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Football Manager 2015 Reviews

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As the review embargo ended this morning, here are the first published reviews for Football Manager 2015. More will be posted as we get them...















[TD]"Football Manager has long since attained cult status and this release serves only to further stimulate that dedicated subculture"[/TD]



[TD]Digital Spy[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager has always been more than a game, but it is also more than a football product. It's both of these things in equal measure and updates of this quality will ensure that its legacy remains strong within the sport and among its fan base."[/TD]



[TD]Video Gamer[/TD]


[TD]"FM15 has created a great feeling of the everyday responsibilities of being a manager, no matter how much extra stress that’ll put on the armchair gaffers of this world."[/TD]



[TD]The Digital Fix[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive deserve praise for again delivering the best football management simulation around"[/TD]



[TD]The Sixth Axis[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager is not just a football game, it’s a football simulation."[/TD]





[TD]"The new improved player animations, graphics, tactics, scouting and match day experiences makes the game look more realistic than other games we have played in the entire series."[/TD]





[TD]"With a few essential tweaks and updates, Football Manager 2015 largely sticks to the successful formula that has made the series such a hit with PC gamers in the UK."[/TD]





[TD]"Gets you even closer to realising your dream of becoming a bonafide football manager."[/TD]



[TD]Bleacher Report[/TD]


[TD]"This is the best version of Football Manager I have played"[/TD]



[TD]Attack of the Fanboy[/TD]


[TD]"The most detailed and complex Football Manager yet"[/TD]





[TD]"The backroom aspects of FM15 are cracking, though, vastly expanded and engaging, but now with a greater degree of user-friendly orientation and navigation thanks to the revised UI"[/TD]





[TD]"So, we're left with a game whose main improvements are all disappointments. And yet I'd still I'd put money on me pouring hundreds of hours into it. "[/TD]



[TD]Expert Reviews[/TD]


[TD]"This game is bigger, harder and more all-consuming than ever before - and all the better for it"[/TD]





[TD]"Numerous improvements have been made in the name of making your experience more personable than ever before."[/TD]





[TD]"The most advanced managerial soccer game."[/TD]





[TD]"Sports Interactive should be commended for the effort they have put into the new 3D match engine."[/TD]



[TD]Metro (Online)[/TD]


[TD]"Scouting is a lot more interesting and realistic than ever before. The new interface is slightly better, even if it’s not really new."[/TD]



[TD]Metro (Print)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager can be a life-stealer and, yeah, you might lose a friend or two in the process, but can any of them reward you with European and domestic cup glory? Thought not."[/TD]






[TD]"Football Manager 2015 is the most authentic, challenging and potentially rewarding managerial simulator around."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 2015 builds upon the previous versions of the game, keeping the core experience the same while improving the process and remains far and away the best football management game out there."[/TD]





[TD]"It seems as though the emphasis is on newer players but there are still tweaks in there to satisfy the diehards."[/TD]



[TD]PC Gamer[/TD]


[TD]"This all might sound overwhelmingly negative, so it’s important to stress that the basics of Football Manager are still there and working as well as ever."[/TD]





[TD]"Those yet to be converted to FM might read that summary and wonder why it translates to a hearty recommendation, but all Football Manager devotees know the value of consistency and stability."[/TD]





[TD]"Better menu layouts, countless new options and improved match-day features see FM2015 remain in title-winning form."[/TD]



[TD]Daily Mail[/TD]


[TD]"If you fancy yourself as the first manager to guide Rochdale into the Premier League, give it a go. At £29.99, you won't regret it."[/TD]





[TD]"As immersive and enjoyable as ever."[/TD]





[TD]"Returning fans are sure to enjoy, once again."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 2015, for us, continues the consistently high level of attention to detail that the series is synonymous with, yet feels fresh and distinct from the last couple of years' iterations."[/TD]



[TD]Daily Mirror[/TD]


[TD]"Authentic, in-depth and as engrossing as ever, FM still sets the benchmark for sports sims."[/TD]



[TD]The Sun[/TD]


[TD]"In some ways FM15 feels like a new game, in that it has lost some of the polish of past years. It remains, at core, the classic game. But this hot prospect has a lot of work to do."[/TD]



[TD]The Independent[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 has added some nice touches to a game that was already fool proof."[/TD]



[TD]The Telegraph[/TD]


[TD]"FM15’s changes tend to contribute to gentle improvement rather than startling disruption, but should do enough to tempt you into starting that managerial journey all over again."[/TD]



[TD]Brash Games[/TD]


[TD]"If you are a football fan and are interested in the management side of things then I couldn’t recommend this more."[/TD]



