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  • Game won't Launch

    • Public Status: Resolved Files Uploaded: None

    Hi guys,

    I'm having the same issue as others in that my game won't launch.

    My current version of Windows is  Windows 10 1904 (21H1) and having checked for updates, it tells me that I am fully up to date.

    I have also tried downloading the media feature pack but am unable to do so nor am I able to locate it manually.


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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for uploading that already @s6hammer not the best experience at the moment I know, once our QA team are up and about (which will be daytime hours) someone will take a look into this and all being well we can get things on track for you.

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    Please find DxDiaf attached.

    For clarity purposes, the issue I am having is that the game won't even launch. You hit play through steam or the desktop icon and other than the steam box briefly appearing to say that FM22 is launching, nothing happens.

    I've never encountered this issue before and FM21 worked perfectly fine on my machine.

    If you could please advise and assist, that would be greatly appreciated, as I'm just desperate to play for the first time! Many thanks.


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    In the past AVG has sometimes conflicting with FM and Steam, causing an invisible block that stops the game from being fully downloaded or installed, meaning it doesn't run properly.

    We'd very much suggest running through our FAQ in relation this as found here - https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4409234325137-I-ve-received-an-anti-virus-or-malware-warning-when-trying-to-run-FM

    Whilst some aspects appear a bit extreme (fully removing AVG and making sure Windows Defender is running), sometimes this can be the only way to know for sure whether it's the cause of the problem.

    Do let us know how you get on, hopefully you'll be up and running soon.


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    12 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    In the past AVG has sometimes conflicting with FM and Steam, causing an invisible block that stops the game from being fully downloaded or installed, meaning it doesn't run properly.

    We'd very much suggest running through our FAQ in relation this as found here - https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4409234325137-I-ve-received-an-anti-virus-or-malware-warning-when-trying-to-run-FM

    Whilst some aspects appear a bit extreme (fully removing AVG and making sure Windows Defender is running), sometimes this can be the only way to know for sure whether it's the cause of the problem.

    Do let us know how you get on, hopefully you'll be up and running soon.


    Hi Neil,

    I have added FM22 as an exemption on AVG, but it still won't run. Any ideas as to what I can do next please?

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    Yeah as said in those instructions, you will need to turn on Windows Defender and completely uninstall AVG. You have to make sure Defender is on so your system remains protected. Once you've done so, uninstall and reinstall FM22 and try again.

    Let us know how you get on. Thanks. 

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    1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

    Yeah as said in those instructions, you will need to turn on Windows Defender and completely uninstall AVG. You have to make sure Defender is on so your system remains protected. Once you've done so, uninstall and reinstall FM22 and try again.

    Let us know how you get on. Thanks. 

    Ok Neil, will give that I go when I get in later on tonight.

    I assume that my DxDiag has been looked at and subsequently, at this time, you assume that AVG is the issue, even though FM21 installed and works fine, with AVG running?

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    34 minutes ago, s6hammer said:

    Ok Neil, will give that I go when I get in later on tonight.

    I assume that my DxDiag has been looked at and subsequently, at this time, you assume that AVG is the issue, even though FM21 installed and works fine, with AVG running?

    Yeah, each game is viewed entirely differently by AV programs, even if they are subsequent versions of the same series. 

    If after doing so you're still having issues (which I hope is very unlikely) at least we can definitely rule it out as the cause. Can't do that with exceptions frustratingly, as that 'invisible lock' on the game can still exist if it's already in place. 

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    31 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Yeah, each game is viewed entirely differently by AV programs, even if they are subsequent versions of the same series. 

    If after doing so you're still having issues (which I hope is very unlikely) at least we can definitely rule it out as the cause. Can't do that with exceptions frustratingly, as that 'invisible lock' on the game can still exist if it's already in place. 

    Hi Neil,

    Managed to pop home quickly and give this a go, but after re-installing FM22, still no joy I’m afraid.

    Can advise further please, as this really frustrating and I’m just desperate to be able to play! Many thanks. 

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    1 minute ago, Neil Brock said:

    Sorry to hear that. Would say it's worth installing the latest GPU driver for your card and seeing if that helps. For your card specifically this can be done here - https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/drivers/results/180678/

    Let us know how you get on.

    Hi Neil,

    I had already taken the steps to update the graphics card previously, so that shouldn’t be the issue either.

    Any other suggestions please?!

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    3 hours ago, s6hammer said:

    Hi Neil,

    I had already taken the steps to update the graphics card previously, so that shouldn’t be the issue either.

    Any other suggestions please?!

    Had it updated? The DXDIAG you originally supplied showed it to be last updated in 2017. If it has updated or not it would be useful to get an updated DXDIAG for our records so we can investigate the issue. Thanks. 

