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Football Manager 2014 Reviews

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As the review embargo ended this morning, here are the first published reviews for Football Manager 2014; more will be posted as we get them...















[TD]"It's good, it's better than last year, it's worth the money and you will probably top 1,000 hours of play again. Get it, play the proper mode, have a ball."[/TD]





[TD]"Kudos to Sports Interactive for delivering a much more inclusive game, but without so much as hinting at compromising the experience for veterans."[/TD]





[TD]"There are few games that can soak up my time as much as the Football Manager series can over an entire year, and it’s set to continue thanks to another solid outing."[/TD]





[TD]"Addiction returns for another year..."[/TD]



[TD]Hardware Heaven[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager addicts of course should jump right in as this takes the most advanced, most in depth management sim that little bit closer to perfection."[/TD]





[TD]"While FM14 feels in many ways like a standard release, the subtle changes to philosophy beneath the hood feel like a corner being turned."[/TD]



[TD]PC Gamer[/TD]


[TD]"Deep, exciting and, for the first time, as human as real football, Football Manager 2014 has hit the back of the net."[/TD]



[TD]Digital fix[/TD]


[TD]"All told it’s really rather good."[/TD]



[TD]6th Axis [/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is a fantastic game."[/TD]



[TD]Digital Spy [/TD]


[TD]"The result is another definitive simulation of the beautiful game that will enhance the lives of wannabe football managers, and make life bearable when the football season comes to an end in May."[/TD]



[TD]The Daily Mirror[/TD]


[TD]"I take this as a sign. A sign that Football Manager 2014 is really good."[/TD]



[TD]The Independent[/TD]


[TD]"The latest addition to the long-running series features hundreds of improvements, but manages not to alienate the hardcore fan base."[/TD]



[TD]The Telegraph[/TD]


[TD]"That FM continues to build an enormous, cogent world out of a crazy, crazy sport continues to be a marvel."[/TD]





[TD]"Alterations to FM2014 aren’t life-changing, but they’re enough to keep us interested – and any changes to the vagaries that were the tactics settings are a very good thing."[/TD]





[TD]"The changes to the tactics system are likely to prove controversial but this is undeniably the most accessible and realistic Football Manager ever made"[/TD]



[TD]Sabotage Times[/TD]


[TD]"You keep coming back just for the moments of ecstasy that make all of the emotional torment worthwhile."[/TD]



[TD]Get West London[/TD]


[TD]"There is very little else out there that can keep you glued to a chair and a computer screen than FM."[/TD]




[TD]“Buy it”[/TD]

[TD]"Football Manager 14 still feels as compelling as ever before, whilst also feeling simpler."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager remains a top game and the best of its kind. It suits all comers, and is the most complete management sim yet."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 14, like its predecessors, is deep and complicated. For some its detail and realism is a turn-off that makes it difficult to access, for others it's the reason we love it."[/TD]





[TD]"It’s basically FM2013, but made better in 1000 little ways that add up to a much slicker experience."[/TD]



[TD]Midlife Gamer[/TD]


[TD]"Either way Football manager has been, continues to be and, with the exception of an injury time implosion, will be the leader in football management for years and a generation to come."[/TD]



[TD]Attack of the Fanboy[/TD]


[TD]"In all, this is a great induction into the series for newcomers, as well as an uplifting step forward for the oldies."[/TD]



[TD]Calm Down Tom[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager will be finishing top of the division once more in 2014."[/TD]





[TD]"The Football Manager formula is as complex and addictive as ever, but a compulsion to keep playing shouldn’t be mistaken for revelatory advances."[/TD]



[TD]Gaming Union[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 again raises the bar for sports simulators, with Sports Interactive not resting on their laurels at all."[/TD]



[TD]Pocket Lint[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is very much a love letter to SI Games’ fanbase. It has everything we and the community at large have been asking for, and many things we didn’t even know we wanted until we got to see them in action."[/TD]





[TD]"Despite nothing major to add to the series (but why fix what isn’t broken?) Football Manager 2014 is still the best example of the series yet."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is another worthwhile addition to the series, one riddled with drama and embroiled within the addictiveness of Fantasy Football culture"[/TD]





