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  • Wrong number of team in Asian World Cup Qualifiers

    • Public Status: Under Review Files Uploaded: None

    I tried to edit my custom US database in advanced mode to see if the rule issue was resolved (which it may be!) When I went to verify the file I go the following message:


    I then tried creating a vanilla US database  to see if the problem was replicated, and it happened again. I'm attaching both files to this post so you can take a look. Thanks again for all your work SI!

    Steps to replicate

    1. Load US rules and convert to advanced mode. 

    2. Attempt to verify the rules. 

    Test League.fmf USA - 10 Tiers - CEUD mess around.fmf


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    So I didn't get this error when I was testing my DB today so I went to see what you did compared to me and when I attempt to verify either of these files, I get different results than you do. The "Test League.fmf" verified fine for me but the "USA - 10 Tiers - CEUD mess around.fmf" gives me a different error. Not sure if that helps at all but thought I'd let you know. 



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    Because they updated the world cup qualifiers . Same for me too . I even started a new game and get the same error .

    Seems to be an error only in advanced rules


    Disappointing as usual :seagull:


    Edited by alian62
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    I fixed mine by using this system .... Once done i added my nation which for me was the issue so im guessing you can do it by adding the teams missing Champiobs league teams including your own if its not there .

    Hope it helps because no one else seems interested

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