[TD]News Shopper[/TD]


[TD]"This year’s edition is the most powerful Football Manager yet. Prepare to be swallowed up."[/TD]



[TD]Trusted Reviews[/TD]


[TD]"It’s clear that Football Manager 2015 has everything it needs to be the perfect sequel."[/TD]













[TD]Zeroping (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 reste globalement un bon jeu de gestion, bien mieux réussi que son prédécesseur au niveau des bugs d’IA et du Match Engine notamment."[/TD]



[TD]Jeuxcapt.com (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"FM 2015 se présente cette année encore comme un véritable incontournable pour les fans du genre."[/TD]



[TD]Micromania.fr (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Cette version 2015 constitue une valeur sûre."[/TD]



[TD]Jeuxvideo.fr (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Il s'agit bien sûr du meilleur (du seul ?) jeu de sa catégorie et, une fois encore, d'un incontournable."[/TD]



[TD]Gameblog.fr (FRA)[/TD]

















[TD]"Football Manager 2015 slaat wederom de spijker op de kop als het aankomt op het neerzetten van de ultieme sportsimulatie. Hoewel de game wat schoonheidsfoutjes kent, zijn deze makkelijk te overzien."[/TD]







[TD]"Scouting verloopt soepeler en gedetailleerder, tactieken opzetten is uitgebreider, menu’s zijn visueel ten goede gewijzigd, coaching tijdens wedstrijden is interactiever…"




[TD]In The Game




[TD]"Football Manager 2015 is voor mij een ware verademing. Door de diepgang van de game kan ik me helemaal uitleven op het team waar ik aan de slag ga en ben ik dagen, zo niet weken, zoet."








[TD]"Het is de keizer van de sportsimulatie met een diepgang en realisme waar menig ontwikkelaar jaloers op kan (en misschien wel moet) zijn. Hopelijk is het spel met de release helemaal in orde en dan weet ik zeker dat miljoenen mensen er weer honderden uren plezier mee hebben."








[TD]"Vooral de verbeterde interface is een goede stap voorwaarts, met verbeterde navigatie en een overzichtelijkere presentatie van allerlei informatie tot gevolg."




[TD]FM Zone




[TD]"Het is zelfs in deze fase al stabieler en beter dan iedere andere betaversie die ik in mijn handen heb gehad. De snelheid van spelen is erop vooruitgegaan, omdat je met de nieuwe interface vlotter naar de schermen kan gaan die je nodig hebt. Ook vind ik sneller de spelers die ik zoek terug en speel ik het spel natuurlijk nog altijd graag."








[TD]"Één waarschuwing, eens je eraan verslingerd bent, wil je steeds toch maar die volgende wedstrijd spelen."








[TD]"Football Manager 2015 is nog altijd even verslavend en ik heb het idee dat de game ook wat sneller en soepeler loopt dan vorig jaar. Voornaamste aanpassing is de navigatiebalk aan de linker kant van het scherm. Een heerlijke toevoeging, waardoor het makkelijker wordt om te navigeren door de wereld van Football Manager."






[TD]"De 2015-editie is gewoon een fantastische game, 3D-wedstrijden zien er weer een beetje beter uit en de nieuwe scouting draagt bij aan de uitdaging (en daar spelen we ‘m toch voor), kortom: die troon blijft wel bezet."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 2015 zonder enige twijfel de meest uitgebreide en uitdagende voetbalmanagementgame van dit moment is."[/TD]





[TD]"Et dit soort verbeteringen is Football Manager 2015 toch weer beter dan zijn voorganger en zorgt de game er weer voor dat ik vele uren bezig ben."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 2015 is zoals de echte voetbalwereld evenzeer een chaotische toneelstuk, maar dan met jou als manager in de hoofdrol."[/TD]





[TD]"De lat lag ook dit jaar weer hoog, maar Football Manger 2015 is met vlag en wimpel geslaagd."[/TD]














[TD]Multiplayer.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"In conclusione possiamo dire che Football Manager 2015 continuerà ad appassionare tutti quanti i fan, pronti a passare ore e ore con il loro gioco preferito, mentre viceversa chi non ha mai amato questa serie non avrà motivi particolari per iniziare a farlo ora."[/TD]



[TD]Videogame.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Il re è tornato!"[/TD]



[TD]IGN Italy (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 è il solito, ottimo Football Manager."[/TD]



[TD]Gamesvillage.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 fa quello che ogni appassionato si sarebbe aspettato che facesse, e in alcuni casi lo fa anche meglio."[/TD]



