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  • Trying to save game locally just leads to game being saved in the cloud

    shani ace
    • Public Status: Under Review Files Uploaded: None

    I've been observing this issue since the beta, it's basically the same as was reported here.
    Except I don't use Onedrive, in fact I have it completed disabled (including autostart) in Windows. My default save location is in the default user documents folder (D:\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\games).
    I also checked and I don't have "controlled folder access" on either.

    Saving files locally just doesn't work. Which is not a big issue since I usually save to the cloud (unless I'm on the train and the internet connection drops).
    However, I do use it for the purpose of uploading save games for reported bugs in the forum.




    • Steps To Reproduce:
      1. Open the FM menu
      2. Click on "Save game as"
      3. With the dropdown set to "Local", click on "Save"
      4. Open the FM menu
      5. Click on "Load game"
      6. Open the default save game location (...\"Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\games")

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    • Administrators

    Thanks for the really easy to follow video. Quite strange that's happening. Would suggest removing your cache and preferences and then re-setting the folder location when you next launch the game and trying again. Details on how to remove the cache and preferences can be found here - https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4409224840081

    In terms of accessing the save games from the cloud if you do want to upload them, they are written to disk before being uploaded and can be located by default in this location (albeit you'll need to turn on hidden files and folders first) - C:\Users\Your Windows Username\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\cloud\games

    Let us know how you get on with the above. Thanks. 

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    On 01/01/2022 at 13:21, Neil Brock said:

    In terms of accessing the save games from the cloud if you do want to upload them, they are written to disk before being uploaded and can be located by default in this location (albeit you'll need to turn on hidden files and folders first) - C:\Users\Your Windows Username\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\cloud\games

    Yeah I already knew that, but it was more about reporting the bug.

    I did try your suggestion and moved the contents of the preferences folder elsewhere, and after setting up a new manager and game I was indeed able to save locally.
    Then I emptied it and copied all backed-up files but the caches folder back to their original place and the bug was reproducable with them.
    So now I just have to narrow it down and figure out which part causes the bug, so I have to only delete and redo that specific setting. :D Thanks for the pointer!

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    Hey, no I didn't get any further but since it's not a real pain point for me personally (I usually save to the cloud) I didn't pursue it further.
    But of course it might be more relevant for other users who prefer to save locally.

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    • SI Staff

    Okay, thanks for coming back to us. If you do try it in the future and do encounter any issues, then of course we would appreciate if you could let us know.

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    I am actually experiencing issues since several days now, not with local saves but cloud saves.image.png.acc1184fd3fbdd720fe80e41b2a5837a.png
    Steam is constantly showing a Steam Cloud Error, which in the past was always fixed by retrying the cloud sync. But now the error just persists.
    I tried creating new saves (both local and cloud) but the error still occurs.

    Upon checking \AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\cloud\games, I also noticed that Steam/FM had kept all of my savegames (>60GB!) there since the very beginning. I would've expected them to be deleted once they've been saved in the cloud. Now I'm wondering if they ever made it to the cloud in the first place.
    I even checked for FM21 and AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\cloud\games was also full of saves (25GB).

    The game properties in Steam show this:


    That would mean it just stored about 3 savegames in the cloud. But I have no way of checking which ones. Is it based on the fifo (first in, first out) principle? Does FM delete the oldest cloud save when adding a new cloud save? Or would those be my 3 oldest saves? If so, how do I delete them to make room for new ones?

    Could the Steam Cloud Error even be related to this or should it normally just overwrite old cloud saves without any problems?

    Edited by shani ace
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    Indeed, after moving the savegames from the cloud folder to the local folder, there are no cloud saves shown in-game anymore!
    So it seems the game just never uploaded any savegames to the cloud at all. How are those 759.96MB of cloud storage even used-up then?

    Afterwards, I created a new save in the cloud, and after the upload finished, Steam still shows the cloud sync error.
    However, the cloud storage details have changed to this, which is exactly the size of that savegame it tried to upload:

    And then I actually went and installed FM22 on a different system to check if there were any savegames in the cloud - and indeed there were none!

    Edited by shani ace
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