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[FM16][SKIN] OPZ ELITE 2016 Skin ::.

★ OPZ ★

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1st pic.

Copy all code paste to board room panel.xml in panels

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />

<container id="cftb">

<translation id="title" translation_id="316546" type="use" value="Board Overview[COMMENT: Manager main/top menu: board

confidence link when team name is not displayed]" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />


<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" offset="0" gap="1" layout="-2, -4" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<!-- Left Hand Side column -->


<!-- We have a scroll bar incase we have overflow -->

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true" />

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" inset="0" offset="0" gap="1">

<!-- Board Confidence -->

<widget class="subsection_box" id="boch" default_height="-3" minimum_height="160" priority="1" red_replacement="">

<translation id="title" translation_id="308026" type="use" value="Board Confidence[COMMENT: heading;

team_information_panel; chairman's confidence in the club]" />

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0" gap="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />


<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top, extend" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />


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<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left, extend" offset="0" />

<widget class="label" auto_size="all" spec="text, normal" alignment="left">

<translation id="text" translation_id="247319" type="use" value="Job Security" />


<widget class="label" auto_size="all" id="valu" spec="text, normal" alignment="right" />


<widget class="horizontal_percentage_bar" height="4" id="hope" auto_size="vertical" />

<container height="10" />

<container class="scrolling_box">

<widget class="text" id="boco" spec="text, normal" auto_size="vertical" />



<widget class="picture" file="dividers/standard/horizontal/line" height="4" />


<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="0" />

<widget class="button" id="vbow" auto_size="all" click_event="vboc" appearance="buttons/link/button">

<translation id="text" translation_id="308027" type="use" value="View Board Confidence[COMMENT: heading;

team_information_panel; chairman's confidence in the club]" />




<!-- Chairman Status -->

<widget class="subsection_box" priority="3" red_replacement="">

<translation id="title" translation_id="394525" type="use" value="Owner Status[COMMENT: heading;

team_information_panel; owner's confidence in the club]" />

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="3" />

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="3" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="text" auto_size="vertical" id="chst" spec="text, normal" />


<!-- Scouting Status -->

<widget class="subsection_box" id="scot" priority="2" default_height="-2" minimum_height="95" red_replacement="">

<translation id="title" translation_id="251917" type="use" value="Scouting[COMMENT: board_confidence_screen;

title; limits to scouting area]" />

<!--<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical, fill" offset="0"/>-->

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0" />

<widget class="text" id="scop" spec="text, normal">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />


<widget class="button" auto_size="all" click_event="vsco" appearance="buttons/link/button">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="0" />

<translation id="text" translation_id="308028" type="use" value="View Scouting Assignments[COMMENT: a link to

view scouting assignments]" />



<!-- Staff Numbers -->

<widget class="subsection_box" priority="3" default_height="240" minimum_height="120" red_replacement="">

<translation id="title" translation_id="229528" type="use" value="Staff" />

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top, extend" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="staff_numbers_table" id="scob" />


<container class="subsection_box" default_height="240" priority="4" red_replacement="">

<translation id="title" translation_id="316690" type="use" value="Finance[COMMENT: team landmarks; embedded menu

option to switch view to Financial landmarks achieved]" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" />

<widget class="finances_short_wage_summary_panel" id="fsws" />




<!-- Right Hand Side Column -->

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" inset="0" offset="0" gap="1">

<!-- Budget Adjustment -->

<widget class="subsection_box" id="reqb">

<translation id="title" translation_id="256882" type="use" value="Budget Adjustment[COMMENT::dialog title; this

will be used on the dialog where the manager will be able to choose how to adjust his financial budget]" />

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical, fill" offset="0" gap="0" />

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="budget_adjustment_panel" id="bapl" />

<container height="10" />

<widget class="picture" file="dividers/standard/horizontal/line" height="4" />

<!-- Action button at the bottom of the panel-->


<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" />

<widget class="button" auto_size="all" click_event="vflp" appearance="buttons/link/button">

