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[FM15 Guide] Editing the League Table


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Football Manager 2015 - Editing the League Table

The coding for editing the league table has changed in Football Manager 2015, on the plus side it seems we can now actually customize (through the xml files) what items display on what views, however we have lost some control over the width of the columns.

The panel is now controlled by two xml files obtained from the panels.fmf file:

league stage.xml - now just controls the general settings of the table, mainly what graphics are assigned to the various rows and the height of the rows. (there is also 'league stage auto sized vertical.xml' which is the same but has shorter row heights so this file might be used on certain screens).

league stage panel views.xml - this file now controls what appears on the league table and how the items are arranaged, the way it is coded is similar to how the columns on the squad screen are coded, so editing the file is similar to how you used to have to edit the squad screen to get custom views before they were changable in game.

So for each view there will be code like this:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<flags id="Lqin" />

<!-- Team name -->

<flags id="Ttea" />

<!-- Team's nation. Will be hidden if not an international club comp -->

<flags id="Dnat" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />



The file is commented so it should be easy to work out what id corresponds to what, each of the flags lines above corresponds to a column on the league table, the above example is for the Overall view and the line <flags id="Ttea" /> is for the team name.

If you wish to change the order of the columns you just need to change the order of the lines, the top line is the first item to display on the left in game, so for the Overall view League Position is first, followed by Qualification status and then Team Name. So if you wish for the Qualification place column to appear last you change the above code to read:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Team name -->

<flags id="Ttea" />

<!-- Team's nation. Will be hidden if not an international club comp -->

<flags id="Dnat" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<flags id="Lqin" />



If you wish to hide a column for a view then just delete (or comment out) the flags line for the item you don't want displayed, so if you don't want the goal difference displaying on the Overall Table remove these lines:

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

You can also add columns from other table views so if you want to display the average points value you just need to locate the code where it is used elsewhere in the file and paste it into the position you want it to appear. For example the below code will display the Average Points last:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<flags id="Lqin" />

<!-- Team name -->

<flags id="Ttea" />

<!-- Team's nation. Will be hidden if not an international club comp -->

<flags id="Dnat" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />

<!-- Away average points -->

<flags id="LAap" />



You can also resize the columns to do this you first need to change the line of code from flags to record and then add a width="X" bit where X is the width of the column, so if you wanted to resize the Qualification Status column to take up 200 pixels you'd change this line:

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<flags id="Lqin" />

To read:

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<record id="Lqin" width="200"/>

You can also change the alignment by adding the following alignment="left/centre/right" so if you wanted the Qualification Status content to be right aligned you'd change the code to read:

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<record id="Lqin" alignment="right"/>

Note again that you need to have changed the flag code to record to get the changes to be read by the game.

You can also combine codes, so if you wanted the Qualification column 200 pixels wide and right aligned you'd change the code to read:

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<record id="Lqin" width="200" alignment="right"/>

There are various other codes you can use as well (it looks like any of the styling codes used elsewhere will work) these are just a couple (replacing X with the value you want):

spec="X" - assign content to take on text, title font styling.

colour="X" - changes the colour of the content.

style="X" - changes font style, bold etc...

Also in the width values you can use -1, -2, -3 etc... values to dynamicaly adjust the width of the columns depending on resolution rather than having them at fixed widths (team name column looks like it's still defaulted to -1 which means it used up what space is left after the other columns have been called).

Unfortantley at the moment I haven't found the code that will also adjust the headings, so if you change the width or alignment values you might find that the header for the column isn't lined up with the content.

Also the file itself doesn't seem to contain any details as to what the default width of the columns are so adjusting the widths is a bit hit and miss.

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The above information is general information for editing the league table, if you wanting to shift all the content over to the left so you don't have such a big space between the team name and actual table values this is and easy and quick method and should give people a starting place for them to tweak the league table to their preference.

As it's not possible at the moment to adjust the alignment of the header, nor does it seem possible to add blank columns the easiest way to condense the table is to move the qualification status column to be the last column and give it a fixed width to take up as much room as possible depending on your resolution and which view it is applying to.

The Following example is for the Overall view, the default code for that view is this:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<flags id="Lqin" />

<!-- Team name -->

<flags id="Ttea" />

<!-- Team's nation. Will be hidden if not an international club comp -->

<flags id="Dnat" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />



So what we need to do is use the information learned in the opening post and move the qualification code to the bottom and give it a fixed width:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Team name -->

<flags id="Ttea"/>

<!-- Team's nation. Will be hidden if not an international club comp -->

<flags id="Dnat" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />

<flags id="---" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<record id="Lqin" width="1000"/>



This will give you something that looks like this at 1920x1080 resolution, you can adjust the value to match your resolution or preferences:

fm15_leaguetable.jpg" height="342" width="640"

Alternatively if you aren't using a fixed resolution (or are including the files in a mod/skin) you can assign the qualification column a dynamic width and change the team name width from dynamic to fixed, this means when changing resolution the team name column will stay fixed and the qualification one will resize keeping everything on the left of the screen:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Team name -->

<record id="Ttea" width="200"/>

<!-- Team's nation. Will be hidden if not an international club comp -->

<flags id="Dnat" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />

<flags id="---" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<record id="Lqin" width="-1"/>



The above code will make the league table keep it's shape at different resolutions, you just need to pick a width value for the team name column that suits you:

capture_003_18112014_224336.jpg" height="386" width="640" capture_004_18112014_224341.jpg" height="480" width="640"

You then just need to apply the changes to each view listed in the file.

