

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Saturday 10th September

Pittordrie, Aberdeen, Attendence: 18966

Aberdeen 0 - 0 Hibs

Hibs didn't look very good, but they had a chance after Aberdeen's best performing player, Suad Filekovac, got sent off. Hibs then looked even worse, as Stuart sacrificed one of their Stikers to fill in the gap in the Left Midfield. Youri Djorkaeff looking strong again, even though he got himself a yellow card for a wreckless challenge at O'Connor. Guy and Finnigan's debut after both were released from Newcastle, didn't do much, Finnigan came off for Djorkaeff in the end. Derek Stillie pulled off some excellant saves all throughout the match and deserved his Man of the Match award.

Man of the Match - Derek Stillie (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - N/A

Hibs Scorers - N/A

Aberdeen Bookings - Djorkaeff, Morrison

Hibs Bookings - Caldwell, Smith, Beuzelin

Aberdeen Injuries - Graeme Watson

Hibs Injuries - Scott Brown

League Postions - Aberdeen (down, 4th) Hibs (unmoved, 5th)

Other Results - Celtic 4 - 1 Inverness

Dundee Utd 0 - 0 Rangers

Hearts 2 - 0 Kilmarnock

Raith 0 - 2 Livingston

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Saturday 17th September 2005

Ibrox, Glasgow, Attendence: 48532

Rangers 2 - 0 Aberdeen

People were expecting it, Rangers fans knew it, Aberdeen fans were hoping they were wrong, but Rangers pretty much tossed Aberdeen around, apart from one player, Derek Stillie. Stillie, who started out at Aberdeen, has been amazing, but Buffel and Thompson still were able to beat them. Aberdeen are struggling to get the goals, and even with 2 world-cup winners (Djorkaeff, 98, Edilson, 94) their experience did nothing to get Aberdeen going. Now Stuart will be hoping to get rid of some of his players in the next Transfer Window, even though thats around 3-4 months away, Stuart's going to get rid of McCormack, Esson, Some of his freebies and Severin, yes, but only for money!

Man of the Match - Barry Ferguson (9) Rangers

Rangers Scorers - Buffel, Thompson

Aberdeen Scorers - N/A

Aberdeen Bookings - McGuire, Weighorst, Djorkaeff, Clark, McGuire

Rangers Bookings - Archibald, Kyrgiakos, Ricksen

Aberdeen Sending Off's - Clark

League Postions - Rangers (ummoved, 2nd) Aberdeen (down, 5th)

Other Results - Hibs 5 - 3 Motherwell

Kilmarnock 1 - 3 Celtic

Livingston 0 - 1 Hearts

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Sunday 25th September 2005

Pittodrie, Aberdeen, 20266

Aberdeen 1 - 0 Dundee Utd

Aberdeen's start has been good, Stillie and Filekovac have been the front runners in the Aberdeen Squad, while Caballero, Adams and McGuire, last season Fan's player of the Year, have been the middle runners in the squad. Aberdeen Captain, Derek Adams, said this win will boost Aberdeen's Morale. Fabian Caballero, a free transfer from Dundee, scored the onlt goal in the 83rd minute to win it for Aberdeen. The fans, Squad and Manager will be hoping for a European Place again. Stuart showed his support for the Intertoto Cup, he said that pre-season friendlies were useless, and the Intertoto Cup was a good subsitute.

Man of the Match - Suad Filekovac (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Fabian Caballero

Dundee Utd Scorers - N/A

Aberdeen Bookings - N/A

Dundee Utd Bookings - N/A

League Postions - Aberdeen (up, 5th) Dundee Utd (unmoved, 8th)

There were no other matches.

