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Played 14 won 14 but dont no how

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Hi there i started a new game we my beloved mighty blues chelsea that is, i no people think picking a good team is easy but its not as easy as you think and i have never really tried chelsea so thought id give it a go anyway moving on, as the title states 14 games into my 1st season and i have won all of them includes a nice 2-1 victory at arsenal which i really did enjoy!! On to the tatic im using a 4-4-2 pretty standard really here it is


The problem im finding is i dont really no how i am wining these games sounds silly i no its just the team are playing well but not the way i want to, i guess maybe im being greedy at the end of the day i am winning games i guess but i want to win with style. Im sure one of the reasons im having sucesss is my team are no doubt better and stronger than alot of the prem sides but still doesnt always mean you get the result.

The main thing im looking for is just some help in certain areas so i can make my setup work the way i want, the 1st thing is my forward setup, im using drogba as my main striker so to speak and would like the second forward to be my link man but he dont seem to be getting the ratings or chipping in with as many goals as i would like, i put there instructions below





The only other problem is my more att minded mid which im using lamps same prob really doesnt seem to score the goals im looking for maybe im asking to much of him i dont no


My overall team setting doesnt really change i play very high up which helps me alot keeps possession well and presses the oppo back into there own half, trying to keeps things simple my defence have a ment of 8 full backs 10 and def mid 9 with my wingers on a ment of 12, so overall team plays well as a unit just would really like to help in the 3 areas i have mentioned.

Here the league table just to prove im not lying


sorry if the quality of pics are not very clear

thanks a lot

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Those are the instructions I use for my Drogba type striker he has good physical attributes and is great in the air, although he has a good creativity rating of 15 I want him to stay in and around the box. These instructions get him around 40 goals a season in 50ish games. I am not saying this could work but it might be worth a shot.

Surely you would want Lampard getting forward more and maybe using a little bit more direct style of play. I had some success retraining Lampard to play as a ST and having him on a free role next to Drogba.

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