[TD]"Much like FIFA, this is a series that improves by increments every year. Never changing too much, too fast, but always improving – this is a worthy addition to the franchise. "[/TD]





[TD]"What is definitely evident though is that Football Manager 2014 is the definitive football management experience; you will not find a better product on the market."[/TD]








[TD]The Boar[/TD]


[TD]"Once again, Sports Interactive, the studio behind the long-running franchise, has chosen a policy of evolution rather than revolution."[/TD]



[TD]Western Morning News[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager remains undoubtedly the best management simulator out there"[/TD]





[TD]"This season the changes are possibly more noticeable than usual."[/TD]





[TD]"My obligations to ESPN.com complete, do I take the opportunity to quit the game and move on with my life? Of course not."[/TD]





[TD]"This is the most fun I’ve had with Football Manager in years. "[/TD]



[TD]The Guardian[/TD]


[TD]"A fun and life-absorbing game, yes, but a fickle one. In so many ways, it's like the real thing."[/TD]





[TD]"So overall Sports Interactive has done it again, they’ve managed to tweak the game to improve it in terms of saving time during gameplay and making a lot of the displays and features more functional and easier to use without really having any negative impact. "[/TD]



[TD]Strategy Informer




[TD]"As long as they keep pulling tricks like this, Football Manager is a series that will remain evergreen."














[TD]Gameblog (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Comme d'habitude avec la série des Football Manager, on sait pourquoi on claque nos 50 euros annuels."[/TD]



[TD]Jeuxvideo (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Au pays des simulations footballistiques, Football Manager est toujours le roi."[/TD]



[TD]Micromania (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager reste un jeu touffu, même si on ne peut nier les efforts accomplis pour améliorer l’interface chaque année. Toujours plus modulable, celle-ci a le mérite de présenter de très nombreuses informations le plus clairement possible."[/TD]



[TD]Logiciel Mac (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Sans grande surprise, Football Manager 2014 est un très bon cru."[/TD]



[TD]Gamekult (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 s'inscrit dans la continuité de son prédécesseur, se contentant de petites retouches aussi discrètes qu'indispensables aux yeux des managers du dimanche."[/TD]



[TD]Jeux Video (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 est incontestablement le meilleur jeu du genre, mais nécessite toujours un certain investissement pour en profiter."[/TD]





[TD]"Les améliorations du moteurs 3D, les ajustements du module tactique et l'ajout du cross-save (ainsi que de la compatibilité avec Linux pour les utilisateurs de ce système) font que cette mouture surpasse son prédécesseur mais aussi toute la concurrence."[/TD]



[TD]Jeuxvideo24 (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Mais que l'on ne s'y trompe pas, la simulation de gestion de football de Sports Interactive Ltd. garde son statut de référence du genre et continue de nous gâter avec un menu très consistant, aussi complet que plaisant et avec des ajustements bienvenus."[/TD]



[TD]Jeuxcapt (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Le truc avec Football Manager, c'est que lorsqu'on aime y jouer, on souhaite forcément avoir la dernière version du jeu et encore une fois, le tout reste hyper efficace et addictif."[/TD]



[TD]Jeuxpo (FRA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 améliore par petites touches la formule du jeu de Sports Interactive."[/TD]








[TD]Inthegame.nl (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Weer een toptitel die iedere voetbalfan in huis zou moeten halen."[/TD]



[TD]Eurogamer (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Een simulatie valt of staat met realisme en de makers van Football Manager zijn hier duidelijk van doordrongen. Het is een game door voetbalfans, voor voetbalfans."[/TD]





[TD]"Wat je kunt concluderen bij Football Manager 2014 is vooral het feit dat de luilak aangepakt wordt. Automatische piloot kan niet meer."[/TD]



[TD]Inside Gamer (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"De game kent een hoop grote en kleine verbeteringen, die de manager-ervaring nog beter en boeiender maken dan in voorgaande delen."[/TD]





[TD]"De echte schoonheid van deze titel blijft in de oplichtende balkjes, de rangschikkingen en de statistieken zitten. Voor wie dat begrijpt, maakt al de rest niks uit."[/TD]



