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  • Deadline day screen hard to read

    Rob Simpson
    • Public Status: Info Provided Files Uploaded: None

    Not so much a bug, but a complaint/suggestion.

    I suspect the deadline day screen is keyed to team colors (else this is a universal problem).  Also, I'm an older gamer, with less than perfect eyesight these days,  but I can't read the top right half of the deadline day screen in a dark room (which is where I normally play),  due to the "backlit" effect you've got going on for that screen.   I'll admit it is catch and looks good, I just can't read it without having to get up and turn on some lights.   Can we tone it down somehow?

    I'm playing Hellas Verona in Serie A,  here's a screen shot  (which of course doesn't look like there's an issue, probably because it is now daylight in my game room).


    Solid game, so far my other complaints are all with the way my players are acting!  (really, you demand to play a position I don't use else you won't renew? )


    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Be old, Play Verona, get into deadline day

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