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  • Inbox message following board agreement around youth coaching error

    James Oakman
    • Public Status: Resolved Files Uploaded: None

    I agreed a promise to play youth players and in return I would have the coaching budget increased, but the message reads wrong in both the promise section and both of the budget levels being unknown in my inbox. Toulouse budget is set to good coaching by default.



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    We'd like to investigate this but will need a save file that can show the issue, or ideally, is right before the issue arrives in the inbox. Could you upload them via the link below please if you have them. :) 



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    Unfortunately my save is way beyond that point now, I've actually fulfilled the promise which has raised a follow up issue, the board seemed to register the promise as a voluntary requirement for me to keep my job rather than me making a promise to earn an increase in youth coaching budget, which remains at "good" after succeeding, I also dont have the option to ask for a budget increase after keeping the promise. I've uploaded my save file, unfortunately i saved my file after the message came into my inbox: 

    • James Oakman - Toulouse FC.fm




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    Sorry, ignore me on the not providing the increase in budget part, I advanced the game day and the board triggered the increase on the following day, so it's only the inbox message itself that was the issue, the budget increased to excellent afterwards. Thanks for your hard work :)

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