[TD]9Lives (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Eens te meer slaagt de Britse ontwikkelaar Sports Interactive erin met Football Manager 2014 een totaalpakket af te leveren dat heel wat virtuele coaches maandenlang aan het computerscherm zal gekluisterd houden."[/TD]





[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is het meest uitgebreide en uitdagende deel dat tot dusver in de voetbalmanagersimulatiereeks is gemaakt."[/TD]



[TD]Gamer.nl (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is met al zijn kleine vetbeteringen en toevoegingen daarom meer dan ooit een game voor iedereen."[/TD]



[TD]Humo (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"De game kent een hoop grote en kleine verbeteringen, die de manager-ervaring nog beter en boeiender maken dan in voorgaande delen."[/TD]



[TD]Gamers Net (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is dan ook verslavend als altijd en zal veel gamers weer de nodige uurtjes nachtrust kosten."[/TD]



[TD]Kijk Online (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is in onze ogen zeker een toptitel waaraan je veel plezier beleefd."[/TD]



[TD]Game Party (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Als trouwe speler van de Football Manager serie ben ik weer voor een heel jaar tevreden gestemd met deze nieuwste versie."[/TD]



[TD]Spotlight TV (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Met Football Manager 2014 is Sports Interactive weer een stapje dichter bij de perfecte simulatie gekomen."[/TD]



[TD]3rabgamer (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 14 تعتبر خطوة كبيرة جدا الي الامام مقارنة بالاصدارات السابقة"[/TD]



[TD]Gameliner (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager weet elk jaar op een positieve manier te vernieuwen, en dit jaar is dat niet anders."[/TD]



[TD]PC Only (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager lijkt ook dit jaar weer de koning van de voetbalsimulaties te worden."[/TD]



[TD]Game Quarter (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 is zijn geld waard en biedt alles voor de betweters onder ons, maar denk nu niet dat jij ook op de stoel van de echte managers kunt gaan zitten!"[/TD]



[TD]Undercover (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Voor iedere andere die graag een stap wil zetten in een voetbalsimulatie waarbij hij de coach is, dan is Football Manager 2014 een uitstekende keuze."[/TD]



[TD]Cutting Edge (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager introduceert heel wat nieuwigheden, maar of het spel globaal gezien beter of slechter is dan de versie van 2013 hangt vooral af van persoonlijke voorkeur en de manier waarop je speelt."[/TD]



[TD]4Gamers (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive heeft ons opnieuw heel wat plezier bezorgd met Football Manager 2014."[/TD]



[TD]Tweakers (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager ook met de 2014-versie een van de verslavendste spellen die je kunt opstarten op een pc, Mac of Linux-systeem."[/TD]



[TD]Softonic (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 ziet er niet alleen beter uit dan zijn voorganger, ook biedt de voetbalmanagementgame meer diepgang dan ooit."[/TD]



[TD]Power Unlimited (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 véél meer dan een add-on voor de versie van vorig jaar. Vertrouwd, maar toch fris en fruitig!"[/TD]



[TD]Fok Games (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive heeft met Football Manager 2014 weer een prima speler op de markt gezet."[/TD]



[TD]Metro (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Zelfs financial fairplay ... zit in deze editie op een goed werkende manier verwerkt. Het maakt FM 2014 dus misschien nog wel realistischer dan het echte voetbal zelf."[/TD]



[TD]Gameplay (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"Les améliorations, bien que discrètes, octroient un nouveau confort au jeu. Football Manager 2014 n’est pas qu’une simple mise à jour, c’est une optimisation qui souhaite avant tout immerger le joueur dans l’univers chaotique de la gestion sportive."[/TD]



[TD]Game4me (BLX)[/TD]


[TD]"De tiende editie van Football Manager is er één in lijn met de vorige edities: stapje voor stapje probeert men de franchise beter te maken."[/TD]










[TD]"Hvis du har tiden og brænder for fodbold, har Sports Interactive igen i år et tilbud, du sikkert ikke kan sige nej til."[/TD]



[TD]Game Reactor (DK)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager er uden tvivl en af de mest fængslende og detaljerede simulationer der nogensinde er lavet."[/TD]



[TD]Ekstra Bladet (DK)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 er stadig den absolut bedste digitale udgave af fodboldsporten."[/TD]