[TD]Everyeye.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Anche quest'anno, insomma, Miles Jacobson ed il suo team hanno confezionato una delle più complete esperienze di gioco che gli appassionati del genere possano desiderare, creando, nel frattempo, la più pericolosa minaccia alla loro vita sociale."[/TD]



[TD]ItaliaTopGames.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Siamo di fronte ad un ulteriore perfezionamento di un titolo già straordinario che quest’anno presenta delle novità sostanziali veramente importanti."[/TD]













[TD]Eurogamer.pt (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]"Enquanto muitos jogos duram semanas ou meses, sabemos que o Football Manager dura todo o ano (e por vezes mais), mas penso que esta versão irá "viciar" ainda mais os amantes deste simulador."[/TD]



[TD]Salão de Jogos (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]"A decisão mais difícil vai ser a de clickar no menu de jogo, salvar e sair."[/TD]



[TD]Proximo Nivel (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]"Se são fãs, será escusado dizer que este ano o vosso jogo ficou ainda melhor."[/TD]



[TD]Rubber Chicken Games (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]"FM 2015 apresenta-se como um título obrigatório para os fãs do franchise."[/TD]



[TD]Videogamer.pt (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 é a edição mais completa e consistente de sempre."[/TD]





[TD]" Football Manager aproxima-se cada vez mais da realismo."[/TD]



[TD]pplware (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]" A edição de 2015 surge como uma evolução objectiva nessa mesma direcção tornando-a num jogo imprescindível para todos os fãs da série e amantes de jogos de estratégia de futebol."[/TD]



[TD]Magazine-HD (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]" Football Manager é um jogo que todos os fãs irão adorar; Impossível de largar."[/TD]



[TD]Strong Player (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]" Football Manager 2015 promete ser uma experiencia desafiadora e mais equilibrada que nós recomendamos a todos os fãs de um bom simulador futebolístico."[/TD]



[TD]ene3.pt (PRT)[/TD]


[TD]" Sem revolucionar a fórmula, continua a satisfazer as necessidades de treinador com elementos de dificuldade ajustáveis à ambição de cada jogador."[/TD]













[TD]3d Juegos (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Más profundidad, infinidad de posibilidades de gestión y una pléyade de alternativas para configurar nuestra plantilla y su preparación a nuestro entero gusto."[/TD]



[TD]IGN Spain (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Tan adictivo como siempre, Football Manager ha incluido un buen puñado de mejoras interesantes a su modo principal aunque ha descuidado ligeramente a FM Classic."[/TD]



[TD]Hardgame2.com (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Se trata de un videojuego al que francamente nos cuesta verle el final de su vida, puesto que incluye tantas variables que cada partida será un mundo. Y lo mejor de todo es que incluye novedades de calado, que hacen que las partidas sean más amenas, profundas y adictivas."[/TD]



[TD]Alfabetajuega.com (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 sigue la estela de su predecesor con buen ritmo. El juego cuenta con más profundidad e infinidad de posibilidades a la hora de gestionar el equipo. Cumple, una vez más, con lo que promete."[/TD]



[TD]Vandal.net (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"El siguiente escalafón en una evolución continua por ofrecernos lo que podría considerarse como el simulador perfecto."[/TD]



[TD]Softonic (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2015 es la joya de los juegos de gestión futbolística. Ofrece un notable nivel de desafío para los apasionados del género."[/TD]



[TD]Hobbyconsolas.com (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Sigue siendo el referente indiscutible del género, el control del club es total, hasta el último detalle, una simulación redonda y robusta."[/TD]



[TD]Blogocio.net (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"El juego de gestión deportiva más completo y entretenido hasta la fecha. el motor 3D del juego el punto débil de la saga."[/TD]



[TD]Zonared.com (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Es un título que presenta una interfaz de usuario sencilla y comprensible, al mismo tiempo que alcanza a prácticamente cuaquier aspecto de la labor de un manager, con lo que también garantiza una gran profundidad, y esa es su gran virtud."[/TD]








[TD]Goal.com (AUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Another brilliant addition to Football Manager is that it will have you shouting at a frustrating Mario Balotelli one day and wearing a suit for cup finals the next."[/TD]



[TD]Stack (AUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Incredibly deep."[/TD]



[TD]Impulse Gamer (AUS)[/TD]


[TD]"FM15 has enough new content and features to make it a worthwhile upgrade."[/TD]



[TD]Sportal (AUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Another brilliant addition to Football Manager is that it will have you shouting at a frustrating Mario Balotelli one day and wearing a suit for cup finals the next."[/TD]








[TD]New Zealand[/TD]





[TD]3News (NZ)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager continues to improve."[/TD]



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