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  • Scouting report action buttons shift horizontally based on text strings in buttons

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None


    The action buttons in the scouting report part of the Scouting screen moves horizontally based on the string lengths of the button labels.

    Please make these buttons with fixed column widths such that they do not dance left and right.

    It is quite annoying that you can press the No further action button three times, but the fourth time, it has moved completely left or right of your mouse pointer, and you are clicking in an arbitrary part of the screen between two buttons.






    Please add a dedicated Offer Trial button in the same screen. I cannot recall how this was done in FM21, but I don't remember having these issues.

    There are too many clicks (two) to offer a trial. First to open the drop down menu, and then to click on the menu item. This becomes many clicks if you have twenty players in this list you wish to offer trials to.

    Moreover, it seems the text on the Approach To Sign button changes based on your last action or something. It is a bit confusing and I haven't found a pattern in the behavior.


    Best regards and thanks for yet another generally fantastic game.



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