[TD]Game Sector (DK)[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive skal have tak for at tænke nyt, og for igen at frigive en pakke som reelt kunne have været to selvstændige spil."[/TD]



[TD]Gamers Lounge (DK)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager sidder stadig på tronen over manager spil og de hviler ikke på laurbærbladene, som det har virket en smule til tidligere."[/TD]



[TD]Eurogamer (DK)[/TD]


[TD]"Det stringente fokus på at gøre spillet mindre nørklet og mere menneskeligt er en stor sejr for serien, men mere imponerende er det, at ændringen kun har gjort simulationen mere realistisk."[/TD]



[TD]MX (DK)[/TD]


[TD]"Paradis for fodboldfans"[/TD]








[TD]Pressfire (NOR)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 har ikke endret seg radikalt fra fjorårsutgaven, også det er i utgang*****tet en styrke. 2013-versjonen var nemlig bunnsolid, småfeil og mangler til tross."[/TD]



[TD]Game Reactor (NOR)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 en knallgod og solid spillopplevelse"[/TD]



[TD]Gamer.no (NOR)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 er et perfekt addendum for de som har mye tid å bruke på fotballinteressen sin, og selv om jeg har vært hektet på serien i 20 år får jeg ingen grunn til å ****te av denne utgaven heller."[/TD]



[TD]Filmpolitiet (NOR)[/TD]


[TD]"Om jeg likte spillet spør du? Det har jeg ikke tid til å svare på nå, nå starter Pre Season og jeg har faktisk ikke for vane å svare på spørsmål fra pressen."[/TD]





[TD]"Hvis du har mye fritid og brenner for fotball, har Sports Interactive nok en gang et tilbud du ikke bør si nei til."[/TD]



[TD]Spillfeber.no (NOR)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 leverer – kort og greit – som forventet, og hverken skuffer eller imponerer nevneverdig. Det begynner i grunn å minne om en god årgangsvin; kvaliteten forbedres for hvert år som går."[/TD]








[TD]Game Reactor (SWE)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager är utan tvekan en av de mest fängslande och detaljerad simulatorer som någonsin skapats."[/TD]








[TD]Hobbyconsolas (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Hablar de que estamos ante el mejor FM de la saga es hablar de que FM14 es el mejor simulador de dirección futbolística que hemos podido jugar nunca, y sin exagerar."[/TD]



[TD]Meristation (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 se mantiene como líder de los títulos de gestión deportiva, y no parece que exista juego alguno capaz de hacerle sombra."[/TD]





[TD]"Sin ser la revolución de 2013, el Football Manager de este año vuelve a ser el producto estrella que todos los seguidores de la franquicia esperan con ganas."[/TD]



[TD]Vandal (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive tiene sus manos la mejor y más completa experiencia de juego posible en su respectivo campo."[/TD]



[TD]Game Reactor (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"La verdadera belleza de FM14 está en las historias que experimentas en la simulación. Una temporada está repleta de subidones y bajones, momentos de depresión o de agitar el puño de alegría."




[TD]Akihabarablues (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager es amor por el fútbol."[/TD]



[TD]Vicio Juegos (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Definitivamente, Football Manager 2014 no decepcionará a nadie, y cubrirá prácticamente todas las expectativas que se tienen en él."[/TD]



[TD]AlfaBetaJeuga (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 cumple con lo que promete y es lo que dice ser. Es una mejora evidente de sus antecesores, y el título más avanzado tecnológicamente de la saga"[/TD]



[TD]Trucoteca (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"A modo de conclusión, podemos decir que Football Manager 2014 es sin duda uno de los mejores simuladores deportivos que existe sobre el deporte rey"[/TD]



[TD]Gamerzona (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Tras lo que hemos podido probar garantizamos que merece la pena hacer el esfuerzo por probar Football Manager 2014, juego que como ninguno logra reflejar el día a día de la dirección de un club de fútbol."[/TD]



[TD]Vadejuegos (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 es sin duda sin miedo a equivocarnos el mejor manager que hay actualmente en el mercado."[/TD]