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Thanks once more Michael,in providing this info I was not only able to justify the league table to decrease the distance between team names and numbers but also to fix the bug in the game where the "combined" table was only showing away data,it was simply a matter of changing the "A" to an "O" !

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  • 8 months later...

I'm struggling here with this. Why can't I get the large gap between the team and the games played to reduce? I have taken the advice of michaeltmurrayuk at the top. I have changed the 'league stage panels view' xml file. This is what I have changed:

<!-- Overall stats -->

<record id="over">

<translation id="text" translation_id="359652" type="use" value="Overall[COMMENT: league_table; use top 10 matches; category for stats relating to performance at home or away]" />

<record id="view">

<!-- Main league position -->

<flags id="Lpos" />

<!-- Team name -->

<flags id="Ttea" />

<!-- Overall played -->

<flags id="LOpl" />

<!-- Overall won -->

<flags id="LOwo" />

<!-- Overall drawn -->

<flags id="LOdr" />

<!-- Overall lost -->

<flags id="LOlo" />

<!-- Overall for -->

<flags id="LOfo" />

<!-- Overall against -->

<flags id="LOag" />

<!-- Overall goal difference -->

<flags id="LOgd" />

<!-- Overall points -->

<flags id="LOpo" />

<flags id="---" />

<!-- Cup qualification info -->

<record id="Lqin" width="1000"/>



I have replaced the said file with the original one in the panels fmf folder by extracting it and creating a new one. I have unticked the cache box and reloaded the skin. It just won't change. I have played about with adding alignment right, but still no joy. I'm unsure if the line just above <!-- Cup qualification info --> is correct (<flags id="---" />), but that is what the xml looks like in Michael's post. I have only adjusted this xml file, should i be changing any others? I am using the default Football Manager skin with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 at 125% size. I am quite confused. Can anyone help me?

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Still struggling with this. I've downloaded the base skins and have been able to see changes, but it's created issues with the league table on the screen that has all the other league stats next to it. In fact, I've just had enormous trouble with fm15, in general, when trying to change things here and there.

Lost patience with the whole thing.

Rant over. Getting too old for this.

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The stages and Profile screens both use the same league table coding by default so if you change one it changes the other. However with a couple of changes you can get the Profile screen to use it's own league table.

In this case as you have already edited the Overview Table the easiest thing to do is to assign this screen to some custom files, first you want to copy the following files to the panels folder for your skin:

'competition stage.xml' and 'league stage.xml'

Both are obtained from the panels.fmf file where you got the league stage panel views.xml file from.

Now open the 'competition stage.xml' file and locate this line:

<!--league stage panel-->

<widget class="league_stage_panel" id="lspn" hidden="true" save_session_state="true"/>

And change it to read:

<!--league stage panel-->

<widget class="league_stage_panel" file="league stage2" id="lspn" hidden="true" save_session_state="true"/>

Next rename the 'league stage' xml file to 'league stage2' (so it matches the name from the above bolded bit)

Now open the renamed 'league stage2' xml file and locate this line:

<!-- To avoid copy-pasting views into the variation of this panel all of the views are in a aerparate file -->

<string id="views_file" value="panels/league stage panel views"/>

And change it to read:

<!-- To avoid copy-pasting views into the variation of this panel all of the views are in a aerparate file -->

<string id="views_file" value="panels/league stage panel views2"/>

Now finally rename the 'league stage panel views' xml file you preivously edited to 'league stage panel views2'

Now reload you skin and the previous changes you made to the league table should now only be reflected on the Overview screen with the Profile screen table back to default. (If you want to edit the Profile view later you just need to copy over a fresh copy of 'league stage panel views' and edit that how you want.)

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Thank you Michael, I will look at changing things as you suggest. I was on a low yesterday looking at my last post! Every skin I download has a conflict somewhere and causes a crash. I eventually lost the plot yesterday as I've never played more than one match of FM15 due to a crash. Frustrating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No it seems to be hardcoded to display the badges with the team names. (I can get rid of the logo but it also takes the team name with it).

The only way to really do it is to remove all of the small logos (including the licensed logos) and then create new default small logos that are transparent 1x1 pixels images, though of course this means you lose the small logos on every other screen.

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  • 3 months later...


