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Swedish Youth Players?

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Does anyone know what date Swedish clubs get their invection of new youth players? I've started a game on FM09 with Djurgarten, and am about to play my first match of the second season - but haven't had any new youth players yet? Does anyonw know where they are!?

Also, has there been changes to the way youth promotions work this year? I thought I read something about picking what player you want to promote or something - am I making this up?!


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Yea - just to clarify, I'm in my second season - finished the first season in second place, went through all the usual pre-season activities like squad numbers, pre season odds, earnings from last year, pre-season press conference - all of that, but not the youth players?!

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Under 18s currently has only one player in it! I'm well into the season now so don't expect them to be arriving any time soon, I'm guessing it's a bug. My under 18s didn't have many players in it to begin with anyway - maybe 13 odd players, most of which were promoted to the Reserves at the end of the season. I've just remembered though that I requested the board improve youth facilities at the end of the last season, which I haven't had a memo about being completed yet - could that have something to do with it? It never happened like that in previous FM's, where youth player would be added in regardless of upgrading the facilities.

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I started a game in Sweden (Feb 2009 iirc) but chose an English team and didn't get any regens at the start of the second season. I was thinking it might have to do with this game start, or that I unchecked Allow Transfer Budgets in First Window (maybe this option stops youth coming through? although in this case Swedish regen date should be second window?). Did you by chance start in June/July and have this option unchecked? I haven't had the chance to test this, but thought maybe one or both of these might have caused it.

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Allister - I started in Feb 2009. I had a bunch of other leagues selected too however, including England. I also have Allow Transfer Budets selected in the first window too, but I don't see how this would affect anything - it never did before.

ericl - AIK finished 12th in my first season - enough said ;)

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Apologies - Double Post

I've just noticed the feature in the Transfer History section of the club page where you can look at the promoted / released youth players each season. Turns out I'm not the only one on my game with no youngsters - according to that, no club in the world has had any youth players promoted...... gulp.

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The Swedish youth usually comes somewhere between 26-31 December, been different in all the versions of this game i think. For some reason there's no new youth after the first season, the first comes when you have finished season two. This is not a new bug for FM09, have been like this since at least FM06 (first version i played). Don't know if it's a bug or made by purpose.

What i can clearly say is a bug though is that AIK only finished 12th in your game, aaronbwfc. You should report that to SI. ;)

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ericl - AIK finished 12th in my first season - enough said ;)

Whoo! That means that I am better than the computer machine! Whoo again!

ps. I am too old and too tired to browse all forums. So: if anyone has any good tips on players for/in the Swedish league – please pm me. And to start, from me to you: Rasmus Elm of Kalmar FF – BUY HIM!

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