[TD]Mundogamers (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Fruto de todo este trabajo es una nueva edición de Football Manager. Quizá no la recordemos dentro de unos años como la que revolucionó la franquicia, o el género, pero posiblemente estemos ante una de las que dejará más satisfechos a sus jugadores."[/TD]



[TD]3dJuegos (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Eso sí, prácticamente cualquier cosa imaginable que pueda quedar en manos de un manager de fútbol de la vida real está presente aquí, y eso, como entretenimiento interactivo, tiene un valor extraordinario."[/TD]



[TD]Publico (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Por mucho que la fórmula tenga ya 21 años, Football Manager 2014 sigue siendo líder en solitario en la liga de los simuladores futbolísticos de gestión y dirección técnica."[/TD]



[TD]Anait Games (ESP)[/TD]


[TD]"Han pasado los años y en esta evolución Football Manager se ha vuelto más formal pero también más accesible, más complejo pero más comunicativo, pero sobre todo mucho, mucho más adictivo."[/TD]










[TD]"Il mesmerizzante calcio di SI Games non solo conferma quanto fatto di buono lo scorso anno, ma perfeziona il profilo tecnico e aggiunge moltissimi aspetti di cui, col senno di poi, non si poteva fare a meno."[/TD]



[TD]Multiplayer.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Più che mai, Football Manager è sempre Football Manager, vale a dire un'esperienza avvincente come poche, che i fan del calcio "ragionato" sicuramente quest'anno non vorranno lasciarsi scappare."[/TD]



[TD]Spazio Games (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Che siate alla ricerca di una profonda carriera da allenatore o semplicemente di un'esperienza da manager senza troppi fronzoli, l'ennesima incarnazione Sports Interactive soddisferà ancora una volta il vostro bisogno."[/TD]



[TD]Games.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 è l’ennesimo consolidamento di un lavoro che va avanti ormai da diversi anni e non delude gli appassionati."[/TD]



[TD]Gamemag (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 è un simulatore di ottima fattura."[/TD]



[TD]Everyeye.it (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"La messa a punto e l'inserimento di nuove opzioni all'interno di sezioni fondamentali come allenamento, mercato e gestione tattica non fanno altro che arricchire un'esperienza di gioco consolidata e già pressoché perfetta per intraprendere la carriera di allenatori virtuali."[/TD]



[TD]Eurogamer (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"La nuova strada intrapresa da Sports Interactive in Football Manager 2014 è piuttosto interessante dal punto di vista simulativo"[/TD]



[TD]Game Reactor (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Anche se la formula ha ormai 21 anni, Football Manager 2014 è in testa alla classifica quando si tratta di simulatori gestionali."[/TD]



[TD]Virtual Inn (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 si configura come il miglior capitolo del brand."[/TD]



[TD]Italia Top Games (ITA)[/TD]


[TD]"Non possiamo che acclamare senza esitazioni Football Manager 2014."[/TD]








[TD]Gameslife (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Η μεγαλύτερη καινοτομία του Football Manager 2014 έναντι των προκατόχων του είναι ο πλήρης εξελληνισμός του"[/TD]



[TD]Techgear (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Είσαι φαν του είδους; Αν ναι τότε είναι το καλύτερο στο είδος του. Είναι μια βελτίωση σε σχέση με το προηγούμενο και όχι απλά ένα χέρι πέρασμα από πάνω για να κοροϊδέψουμε τον κόσμο."[/TD]



[TD]GameOver (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Εν κατακλείδι, το Football Manager 2014 συνεχίζει με τίμιο τρόπο και με όλη του την αξία να χαράζει τη δική του ανοδική πορεία."[/TD]



[TD]CowboyTV (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Το παιχνίδι είναι καλοφτιαγμένο, με την Ελληνική μετάφραση να είναι σε πολύ καλά έως άριστα επίπεδα, χωρίς τραγελαφικά λάθη."[/TD]



[TD]Newsit (GRE)[/TD]

[TD]No Score[/TD]

[TD]"Η μεγαλύτερη καινοτομία του Football Manager 2014 σε σχέση με τους προκάτοχούς του είναι ο πλήρης εξελληνισμός του."[/TD]



[TD]TheGang (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Για τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, το FM 2014 είναι μια updated έκδοση του FM 2013. Για τους Έλληνες manager είναι η αρχή μια νέας εποχής."[/TD]



