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Fabian Delph


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This guy is great IRL, but havent seen him develop much on FM, due to me only being in the second season.

He is easily good enough for any League 1/Championship side in the first season, then in the second could play for a lower level premier league team.

So how has he developed on your games?

Im not able to get a screenshot due to FM being installed on my other Laptop, which I dont have internet access on, and the USB Ports are broke, therefore im not able to transfer it over Via USB Memory Stick.

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I'm in 2012 and he's the captain of my Leeds team. Arsenal have been sniffing round him and offered me £17.5 million for him.

Good thing is he's still developing and is only 22 on my game :D

He is a leading Premiership player on mine.

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Seems like he develops brilliantly, i'll be playing my Leeds save later, and will let you guys know how he develops. I'll be at the end of Season 2 soon, so he should have started to develop into a premiership player.

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He's been out of my leeds team with a snapped hamstring for 4 months, played 10 scored 3 and got 6 assists in the games he has played.

Just about to come back though. Need it aswell as it seems i need a strong team to get above Millwall who are 1st.

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Quality player. I still play him as CM in the Premiership and he's in the goal of the week competition almost every week, scores so many long range shots. Fantastic.

i will second this reply mate i am sunderland 6 years in and he is class worth 17m at the mo and scores some beautiful long range screamers id advise any prem club to give him a go.

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In my Leeds game I've played about 26 games in the league, Delph has played in just 14 due to being injured for about 2-3 months. However, in those 14 appearances he has scored 7 goals and played extremely well.

On my Schalke save a while back he was a starting MC for me in my first season as he started the season in the team due to other injuries but was playing so brilliant and scoring so many bombs that I wasn't able to drop him when my other stars returned.

Some of the goals he scores from distance are just quite simply amazing.

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on mh game he is 28 years old and real madrid bought him for 31million.

easily one of the best players in the world and normally scores 15 goals a season long range. develops better at a big club like liverpool with a good youth setup and try retraining him as an amc works wonders and becomes equal to if not better than kaka

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I've signed him in every game I've played, most notably in my Millwall game in 2017. Delph was a key player throughout with about 40 caps for England, superb player and captain.

Just starting my third season with Aston Villa now, loaned him out last season to Millwall (Championship) and was key for them, so think I'm gonna start using him ahead of Barry and see how he does.

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he's brilliant.. 2nd best english prospect for me after mattock...

always plays his heart out and if you give him room to run and shoot long he'll curl them in from 20 -45 yards all season.. for any team.

especially good if you can get him tutored by a top class amc for the first few seasons..

p.s .. loving the completely wrong and liberal use of the word literally that young uns use these days...

"he is LITERALLY sick" ... what?.. he got swine flu?

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