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  • Set Piece creator preview is all wrong when creating a routine by copying from another routine

    Olivier Chatelain
    • Public Status: Open Files Uploaded: None


    Since the start of my season I've only been using the one attacking corner routine, and at some point I decided I'd mix things up, so I created a new one by duplicating my current routine. My first routine was an outswinging far post corner routine and I wanted to make my new one an outswinger near post routine. I've been tweaking it, but the players either don't move on the preview on the right ( e.g. A1 and A2 are still standing at the far post ) , and some others have disappeared altogether ( e.g. B2 ). The corner taker and the ball also seem to still be positionned as if it was an inswinging corner. I therefore have no way to know what my routine will look like in the match engine, and I don't even know if my changes will be taken into account there.

    Thanks in advance for your reply!

    set piece routine bug.png


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