[TD]Game World (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Βγάζει τα λεφτά του στο έπακρο, έχει ως συνήθως τεράστια αντοχή, αλλά αποτελεί περισσότερο patch παρά νέα έκδοση."[/TD]



[TD]Pagkaki (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Με λίγα λόγια, πιο ολοκληρωμένο Football Manager δεν νομίζω να έχει βγει. Καλά πρωταθλήματα!"[/TD]



[TD]Ragequit (GRE)[/TD]


[TD]"Το Football Manager 2014 αποτελεί ουσιαστική αναβάθμιση από την προηγούμενη έκδοση και οι φίλοι της σειράς δεν θα πρέπει να το χάσουν. Τα όποια ελαττώματα δεν αρκούν για να χαλάσουν τη γενική εξαιρετική εικόνα."[/TD]








[TD]GryOnline (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"Autorzy jednocześnie wprowadzili potężną ilość mniejszych poprawek i modyfikacji, które w sumie sprawiają, że Football Manager 2014 jest najbardziej realistyczną odsłoną cyklu."[/TD]



[TD]Gram.pl (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 to gra kompletna."[/TD]



[TD]Interia.pl (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"To wciąż zdecydowanie najlepszy menedżer piłkarski."[/TD]



[TD]Benchmark.pl (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 to przede wszystkim solidna produkcja... Bo to właśnie dzięki temu dostajemy teraz dopracowany produkt, bez większych wad czy problemów."[/TD]



[TD]Onet (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"Jako całość gra jest tak bliska perfekcji, jak tylko może być gra menadżerska."[/TD]



[TD]CD-Action (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"Ekipa jednak dopracowała kulawą koncepcję, czyniąc Football Manager 2014 najlepszym, z jakim mieliśmy do czynienia do tej pory."[/TD]



[TD]GameFaction (POL)[/TD]


[TD]"To wciąż stary, dobry Football Manager, jeszcze bardziej uporządkowany interfejs"[/TD]



[TD]Niezgrani (POL)[/TD]

[TD]"Buy it at any price!"[/TD]

[TD]"Ale wydaje się, że Football Manager 2014 robi kolejny krok w dobrą stronę."[/TD]








[TD]Hrej.cz (CZE)[/TD]


[TD]"Návyková a mimořádně propracovaná simulace práce fotbalového manažera."[/TD]



[TD]fmseries.cz (CZE)[/TD]




[TD]Czech Gamer (CZE)[/TD]


[TD]"A to je mix, který se dnes už jen tak nevidí. Pečlivé zjednodušení odstranilo obsah, který iritoval a nahradilo jej intuitivními mechanismy. Tomu můžeme jedině tleskat."[/TD]



[TD]vytukej.cz (CZE)[/TD]


[TD]"Jak se zdá, opět tady máme ten nejlepší FM."[/TD]



[TD]studentpoint.cz (CZE)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 opět usedl na trůn nejlepšího fotbalového manažeru, bez kterého si ten rok ani nedovedu představit."[/TD]



[TD]Games.cz (CZE)[/TD]


[TD]"Další rok, další Football Manager, další stovky proklikaných hodin virtuálního fotbalu."[/TD]








[TD]Eurogamer (POR)[/TD]


[TD]"Continua o simulador de treinador de futebol mais profundo, complexo e detalhado do mercado, e continua a ser “vício garantido” para o ano inteiro."[/TD]



[TD]Video Gamer (POR)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 é sem dúvida alguma um jogo perfeito para os amantes de futebol."[/TD]



[TD]Game Reactor (POR)[/TD]


[TD]"A verdadeira beleza de Football Manager está nas histórias que vão experienciar. A temporada está cheia de altos e baixos, momentos onde vão levar as mãos à cabeça em desânimo ou cerrar os punhos no ar em festejo"[/TD]



[TD]Escape Rope (POR)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 é o melhor jogo da série até à data"[/TD]



[TD]Ene3 (POR)[/TD]


[TD]"Em geral podemos dizer que o Football Manager 2014 recebeu uma remodelação gigante, e na sua grande maioria foi um grande passo em frente."[/TD]