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Saturday 1st October

Fir Park, Motherwell, Attendence: 10310

Motherwell 2 - 2 Aberdeen

McDonald and McBride had put Aberdeen 2-0 down, with 4 more minutes to go. Caballero passes it to Djorkaeff, who shoot, only to see Filekovic knee it into the net. After kick-off, Djorkaeff stole the ball, crossed it to Kiely, who passed it back to Filekovic, who scored, once again. That goal was also a fluke. Suad Filekovic was later named man of the match for his amazing performance. But this does put Aberdeen in a bad postion, another draw, and they need some wins if they want their European Place. And their League Cup challenge seems to be over before it began, after they were drawn with Rangers in the third round. But they are at home, so it will interesting to see what happens.

Man of the Match - Suad Filekovic (10) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Filekovic (2)

Motherwell Scorers - McDonald, McBride

Aberdeen Bookings - McGuire, Djorkaeff

Motherwell Bookings - Kane, Reynolds, Kinnibourgh

League Postions - Aberdeen (up, 4th) Motherwell (unmoved, 7th)

Other Results - Celtic 1 - 0 Hibs

Hearts 0 - 1 Rangers

Kilmarnock 2 - 2 Dunfermilne

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October Report

Wenesday October 19th

Inverness 1 - 1 Aberdeen

Inverness were able to get a point against Aberdeen, after Fabian Caballero put Aberdeen in front, Rory McAllister scored for Inverness. Lewis Guy got injured just before half-time. Edilson replaced him and played well. Man of the Match was Derek Stillie.

Aberdeen 1 - 0 Raith

Aberdeen's new captain, Youri Djorkaeff scored a screamer on the 38th minute, while the man of the match was Raiths own Anthony Bartholome.

Hearts 0 - 2 Aberdeen

Tynecastle was quiet, Hearts was the clear favourite going into the match, being 3rd place and all, but Hearts main target was Suad Filekovic, who they injured on the 17th minute. He's out for 4 weeks. His replacement, Morten Weighorst scored a pen on the 74th minute, 62 minutes after Fabian Caballero Put Aberdeen in the lead.

Awards: Player of the Month - Suad Filekovic - Aberdeen

Young player of the Month - Marc Wilson - Raith

Manager of the Month - David Moyes - Celtic

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November 2005 Report

Saturday 5.11.05

Celtic 1 - 2 Aberdeen

Shock of the month as Aberdeen beat Celtic, the current champions and Leaders, 2-1 at their own ground. Aberdeen's Edilson got 2 goals, while Shaun Maloney got the Celtic goal.

Derek Stillie was Man of the Match

Sunday 20.5.05

Aberdeen 3 - 0 Kilmarnock

Aberdeen destroyed Kilmarnock with an excellant performance. Scott Severin scored a free-kick after just two minutes, Fabian Caballero got another one after 28 minutes and ex-Celtic and Brondby player, Morten Weighorst came on for Djorkaeff and hit it high into the top left corner of the net. Scott Severin was the Man of the Match

Saturday 26.11.05

Livingston 0 - 0 Aberdeen

Two solid defences and, in Aberdeen's case, an unbeatable Goalkeeper. Stillie once again had an excellant performance in goals for the club he started his carrer at, Aberdeen, but it was Suad Filekovic who got Man of the Match, after coming back from a 4-week injury.

Wednesday 30.11.05

Scottish league cup 3rd Round

Rangers 1 - 1 Aberdeen (Rangers win 4-2 on Pens)

Aberdeen were hoping to get Revenge after losing to Rangers in the Final of this very cup, and Fabian Caballero nearly made their wish come true after he scored a Beauty on the 56th minute. Youri Djorkaeff got injured on the 76th minute, a minute before Nacho Novo got one back for Rangers. Both teams held out untill the Penalty Shoot Out, which Rangers won 4-2.

League Postion: 3rd (28 points)

Top Scorer: Fabian Caballero

Awards: Player of the Month: Stillian Petrov (Celtic)

Young Player of the Month: Aiden McGeady

Manager of the Month: Stuart Johnston (Aberdeen)

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I'm going back to a Match report, its easier.....