<translation id="text" translation_id="308029" type="use" value="View Finances[COMMENT: Links to the finance

panel]" />




<!-- Board Request Status -->

<container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" default_height="-1" minimum_height="240" inset="0" offset="0"


<widget class="subsection_box" default_width="-1" minimum_width="570">

<translation id="title" translation_id="308030" type="use" value="Board Request Status[COMMENT::board request

status; The current state of any projects current under way by the board]" />

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" />

<!-- Either one or the other, not both-->

<widget class="table" layout="-1" id="brst" auto_size_rows="true" fixed_size_rows="false" mode="fill_rows,

stripe_rows" />

<widget class="label" id="brsn" hidden="true" alignment="centre">

<translation id="text" translation_id="308031" type="use" value="No board requests have been made[COMMENT: For

when you have no board request for your status]" />


<!-- Action button at the bottom of the panel-->


<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" />

<widget class="popup_button" id="brBU" auto_size="all" fixed="true">

<translation id="text" translation_id="333910" type="use" value="Make Board Request[COMMENT: popup button to

make a board request]" />




<!-- Affiliated clubs panel -->

<container class="subsection_box" id="affc" default_width="300">

<translation id="title" translation_id="316692" type="use" value="Affiliated Clubs[COMMENT: feederclub header-

xml]" />

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0" />


<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="client_object_list_table" id="tfed" layout="-1, -1" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows"


<record id="vpid">

<record id="Cref" />

<record id="Cnat" width="-1" />



<widget class="label" id="noaf" alignment="centre" hidden="true">

<translation id="text" translation_id="301277" type="use" value="No affiliated clubs.[COMMENT: label shown

when a non-human team doesn't have any affiliated clubs (e.g. feeder clubs or parent clubs)]" />



<!-- Action button at the bottom of the panel-->


<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0" gap="0" />

<widget class="button" id="vfil" auto_size="all" click_event="vafp" appearance="buttons/link/button">

<translation id="text" translation_id="253615" type="use" value="View Affiliates[COMMENT - respond button on

new feeder club news item to view the affiliates section]" />





<widget class="subsection_box" id="fhss" default_height="250">

<translation id="title" translation_id="319443" type="use" value="Balance[COMMENT: boardroom overview; title of

finance history panel]" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<widget class="finance_history_panel" id="fhis" x_label_interval="3" y_label_interval="2">

<!-- Set graph type to cash balance -->

<flags id="fhty" value="bala" />








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Another thing i noticed is that there is no manager listed under the summary of the team reports:


This team does have a manager.

Does the manager have any philosophies? thats usually whats in the that panel, not the manager name/info etc.

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Does the manager have any philosophies? thats usually whats in the that panel, not the manager name/info etc.

This is what it looks like with the original Football Manager skin:


So i guess what's supposed to be there is name, preferred formation, playing stile and playing mentality.

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This is what it looks like with the original Football Manager skin:


So i guess what's supposed to be there is name, preferred formation, playing stile and playing mentality.

Ahh they must have updated the panel, i still have the 15 one in. bugger i'll have to fix my skin as well. thanks for pointing it out.

If OPZ doesnt get back to you by the time i've fixed mine, i'll throw it up for you.

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Ahh they must have updated the panel, i still have the 15 one in. bugger i'll have to fix my skin as well. thanks for pointing it out.

If OPZ doesnt get back to you by the time i've fixed mine, i'll throw it up for you.

Yeah, that does sound like something that could be.

Sure. I'll take whatever comes first :thup:

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And overwrite i guess??

Works fine here, i deleted all that was in the xml file and put your new code in :D

I did the same thing. Deleted everything and pasted what was posted here.

Just to be on the safe side. Worked flawlessly.

