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  • Promised to play loan player in one position, exclusively played him there, manager of other team and player furious that I'm not playing him in that position

    Pisco Boy
    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None

    As title. I borrowed a player, guaranteeing that I'd play him as a AM(R) IW. I set a  personalized instruction on the player, ensuring that he'd be playing as instructed. Now, two months into the season, the manager of his club gets in touch angry that I'm playing him in the wrong position. I've even tried switching from attacking to supporting to see if that makes any difference, but the problem persists. An angry manager is one thing, but the player is pretty unhappy too (has a sit - playing in a weak role). The role they want him to play in is his strongest, so I don't see that there should be any problems there. I've borrowed plenty of players without this happening, so I'm not sure how the problem would be reproducible. I'm uploading the save, so if anyone is looking at it the player is Akinkunmi Amoo. 


    Thank you in advance






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    Really sorry it's taken us this long to get back to you.

    We had a look at the save, and on the Tactics page, at 'player overview - reports - form', it's showing the player as having been played as an AM(R) - Inside Forward, that's why the AI is unhappy. 

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