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Svenc last won the day on November 4 2016

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1,346 "Carpe diem. Seize the day"



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    "At the end of the day, all we can do as humans is create a tactic which dominates possession, creates clear cut chances and gets shots on target." -- perceived football wisdoms of an eternally to be frustrated Football Manager.

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  1. Yeah, and there were a lot of set piece based to boot then, making it appear you would actually penetrate the box successfully (and thus mostly low quality, e.g. headers in packed boxes under severe pressure). I mean, on the occasion you may score loads. That's RNG, baby. But you can't rely on that. Checking every shot takes a lot of time, but stats never told that story. SI naturally also aren't watching but stats. But it's something different to just watch numbers pile up, vs. analysing where those numbers are coming from. Both in terms of assessing a team's performance. And crucially, it is important for making a more realistic / better ME. As it's the kick by kick match play making for the stats -- not the way around. Why did the play then produce this many setpieces? And why did they so easily lead to lower-quality finishes? Just found a couple of memes I made way back. A few of those were actually based on a player who sent me his save and who'd claim he'd struggle. He didn't actually. He was extremely successful. He just had a couple additional matches where his opponent scored from few or even first shots, when he never did. However his shot spread looked obviously very different to mine. He never took the criticism to heart and rather when with his cognitive bias and theory of AI cheating instead.
  2. What do your seasonal stats look like? Expected Points and goals. If you can't to that to an AI manager ever, I direct you to this post.
  3. AI managers have never been like: "This is my tacticz". They've picked their stuff according to opposition (or targeted scoreline), current scoreline in a match and traits edited into the db. I still remember on FM 2016 or thereabouts Guardiola was pretty underperforming with a then hugely dominating Bayern squad in the Bundesliga. Sure, he may have won the thing more oftenly. But still, if you'd simulate lots of seasons (full match details), you'd oft see him losing 7, 8 matches and struggling to score ~60 goals. Looking upon the matches and the changes, he frequently left Lewandowski completely isolated as the lone FWD off a 4-1-4-1 formation and left to rot. If things didn't work out by HT, he changed formation entirelly, which made him still getting results more often than not.
  4. The best use is in the longer term. E.g. stats such as xG difference also (average quality of shots - average quality of shots conceded). Classic Statsbomb article from back then. https://statsbomb.com/articles/soccer/can-borussia-dortmund-win-the-bundesliga/ At such differences, it was pretty safe to say for them that Bayern were still the dominant force. Also, teams outperforming their Expected Points by huge margins (like 12-14 points plus), there's also usually something more at play, e.g. a bit of luck. Union Berlin in the Bundesliga had an Expected Points tally last season of ~40 points. They qualified for the CL (which didn't go so well) and for a long time had a chance of being champs. This season, they have exactly the same ~40 xPoints, but may be relegated. Five Thirty Eight have stopped doing rankings, but they listed them as an average Bundesliga side also in their SPI rankings. I'd love to see Matt Benham's ranking though rather than public ones. :-) In 2008ish, similar happened in Berlin. Hertha for the first time in decades had a chance of winning the Bundesliga, well until the final weeks into the season. Even tabloid papers argued them to have a bit of "luck", as they won close matches week after week. The next season they were prolly relegated. Still remember a Benham interview where he argued this Berlin side wasn't any much better than the Nuremberg side relegated a season prior. Despite almost being Bundesliga champs. And that guy has made millions with ranking teams -- as well as (successfully) applying his knowledge at his club/s. See Brentford, consistently outperforming their budget for like years now in whichever league the play. As for individual players, there's few who consistenly outperform their xG. This is a reflection of that despite public perception, any competitive sports is decided in small margins. Clubs are spending gazillions in an attempt of hopefully gaining a few extra percentages over their peers. (E.g. the public misconception that when Messi et all moved to PSG, they would completely destroy the league -- PSG already had pretty decent forwards before and there's only so much you can still upgrade from this. Plus, if you're competing on a level with the likes of Messi, you're one of the top athletes of your generation, no matter which club you play for. FM has always reflected this some, from my experience. Hence players get mid forwards scoring, whilst others have always struggled to get Messi rolling.).
