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  • Monthly Injury Summary Unclear

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None

    I currently have no injuries. My monthly injury update inbox item states that I am experiencing 95% fewer injuries than expected for this time of season. If I have 0 injuries then it should be 100%.


    I've had one injury this season. A 2 day knock 2 months prior to this. If this is being counted then the news item

    1. isn't as clear as it could be as it seems like it's a snapshot rather than a cumulative comparison. It could probably do with having a summary of how many injuries experienced so far by the team rather than there being none as it's not a clear comparison (total injuries expected presented with current total of injuries is an apples/oranges scenario).
    2.  '...with other teams also suffering problems.' makes it sound like we have an issue when we don't.
    3. I'm not sure how useful that inclusion of a 2 day knock is if a player has missed no game time (or training as we are part time) because of it. It's technically an injury but not meaningfully an injury.



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    • Administrators

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. UI is our busiest sub-forum, so we can't always respond to issues as quick as we'd like.

    Could you confirm whether this is still an issue that's present after the latest update?

    If so, we'll get it moved across to our main forums, and have the UI team look at it as quick as they can. 

    Thank you again for taking the time to flag this.  

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