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  • Wrong translation when Player returnes to home country

    • Public Status: Open Screenshot: Files Uploaded: Screenshot


    When a player returnes to his original country to play football in, you'll get the following question in the press conference (screenshot): "Tammy Abraham is vandaag teruggegaan naar Engelsman voetbal na een periode in het buitenland.' (English: "<Player> returned to to English football today after a spell abroad...)". The Dutch sentence is not a correct translation of the English.

    "Engelsman" means "Englishman" in Dutch and "Teruggegaan" means "Went back", but te correct translation of "Returned" is "Teruggekeerd". 

    Correct would be: "Tammy Abraham is vandaag teruggekeerd in het Engels voetbal na een periode in het buitenland..."


    fout in vertaling.png


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