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  • Custom start date crashes game

    adriano roberto
    • Public Status: Known Issue Files Uploaded: None

    Hey. I've been having problems with my custom db. I've always used a custom start date: 26/12, and before the update, my file worked fine in-game. But, after the last update, for some reason, even though my file is checked in the editor, it crashes the game between 1/7/2023 and 2/7/2023.

    After a lot of breaking my head checking every detail of my file, I realized that the problem is in the custom start date. If I'm not mistaken, this problem happened to other people as soon as FM23 was released and apparently it had been fixed. But, it seems that this problem has returned again.


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    Thanks for answering. I let you know that I'm still having this problem. I have a db from Brazil and if I put a start date of December 2022, I always crash on 2/7/2023.

    This is resolved when I put the start date of 2/1/2023. But, this problem came up just after the last update, and I've always used 26/12 as the start date.

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