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    3 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    Had it updated? The DXDIAG you originally supplied showed it to be last updated in 2017. If it has updated or not it would be useful to get an updated DXDIAG for our records so we can investigate the issue. Thanks. 

    Hi Lucas,

    It won't update and I have the most up to date version available to me, as NVIDA no longer provide updates for my type of graphics card or so I've read at least. 

    Whenever I do attempt to update through the GeForce Experience application, it just tells me that my graphics card isn't compatible for that update.

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    I've just checked the football manager 2022 folder within the AppData sub folder and within the FM22 folder the only sub folder in there is one for the 'cloud', no preferences folder, etc.

    Does that mean that the game hasn't installed properly?

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    54 minutes ago, s6hammer said:


    I've just checked the football manager 2022 folder within the AppData sub folder and within the FM22 folder the only sub folder in there is one for the 'cloud', no preferences folder, etc.

    Does that mean that the game hasn't installed properly?


    We've done some more investigation into your issue and think we have identified it for the dev team to look into. Sorry I don't have more information than that for you at this time, but if we need more information or have suggestions we will certainly get back to you and let you know. 

    Please bear with us while we work on this. 


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    14 minutes ago, Lucas said:


    We've done some more investigation into your issue and think we have identified it for the dev team to look into. Sorry I don't have more information than that for you at this time, but if we need more information or have suggestions we will certainly get back to you and let you know. 

    Please bear with us while we work on this. 


    Hi Lucas,

    Thanks for the update. Do you have a rough ETA on this please, as I'm just desperate to play and at the moment, evidently I am unable to do so, which is extremely frustrating!

    Fully appreciate that you give an exact time frame, however, is there any small possibility that I might be able to play this weekend at all?

    Very lastly, can you please shed any further light as to what you think the issue might be and is there nothing else that I can do at my end in the meantime, to try and fix the issue? Many thanks.

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    12 minutes ago, s6hammer said:

    Hi Lucas,

    Thanks for the update. Do you have a rough ETA on this please, as I'm just desperate to play and at the moment, evidently I am unable to do so, which is extremely frustrating!

    Fully appreciate that you give an exact time frame, however, is there any small possibility that I might be able to play this weekend at all?

    Very lastly, can you please shed any further light as to what you think the issue might be and is there nothing else that I can do at my end in the meantime, to try and fix the issue? Many thanks.

    I can understand you're eager to get up and running and we want to see you up and running too. We've just started to identify the issue based on similar reports we are finding, which at the moment indicates particular hardware specifications unable to launch the game. This information has been escalated and passed on to the development team, which means we will need to source a similar machine of the same type in order to debug and hopefully fix the issue. 

    So right now, I can't promise a timescale but naturally the pieces in play means it is unlikely to be this weekend we can resolve the issue. 

    Bear with us, and hopefully we will have an update for you soon. 

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    2 hours ago, Lucas said:

    I can understand you're eager to get up and running and we want to see you up and running too. We've just started to identify the issue based on similar reports we are finding, which at the moment indicates particular hardware specifications unable to launch the game. This information has been escalated and passed on to the development team, which means we will need to source a similar machine of the same type in order to debug and hopefully fix the issue. 

    So right now, I can't promise a timescale but naturally the pieces in play means it is unlikely to be this weekend we can resolve the issue. 

    Bear with us, and hopefully we will have an update for you soon. 

    Thanks for the info Lucas, it's much appreciated.

    When you say hardware, which specific piece or pieces of hardware are you referring to?

    Also, if I were able to upgrade my OS from Windows 10 to Windows 11, would that possibly make any difference and get the game to launch? Many thanks.

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    3 minutes ago, s6hammer said:

    Thanks for the info Lucas, it's much appreciated.

    When you say hardware, which specific piece or pieces of hardware are you referring to?

    Also, if I were able to upgrade my OS from Windows 10 to Windows 11, would that possibly make any difference and get the game to launch? Many thanks.

    It's currently under investigation, until we have answers ourselves I wouldn't want to speculate. We've collated and passed user system information to the dev team so we can try and reproduce the issue ourselves first. 

    As mentioned, it's hardware we are looking at and so the software (OS) won't matter in this instance as long as it is at least Windows 7 SP1. 

    Hopefully we get more definitive answers soon, just letting you know at the first chance before we get more answers. Thanks. 

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    2 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    It's currently under investigation, until we have answers ourselves I wouldn't want to speculate. We've collated and passed user system information to the dev team so we can try and reproduce the issue ourselves first. 

    As mentioned, it's hardware we are looking at and so the software (OS) won't matter in this instance as long as it is at least Windows 7 SP1. 

    Hopefully we get more definitive answers soon, just letting you know at the first chance before we get more answers. Thanks. 

    Thanks again for the info Lucas, it's much appreciated and the sooner there is a fix or solution to this issue, the better, as it's a killer seeing everyone else enjoying the game and currently being unable to do so myself!

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