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  • Record Fee for player incorrect

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None

    It is 1st August 2021, signed Anel Ahmedhodžić for £6.25m and this email popped up saying it was a record signing for a Bosnian player when this is clearly incorrect as Pjanic is the record after signing for Barcelona for £53m in real life. No Bosnian player signed for higher than this in my save, so this record wasn't distrupted in any way. An important note is there was an immediate loan back clause in the transfer so this may have triggered something to cause the glitch. 

    BUG 2.png

    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Sign Ahmedhodžić and see if this message pops up. If it doesn't, try it with a loan back clause and see if that causes it.

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