  5. A combination of things, mostly: - Reporting bias: You're more likely to report frustrations rather than joy. Or in other words: You winning the EPL with Luton first season is a reason of joy (and not a possible game flaw). But you conceding off few shots is immediately foul at play. - Match engine not being actual football, but an approximization. - AI match management trying to replicate actual managers, but also not being the "real thing". On older releases, even top teams would often "park the bus" from kick-off, leading to more statistically one-sided matches all by itself -- thus increasing the number of matches where a team eventually scores from few shots all by itself. You can't avoid that entirelly. Every shot, however poor, is a chance at a goal. Probabilities and all. Even on releases where it was super easy to completely dominate the pitch and possession, you're going to concede at some point. Opposition may be awarded a few set pieces still every other match -- and by match day 7, 8, 9, it would happen: goal. - More importantly though: Actual managers eventually adapting -- and not letting 11 out of 11 players bomb forward 24/7 whilst belting continue to get to the end results ASAP. My point still stands: Anybody of this who cannot do this to the AI ever is a bad player. Anybody who sees these perceived anomalies more in own results than in AI managed top teams, is a bad player (or in the best of cases triggering a marking bug the AI doesn't). The notion that the AI were cheating needs to be challenged at any point. Because if it were to improve to challenge the better players , the "cheating claims" would be all over the place. And the "Anomalies" happening even moreso. Imagine AI managers being able to "read" where the space to exploit is in the match play, visibly, same as a better player can. And there's always gonna be space for as long as it's not possible to cover every inch of the pitch at all times (which it isn't in-game also). In theory, an AI aware of the space inside the ME would be possible, as SI could code the AI to "read" the positional heatmaps in a match analysis. That'd be good for the better players. But would make everybody claiming to be cheated quit the game and never come back as a paying customer. So a no-go for SI. Good for some. Bad for others.
  6. Plotspoiler: If you can't do that to an AI ever, you're a really lousy FM player and the defensive/counter AI tactics coded already have an edge over yours. (More plotspoiler: Only works if AI is actually applying attacking tactics tho, visibly. Most hilarious of which ca. FM 2016, going gung-ho as early as 5 minutes into the match if they go behind 0-1 early. And having ZERO cover after own attacking setpieces too. Top of the league despite conceding the most shots and having the least shots of any of the top teams. Good times. I mean, take a look around: Almost anyone with experience in this series can win some. That's not the challenge. Up your game and git gud.)
  7. Perfect reasoning! The logics more oftenly goes somewhere along the lines of this, thanks to the magics of the human brain and cognitive bias: "Unlike any 'cheating' AI manager ever, I've just taken Brentford to the CL final within two seasons. However, that's all thanks to my great management. It couldn't possibly be to me "cheating", er exploiting defensive bugs, limited AI match management, loopholes in the match engine, or anything. I'm not going to even look for that. I'm just a great manager, ya know?" Then, every time something "bad" happens (like the AI scoring with their first shot every once in a while): "OVER THE LINE YOU DIRTY CHEAT!"
  8. Absolutely agree with the latter. Just seen this was also discussed here, like me with the argument of ease of (match play) control at the center of things. Also, if SI coders were able to code an AI that can actually read the ME (whether for bugs or actual play) as well as the better/experienced FM players, they likely wouldn't be in the gaming business. Re: Pep, to me the general match simulation in FM has never been as "random" as football can be either. Sure, every year you have players ranting about how parking bus tactic AI teams would score with their first shot on target once in every blue moon. But I've never seen a side on this like Klopp's Dortmund in his last spell there. They were sitting at 18th (!) place come December, and everybody wondered WTF was going on, German pundits and TV "experts" even arguing about whether Klopp would be "finished". LFC staffers (luckily for the club) had figured that a big part of it was but rotten luck. They determined Klopp's Dortmund should be actually sitting ~4th place, rather than 18th. Or how about Zidane in CR7's last season at Real? Zidane had already lost the title race to Barcelona come January, sitting 4th. A big part of the reason? All of his main strikeforce having the worst spell of their careers. CR7 averaged 7 shots per match alone (xG ~13) -- but only had scored 4 goals by that point, two of which penalties. Benzema et all didn't fare better, relative to their finishes. Whilst there's still funny headlines recorded for all eternity, I wish the Youtube video was still online showing all "so close" finishes in chronological order -- the only thing missing was the Benny Hill theme playing alongside to it. And at least public data seems to suggest that even Pep may once have been a bit of a victim of "chance". As every single season since he arrived at City, his side had by far the best data, including Expected Goals Difference, which clocks chance data over a season, rather than individual matches. Even in the season where Klopp would finally win it with Liverpool. Whilst "implementing" this may even keep the experienced players a bit on their toe every once in a while: Can you imagine this game's community if a Klopp/Dortmund or Zidane/Real happened to but one of the millions players ever?