Saturday 3rd December

Pittodrie, Aberdeen, Attendence: 14839

Aberdeen vs Dunfermilne

Aberdeen looked comfortable when in Dunfermilne's half, but in their own half, they struggled to keep out Dunfermilne, but Dunfermilne kept on missing and Scott Severin Took the ball off a Dunfermilne Defender and scored, its only his 2nd of the season, but he scored again, 2 minutes into the Second half he pretty much did the same as his first goal, taking the ball and shooting from outside the box. Noel Hunt couldn't do a thing though and struggled to find his goal-scoring ability.

Man of the Match - Scott Severin (8) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Scott Severin (2)

Dunfermilne Scorers - N/A

Aberdeen Bookings - N/A

Dunfermilne Bookings - N/A

League Postions - Aberdeen (unmoved,3rd) Dunfermilne (unmoved, 6th)

Aberdeen are just 1 point behind second placed Rangers, but Rangers have a game in hand.

Other Results - Dundee Utd 0 - 3 Hibs

Hearts 0 - 2 Celtic

Raith 0 - 1 Kilmarnock

Rangers 3 - 0 Inverness

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Saturday 10th December

Easter Road Stadium, Edinburgh, Attendence:15382

Hibs 2 - 9 Aberdeen

Aberdeen surprised everybody in Scotland, by beating hibs 9-2. Hibs took the lead by O'Connor on the 12th minute, followed by a free-kick by ex-Aston Villa striker, Dion Dublin. After that, it was all Aberdeen's, after their no.1 goalie, Simon Brown was Injured in the last match, they had no sub goalie, and when their no.2 goalie, Allister Brown, got sent off, thats when it turned into a nightmare for Hibs, has they had to put S.Fletcher in goals. Derek Adams got 2 goals on the 34th and 36th minute, they thought not much will happen next. Well, after Fabian Caballero scored on the 38th minute, he then scored again on the 40th, 42nd, 56th(pen), 61st, 65th and fianlly he stopped scoring on the 70th minute. Johnston after the match said <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> WOAH! That was amazing, I was expecting to lose 2-0 or something, but after the Red Card they seemed to lose it totally, and with their best player injured, and of course their No.1 goalkeeper, still Fabian Caballero scored more goals in this match then he did for Dundee last season. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Interesting fact.......I guess.

Man of the Match - Fabian Caballero (10) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Adams (2) Caballero (7)

Hibs Scorers - O'Conner, Dublin

Aberdeen Bookings - Craig

Hibs Bookings - Steven Whittaker

League Postions - Hibs (down, 5th) Aberdeen (unmoved, 3rd)

Other Results - Inverness 0 - 4 Celtic

Kilmarnock 1 - 2 Hearts

Livingston 1 - 0 Raith

Rangers 3 - 0 Dundee Utd

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Saturday 17th December

Pittodrie, Aberdeen, Attendence: 21121

Aberdeen 3 - 2 Rangers

Aberdeen's season ould not get any better, by the start of last season they were tipped to get relegated, now, their 2nd, after beating Rangers 3-2. Edilson scored after just 2 minutes, after complaining about not getting enough games (Like 5 other players), but Steven Thompson made it 1-1 after 21 minutes. Rangers and Aberdeen defended very well, but Derek Adams took a shot from outside the box, and made Stefan Klos look like an Idoit, then Suad Filekovic tapped in another goal to make it 3-1. Nacho Novo, who always seems to scored agaisnt Aberdeen, scored after 81 minutes, but Aberdeen defended their lead well.

Man of the Match - Suad Filekovic (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Edilson, Adams, Filekovic

Rangers Scorers - Thompson, Novo

Aberdeen Bookings - Clark, Adams

Rangers Bookings - Hutton, Archibald, Mladenovic, Ferguson, Lovenkrands

League Postions - Aberdeen (up, 2nd) Rangers (down, 3rd)

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After they left the Dons!

This seasons Transfers Out!

