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  • Data Hub isn't opening!

    • Public Status: Info Provided Files Uploaded: None

    Since yesterday I can't open the Data Hub anymore. When I click on it, it'll sometimes show a black screen (see the screenshot), or will just go to a different screen (for example the Tactic screen). Please fix this!!



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    @WinskiWe'd like to investigate this as quick as we can please, would you be able to provide a save file that would show the issue?

    If you could upload to the link below and let us know the name of it, it would be a big help. :) 

    As a further query, does this reproduce on all saves, or just your current one? And have you downloaded any custom files into your game?



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    @Kyle BrownGreat, thank you!! I've uploaded a file named "Winskinodatahub.fm". It's not only in this save, it occurs in other saves as well.
    Yes, I got some custom files: a logopack and a facepack. I also had a custom skin, but the problem is still there when I use the standard skin.

    If you need more information, I'm here to help :)

    Thank you already!


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    I solved it already! I moved away the face- and logopack, and deleted the skin I used. The Data Hub was working again. But when I used that skin, it wasn't. So the problem is that particular skin. When I use the original skin, the Data Hub is working fantastic. So this thread can be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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