[TD]Diariodigital (POR)[/TD]

[TD]No Score[/TD]

[TD]"FM brilha nos critérios de realismo, rigor, profundidade e actualidade com que aborda o tema do futebol."[/TD]



[TD]Magazine HD (POR)[/TD]


[TD]"FM2014 é o melhor jogo de sempre no seu género, não tendo concorrência."[/TD]



[TD]Australia/New Zealand[/TD]







[TD]"True to form, albeit with refinement rather than the wholesale changes we saw last year, Football Manager 2014 had me animated and exhilarated."[/TD]



[TD]Capsule Computers (AUS)[/TD]


[TD]"At the end of the day, Football Manager 2014 still only does what you expect of it, but it is a solid and hugely entertaining game."[/TD]



[TD]Goal.com (AUS)[/TD]


[TD]"It is the best and purest of all the football games on the market. If you want to test your knowledge and understanding of the beautiful game then Football Manager 2014 is the way to go."[/TD]



[TD]Techday (NZ)[/TD]


[TD]"Fans of the series will continue to love it, but I can’t help but feel as if the truly great editions of FM10 and earlier will not be seen again as some of the added realism detracts from the fun of crafting together a truly great team."[/TD]



[TD]3News (NZ)[/TD]


[TD]"Five stars, 10 out of 10, quite possibly the greatest game of all time."[/TD]








[TD]Great Gamer (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Это та же игра, что и в начале 90-х. Но она по-прежнему заменяет собой все игры вплоть до следующего части."[/TD]



[TD]Gamer.ru (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 это вполне достойное продолжение серии с более чем двадцатилетней историей, самая совершенная игра жанра на данный момент - маст хев для вдумчивых любителей футбола."[/TD]



[TD]Maximum Games (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Football Manager 2014 объединяет все лучшие концепции прошлых частей при этом развивая их."[/TD]



[TD]Kanobu (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Лучшая игра в жанре"[/TD]



[TD]Kino-govno.com (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"В конечном счёте Football Manager – просто великолепная игра."[/TD]



[TD]GM Box (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"Самый умный спортивный симулятор сделал очередной один шаг на долгом пути к совершенству."[/TD]



[TD]Pressxtowin (RUS)[/TD]


[TD]"За прошедший год он снова стал красивее, легче, понятнее и разнообразнее"[/TD]








[TD]ShiftDelete.net (TUR)[/TD]


[TD]"Geliştirilmiş maç motoru, daha gerçekçi veritabanı verileri, maç günü ekranında yapılan önemli değişiklikle"[/TD]



[TD]Merlin'in Kazani (TUR)[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive bu sene ödevine iyi çalışmış gibi gözüküyor, önce onu söyleyelim. Maç motorunu komple değiştirmişler ve arayüzde büyük gelişmeler var."[/TD]



[TD]TrGamer (TUR)[/TD]


[TD]"Sports Interactive yine bize şu ana kadar yapılmış en detaylı ve en eğlenceli futbol menajerliği oyununu sunmayı başarmış."[/TD]



[TD]Oyunsitesi (TUR)[/TD]


[TD]"Ben size “muhakkak alın” tarzı cümleler kurmayacağım çünkü biliyorum ki FM profesörleri çoktan ön siparişini vermiştir bile."[/TD]



[TD]Hayatamiz Oyun (TUR)[/TD]


[TD]"Yapılan ciddi değişiklikler bir kenara bırakıldığında her yönüyle dopdolu ve rakipsiz olan FM serisi bazı olumlu rötuşlar sayesinde serisinin en iyisi olmaya aday."[/TD]








[TD]Sports Gamer Blog (USA)[/TD]


[TD]"After spending 30+ hours with Football Manager 2014, I can safely say that this is one of the finest text-based sports simulations ever written."[/TD]



[TD]Destructoid (USA)[/TD]


[TD]"This year's edition is building on what was already established; it will please longtime fans and keep them engaged as Football Manager 14 gives them all the depth and options they would want.




[TD]World Soccer Talk (USA)[/TD]


[TD]"There are a lot of small changes that have been made to the game that help make it more efficient, more detailed and get you maybe just a little bit more invested in your career."[/TD]



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