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  • Online game preferences also apply to Career saves

    • Public Status: Under Review Files Uploaded: None

    If you start a new online save and select the option to play matches on only Wednesdays and Saturdays, this option then over-writes your preference settings for ALL your games, not just online saves. When you then load up a regular single-player career save, all fixtures will have moved to Wednesdays and Saturdays.

    I cannot imagine that this is a deliberate choice. I'm assuming the selection should apply only to online saves.


    • Steps To Reproduce:
      1. Play regular save with Preferences set to "allow matches to be moved for TV". 2. Create new online save and select the option to "play matches on Wed and Sat only". 3. Save and quit to start screen. 4. Load a single player career game. 5. Review Preferences which will now show "play matches on Wed and Sat only"

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    • SI Staff

    The preferences you have for the game are global and apply to all saves based on if you go into the preferences from the main menu it will have them set there too. So I also play network games and use that option, but as you can see on the main loading page of the game if I press preferences and check match options, it uses that same option and it would in turn apply to other games I now start or play.


    QA will be best positioned to determine if preferences should be save-game specific or if the changes you make update this correctly and then in turn apply to all save games. 

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