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  • Player injured (or is he?) bug?

    • Public Status: Info Provided Files Uploaded: None


    First of all, sorry about the picture sizes. I didn't have time to modify them.


    In my current save, I have a player who is unavailable because of injury (pic1).


    But when I go to medical centre, there aren't any injured players. Although on the top it says I have one injured player. (pic2)



    In the medical centre's injury history there isn't anything about this injury (pic3)


    Player's own injury history is also empty (pic4)



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    I think it has something to do with 'existing injuries' or whatever it's called. I tried to find it in the editor but no success.

    I've done some editing and for testing purposes I've started several games now and this happens every time (around july) (I start december 2020).

    If I can remember correctly, the player was injured IRL long time during summer/autumn.

    No biggie, he was 36 and playing in my B-team, so it wasn't a big loss.

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    • SI Staff

    We set unavailability a bit differently from how we would set injuries which may be why you can't find it in the editor, I know there are some additional reasons why we wouldn't want an 'Unavailable' status to be removed so it might not be accessible in the editor. 

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