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General and Weekly training

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My team is part-time so it trains on a Tuesday, and has match preparation on Friday for a Saturday game - If I set General training to Defending, the Tuesday training slot changes to the colour of Defending - However If I Make the Weekly focus Ball control, the colour changes to the ball control colour. My question is what training is actually taking place on the Tuesday? Is it Ball Control or a mix of both?

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You can only set one focus for the week, you can't have ball control AND defending at the same time. It's one or the other. The weekly focus is just so you can play a few weeks in advance if you want to change the general focus often. If you have no weekly focus set it uses whatever the general focus is. They're both the same thing really, the weekly one just allows you to set the focus in advance if you want it to be different from the general one that's set.

So to answer your question, you will be training the focus which you set it to last.

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