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Alexis Gtz

folder settings

delete sidebar colours.xml

in fm dark-widgets settings delete this code

<!-- MAIN UI-->

<!-- UI colours -->

<colour name="sidebar_background" red="20" green="20" blue="20"/>

<colour name="sidebar_trim" red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>

<colour name="sidebar_trim2" red="255" green="255" blue="255"/>

<colour name="sidebar_trim3" red="100" green="100" blue="100"/>

<!-- Main UI Header -->

<colour name="ui_header_background" red="5" green="5" blue="5"/> <!-- UI header background - red_replacement -->

<colour name="ui_header_border" red="0" green="0" blue="0"/> <!-- UI header borders - blue_replacement -->

<colour name="ui_header_shadow" red="0" green="0" blue="0"/> <!-- UI header shadow - green_replacement -->

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Noticed another tiny little thing.

On the news screen when getting feedback on a player's progress. The "Focus Intensity, to the left of attributes and above the player picture, only contains code.

I checked vs the original skin as well but it's fine there.


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Noticed another tiny little thing.

On the news screen when getting feedback on a player's progress. The "Focus Intensity, to the left of attributes and above the player picture, only contains code.

I checked vs the original skin as well but it's fine there.



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Noticed a thing that happens with this skin but not the official skin.

When the game has finished processing it goes to the news screen, as usual.

If i'm using the official skin i can go to another screen, go back again and still be at the news item i left.

With this skin, however, if i do the same thing, it won't go back to the news item i was reading.

Instead, when clicking back, it'll go to the next unread news item.

If there aren't any unread news items it'll go to the most recent news item (at the top of the inbox).

I do find it pretty annoying, as it creates a lot of extra clicks in certain situations.

Is there anyway to rectify that, to make it go back to the same news item i left, instead of going to the next one?

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enabaling backgrounds info is in the first post, halfway down.

I have read it but and tried allot of stuff... but still not working..... Im not that stupid with pc's but still this doesnt work.... And allot of other people want this skin but with the background changing... nobody has that version? excuse me for my bad english btw!

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What about the features stadium BG please send the screenshot to me. (I didn't play FM2015)

Noticed a thing that happens with this skin but not the official skin.

When the game has finished processing it goes to the news screen, as usual.

If i'm using the official skin i can go to another screen, go back again and still be at the news item i left.

With this skin, however, if i do the same thing, it won't go back to the news item i was reading.

Instead, when clicking back, it'll go to the next unread news item.

If there aren't any unread news items it'll go to the most recent news item (at the top of the inbox).

I do find it pretty annoying, as it creates a lot of extra clicks in certain situations.

Is there anyway to rectify that, to make it go back to the same news item i left, instead of going to the next one?

I see this issue as well, And fix it.

I will update next time.

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What about the features stadium BG please send the screenshot to me. (I didn't play FM2015)

I see this issue as well' date=' And fix it.

I will update next time.[/quote']

OPZ.... Why arent you answering the issues with the changing backgrounds? Eitherway thanks for the skin and all the work!!!

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He clearly asks what the issue is in that quote, as he didn't play 15.. lol.

hahaha....... :rolleyes:

uhmmm my bad!!

Ok OPZ Thanks for answering that quick :-) And also again for the hard work!

The problem with the background is that it doenst change from one to another. It static keeps the background we can choose from your options. But i downloaded allot of stadium and player backgrounds too. These pictures work with other skins. Then when i go to a club the background changes to the background of that club, for example when i click on ajax i see a background picture of the Arena. Then when i go back to my briefing and messages screen i get another background. And if i go to the Barcelona squad after that then i see a background picture of Camp Nou....

I got like 6 gig of background pictures that work with allot of other skins, but can not seem to find out how it works on yours.... Too bad... because i think yours is the best by far!

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Thanks for the explanation I was not sure what to do. This skin is based on the FM2012-14

Maybe we need to add panels for background.

(Actually' date=' I was not good at xml.) :D

and sorry for my English TT[/quote']

haha thanks for your answer again!!

and uhmmmm panels sounds like a good idea... but also not that good with XML :-)!

Good luck eitherway with your update! If i can help, and you need my help, send me a message!

Good night!

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