Kyle Macauley, Morton (Apps: 18 Goals: 0)

Richie Bryne, St Johnstone (Apps: 18 Goals: 4)

Sasa Ilic, Borac (Apps: 19 Con: 27)

Ciaran Donnelly, Hamilton (Apps: 16 Goals: 2)

Andy Bagshaw, Birmingham (Apps: 2 Goals: 2)

Noel Whelan, Chesterfield (Apps: 17 Goals: 7)

Marvin Brown, Peterhead (Apps: 13, Goals: 4)

Marc McCulloch, Arborath (Apps: 9 Goals: 0)

Bengt Andersson, DC United (Apps: 0 Con: 0)

(Last Season Tranfers Out, Top 5, both seasons stats)

Russel Anderson, Leeds (Apps: 50 Goals: 4)

David Preece, Brighton (Apps: 55 Con: 74)

Micheal Hart, Hibs (Apps: 20 Goals: 0)

Taribo West, Betzdorf (Apps: 4 Goals: 1)

Kristjansson, Fram (ISL) (Apps: 15 Goals: 5)

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Monday 26th December

Tannadice Park, Dundee

Dundee Utd 1 - 0 Aberdeen

In a match which seemed Aberdeen's, they just couldn't get past Derek Soutar, the ex-Dundee goalkeeper, as Barry Robson's 25-yard shot went in the back of the net. Stillie, after that, had to work the rest of the first half making sure the game wasn't out of the Dons reach. The second half was all Aberdeen's, but Filekovic just couldn't get past Soutar, Caballero's shots went nowhere near the goals, while Edilson failed to shine, like he did against Rangers.

Man of the Match - Derek Soutar (9) Dundee Utd

Aberdeen Scorers - N/A

Dundee Utd Scorers - Barry Robson

Aberdeen Bookings - N/A

Dundee Utd Bookings - N/A

League Postions - Aberdeen, (Unmoved, 3rd) Dundee Utd (unmoved, 9th)

Other Results - Dunfermilne 0 - 1 Hearts

Hibs 2 - 0 Raith

Inverness 1 - 0 Kilmarnock

Livingston 1 - 0 Celtic

Rangers 2 - 1 Motherwell

Other news: Aberdeen will face Rangers (Again) in the third round of the Scottish Cup, after facing them in the third round of the League cup and the Final, of the League cup, losing both times. The game will be played at Ibrox.

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Wednesday 4th January 2006

Pittodrie, Aberdeen Attendence: 13729

Aberdeen 2 - 1 Inverness

After Craig Brewster said Aberdeen won't win the title, Stuart replied with <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> well DUH! We're not Cletic or Rangers, but we want to be the old Aberdeen again, but that takes time. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Inverness took the lead thanks to Barry Wilson, on the 7th minute. At half-time, Stuart said, as a joke...... "I'm starting to fear all Barry's in the SPL, Barry Ferguson always plays well agaisnt us, Barry Robson scored against us in the last game, while Barry WILSON socred agianst us in this match....." OK..........

anyway, on the 50th minute, new signing, Lee Wilkie, hit the post, then it went in, he celebrated. Martin (the person who cost nothing last season and got 7 goals) got his first game of the season and failed to prove he was sutible to play for Aberdeen, he was replaced by Fabian Caballero, who scored on the 88th minute.

Man of the Match - Suad Filekovic (9) Aberdeen

Aberdeen Scorers - Wilkie, Caballero

Inverness Socrers - Wilson

Aberdeen Bookings - N/A

Inverness Bookings - N/A

League Postions - Aberdeen (unmoved, 3rd) Inverness (down, 11th)

Other Results - Celtic 3 - 0 Dunfermilne

Hearts 0 - 0 Hibs

Kilmarnock 1 - 0 Livingston

Motherwell 1 - 1 Dundee Utd

Raith 0 - 2 Rangers


Player of the Month - Suad Filekovic (Aberdeen)

Young player of the Month - Scott Brown (Hibs)

Manager of the Month - Gordon Strachen (Dunfermilne)

Lee Wilkie joins Aberdeen for 40k

McCormack leaves Aberdeen for 50k to Gretna after just a year, and Winter leaves for Barnsley for 10k

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