This looks like it should work but it doesn't. I've saved it here: C:\Users\[myusername]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins\base16_dark\sections\league stage properties.xml

and amending the Tsof (Overall recent form) section, for the heading to align left, but it isn't working. To fully test it, I'm also renaming the text from Form to something else, and it remains as Form.

Changes I make to the 'league stage panels view.xml' in the panels folder ARE working, and are in the same location, i.e. C:\Users\[myusername]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins\base16_dark\panels\league stage panels view.xml

Any idea why the sections aren't working like the panels are?

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You need to also copy over the config file that was with the default sections files and any changes you make to the file won't take affect until you exit and restart FM.

To change the heading text you need to either leave the id of the translation bit blank or just remove the entire tanslation bit of code.

And when changing the alignment you might want to include a centre_y bit aswell (i.e. "left, centre_y") otherwise it will stick to the top.

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You need to also copy over the config file that was with the default sections files and any changes you make to the file won't take affect until you exit and restart FM.

To change the heading text you need to either leave the id of the translation bit blank or just remove the entire tanslation bit of code.

And when changing the alignment you might want to include a centre_y bit aswell (i.e. "left, centre_y") otherwise it will stick to the top.

Perfect! Thanks for your help Michael :thup::)

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/29/2014 at 19:49, michaeltmurrayuk said:

The table with the media prediction should be controlled by these two files from the panels folder:

media prediction league table preview.xml

media prediction league table.xml

Can you get the media prediction and up/down onto the overall 'normal' table? i cant seem to get it to work, as a flag or record id? 

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  • 2 years later...
Il y a 23 heures, WilltheWolf92 a dit :

Hi everyone, I assume this is still useable for FM20? Does someone know if you change the colours of the league table (Qualificiations (blue), Relegations (red), Champion (green)) with something like this?



No it's not there.

Change these lines in settings.xml in the skin you use.


    <colour name="league_champion"  red="50" green="200" blue="50"/>
    <colour name="league_promotion" red="20" green="100" blue="20"/>
    <colour name="league_top_playoff" red="20" green="70" blue="150"/>
    <colour name="league_bottom_playoff" red="100" green="35" blue="20"/>
    <colour name="league_relegation" red="150" green="50" blue="25"/>
    <colour name="league_main_continental" red="90" green="150" blue="80"/>
    <colour name="league_other_continental" red="90" green="170" blue="225"/>

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  • 3 years later...
On 26/06/2020 at 01:46, Sh@rk said:

No it's not there.

Change these lines in settings.xml in the skin you use.


    <colour name="league_champion"  red="50" green="200" blue="50"/>
    <colour name="league_promotion" red="20" green="100" blue="20"/>
    <colour name="league_top_playoff" red="20" green="70" blue="150"/>
    <colour name="league_bottom_playoff" red="100" green="35" blue="20"/>
    <colour name="league_relegation" red="150" green="50" blue="25"/>
    <colour name="league_main_continental" red="90" green="150" blue="80"/>
    <colour name="league_other_continental" red="90" green="170" blue="225"/>

Would anyone know how to seperate other continental to include adding a colour for 7th/third continental competition  

For example, I have edited my skin to show the following 

1st - Champions (Green) 

2nd - 4th - UCL (Blue)

5th - 6th - UEL (Orange)

I am now just looking to add 

7th - UECL (Light Green) 

Has anyone been able to do this? What code would I need to add to get it to work?


Edited by MattyEssTTV
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42 minutes ago, MattyEssTTV said:

Would anyone know how to seperate other continental to include adding a colour for 7th/third continental competition  

For example, I have edited my skin to show the following 

1st - Champions (Green) 

2nd - 4th - UCL (Blue)

5th - 6th - UEL (Orange)

I am now just looking to add 

7th - UECL (Light Green) 

Has anyone been able to do this? What code would I need to add to get it to work?


have you looked in the settings file ?

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9 minutes ago, MattyEssTTV said:

Yeah and the settings above works, just I don’t know to seperate the UEL and the UCEL comps within the league table. 

wasnt what you were looking for..

i can't see more ways to seperate things then what's already written here

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18 minutes ago, snowofman said:

wasnt what you were looking for..

i can't see more ways to seperate things then what's already written here

Yeah, it's annoying. Cause this is what I have so far. The highlighted one doesn't work. 


This is what it looks like. 


Just wondering what I could add to get 7th to work. Very annoying. haha

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2 hours ago, MattyEssTTV said:

Yeah, it's annoying. Cause this is what I have so far. The highlighted one doesn't work. 

but why should it work? there is no constant league_conference_continental in fm23
maybe I just haven't unpacked new resources files for a long time?

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11 hours ago, MattyEssTTV said:

Yeah, it's annoying. Cause this is what I have so far. The highlighted one doesn't work. 


This is what it looks like. 


Just wondering what I could add to get 7th to work. Very annoying. haha

Yea if its not in the base skin you won't be able to do it 

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