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  • Translation error on a mailbox title

    • Public Status: Open Files Uploaded: None

    The notification that announces the beggining of the portuguese transfer window has a translation error, it currently is "portuguese" and it should be "portuguesa". Once the notification is open the little description has an error, the word transaction has a c that shouldn't be there, the word is writen "transacções" and it should be "transações" without the C.



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    • SI Staff

    As you may have already noticed, all Portuguese text in Football Manager follows the old norm of Portuguese orthography – pre-A090 (Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990). Therefore "transacção" is indeed the correct term.

    Regarding the other issue, it is clearly something to do with the database language settings of your game at the time this screenshot was taken. Can you try go to your Preferences and check that both the game language and the data language preferences are both set to your desired language? (Preferences -> Advanced -> General -> Game Language / Data language Preferences)

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