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  • Attacking corner tactic, players are HIDDEN

    • Public Status: Need More Info Files Uploaded: None

    Attacking corner tactic. Players are HIDDEN behind another, instead of swapping with another player there's two players to one role, I.E Attack far post. Move one player away and another is hidden behind it.

    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Load all routines and move the front post player. Or have a play around. There's player hidden behind others.

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    • SI Staff

    Hey @kray123 just to further my understanding on this issue, is this allowing you to double up players on assignments you can usually only have one player on? Additionally, if this is the case, what actually happens in matches - do you get multiple players doing this?

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    Hello Michael,

    Correct, so it's doubling up on near post let's say... in game they're two players stood there doing the same thing as well.

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    • SI Staff

    Hey @kray123 can you upload the corner routines you use, and can you record a capture of your screen while doing this as our QA team haven't been able to get this to reproduce on their side so far.

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