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  • under "Scouting" / "Players" Tab / "Scouted Players", the search filters don't work properly when it comes to age

    • Public Status: Under Review Screenshot: Files Uploaded: Screenshot

    first of all:   under "add condition" you cannot add "age" as a condition.  it just won't let you even though the option is there. 
    If you then try the workaround and use the age-range - section on the left, you'll notice that the standard is always set to 21-33 years which is already unfortunate because it will not remember your changes when you hop back and forth. Second, this means you cannot search for a particular age - it at least has to be 2 years. Third, the range only starts getting considered when you actually change it - before it won't register.


    The above is for the "scouted players".  With "players in range", it works a little bit better because it will remember your settings etc. still:   you cannot add "age" as condition. it only works using the age-range on the left.


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