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How to input special latin alphabet into game in FMM2016 ios

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Sorry, but the encoding nerd in me could not resist this. :)

I doubt it is the font per se. é ú á and others do indeed exist in player names in the iOs-game (or did three versions ago, I'm on Android now). I used to transfer my saved game out of my iPhone and changed my manager name from Satre to Sætre in a hex editor and transferred it back. I found the hex byte-sequence '53 61 74 72 65' - or Satre according to the ISO-8859-1 encoding scheme. I then changed the '61', which is the letter a, to 'E6' wich is the letter æ in ISO-8859-1. If I remember correctly the name appeared twice in the saved game file. My name appeared correctly in the game ever after.

I would guess this has more to do with encoding of characters in the iOs-keyboard than the font. I whould assume that iOs is using UTF-8 in it's keyboard. UTF-8 is the same as ISO-8859-1 for hex codes 7F or lower. In UTF-8 'æ' is however encoded as the bytes C3 A6 (Sætre would then become '53 C3 A6 74 72 65'.

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  • SI Staff

JaSat - we use a custom font which is rather archaic and uses a basic ANSII schema, the keyboard input is in a different encoding and I haven't mapped across more than placement to the basic characters at present (this is the first time anyones mentioned it as being a big issue to them tbh and the games been out for 5+ years .. I'm happy to invest some time into improving the mappings at some point, but obviously that would be after we fix more serious gameplay/stability issues which are reported).

PS - We're looking for a platform coder if you know C++ btw ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too miss the usage of punctuation and special characters in the game and editor. There are hundreds of real player namers and club names that include those characters.

Any chance of seeing such implementation in the 2016 version of FMM or more likely for it to be considered only for 2017?

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  • SI Staff
Any chance of seeing such implementation in the 2016 version of FMM or more likely for it to be considered only for 2017?

It depends entirely on how things go with regards to supporting the product in all honesty, if things go smoothly and everyone seems happy with the gameplay then I'll take a look into it towards the end of the support cycle, if things are busier then I'm afraid it might have to wait for 2017.

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