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The Second Annual FMCU Awards. Coming September/October


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It's that time again. Time for the second annual FMCU Awards ceremony. But, before we have awards, we must have nominations.

Below are the catagories and last year's winners.

Best FMCU Poster - Raware

Best FMCU Thread Name - What's death like?... Have you ever been to Swindon?

Best FMCU Fountain of Youth Career - Freedom for Tooting and Mitcham

Best FMCU Under the Radar Award - You'll never win anything with kids

Best FMCU Career - This is a Tribute - DodgeeD's World Tour

Best FMCU Journeyman Career - This Is A Tribute: DodgeeD's World Tour

However, for this year, we have a NEW catagory. This is 'Best FMCU Team' . This award is for that one team built up that conquered the world in one season or became a dominant force over many.

PM me with nominations STARTING 1st September.

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I wonder if we can nominate our own teams for Best FMCU Team...since there's quite a lot of them and no one knows their teams best like the ones who built them. And can we nominate more than one team? :) (I personally have two teams since I started so many careers...)

Oh, and why not add Best FMCU Player while we're at it?

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'One Man = One Vote' system.

And yes, you can nominate your own team if you want, but there will be a final shortlist to vote on.

Having a best player is going a little far. Perhaps someone only four seasons in has a star in the making, a 200/200 guy, but loses out to someone who scored a fair few goals over a number of years. Where as having a team means you could have swept the board in the first season with anyone.

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