  9. More importantly, the model is based on the assumption that human managers as well as AI managers were seeing "eye to eye". Kind of a bit in like football management. That's blatantly not the case. For a start, unless SI were able to code AI able to read (and influence) the second by second match play the way a better human player can, there's always gonna be a gap. Generally, AI management is the main factor in why most experienced players are eventually experiencing what they experience. There's two possible solutions to make that gap smaller: - Improve AI management. - Limit input. Every option a player has is one where he can gain an edge over AI, eventually. This goes in particular for options influencing the second by second match play, e.g. individual player positioning with possession / without, general decision making with the ball, etc. The more micro control or rather influence you have, the wider the possible gap in between AI and player. AI is never gonna be as creative as a human player too. Limiting input naturally makes it harder for players who really struggle to do anything genuinelly "bad" too as a side-effect. The performance gap between AI and players becomes smaller across the board. Not arguing this to be the best route, mind. Long-term squad management naturally plays a big role as well, but that can be filed under point 1: improve AI management.
  10. Well, they certainly took the opposite approach to Owlcat with their Pathfinder games. Enemies are too easy to hit? Just inflate their stats to kingdom come. Mind you, some of that is actually necessary (optionally either way), as Pathfinder is a rather unbalanced system. Allowing completely OP character builds even if playing by the official rules 1:1. Speaking of which, the mere notion that you would even NEED to rig the dice here is silly. All any developer of RPGs needs to do is simply giving enemies better stats. They'll be harder to hit. They'll hit you more. THey'll do you more damage, they'll be harder to kill, etc. And this can be made transparent, which is important. It's the difference between perceived "unfairness" (secretly fiddling with hit dice) or "fairness" (optionally giving enemies better stats to make the game harder). Any dev who'd still opt for going with "unfairness" is either (pardon me) an ass, an idiot or both. Naturally, FM is a bit more opaque. To put it that'aways.
  11. It's more like the opposite, as certainly was the main motivation of it being in: making hits more likely with every streak of miss. It's an option mainly to avoid player frustration. To more or less quote Larian's CEO from an old interview when BG3 was announced in 2019 (can't find it atm): "Missing isn't fun. If you miss tons of times, you're going to give the game a bad review." D&D tabletop players are used to streaks. A Dice 20 system is rather prone to them. However, the game was meant to appeal to more than just D&D players. By the way: Despite the "That's XCOM" meme, XCOM acutally increases the chances to hit with a miss too (at least on lower difficulties). If there's ever any deliberately FIDDLING going on, it's always done to avoid player frustration. There's no point in deliberately frustrating your player base. What's more, once their trust in the fairness of your game is destroyed, it's hard to impossible to win it back. It's the most stupid thing you can ever do. I'm also still having a good laugh at that people overperforming across the shop is never reported as a possible issue -- but an AI managed team scoring from frew shots is always crossing the line immediately. PS (off-topic): I totally agree that some of Larian's "tweaks" have messed some things majorly up. Even D&D's inherent action economy... which is a part of the reason why combat is so easy and/or spells such as "haste" this overpowered.
  12. Just logged in for the first time in eternity to comment that I genuinelly love the irony here. (And I'd be very concerned if the AI still wasn't able to "exploit" stuff like this -- at least once in every purple colored moon. Looks like there's still a lot to do for FM2025 though in that regard.) Btw, another newcomer on the management games block now gets the "cheating AI" treatment by players as well. It's the equivalent of the XCom meme, or more recent Baldur's Gate 3, which RNG apparently was totally rigged against the player. Actually, according to the internet the RNG is rigged against the player in just about any RPG. The more popular the RPG, the more rigged it is (as the number of bad game theory grows accordingly to a game's player base, naturally). PS: Any developer actually deliberately messing with its player base by implementing "cheat AI" is the dumbest kid on the block. Nobody is going to stick with a game long-term that they perceive as inherently unfair. That's not only a player lost. That's actually a paying customer lost. A CLEVER developer would do EVERYTHING to not even make that suspicious of his game cheating a player appear. BG3 even implemented optional "karmic dice" so that streaks were less likely to happen. The D&D faithful were furious. How could they? That's how. And did it do anything? Hell it did...
  13. Yes, they did. Real Madrid 2 - 2 Valencia (August 27 2017) | La liga | 2017/2018 | xG | Understat.com Real Madrid 1 - 1 Levante (September 09 2017) | La liga | 2017/2018 | xG | Understat.com Real Madrid 0 - 1 Real Betis (September 20 2017) | La liga | 2017/2018 | xG | Understat.com Which would continue until well into January, with CR7 alone not hitting a cow's arse with a banjo, scoring but 4 goals from over 100 shots (two of which penalties). At which point Barcelona were already pretty much confirmed champs. Despite managed by someone doing a bit more than looking at final match stats to gauge how well his team played... Which the AI on this game luckily hasn't ever done either. Speaking of AI managers: If the AI were more capable at match tactics, it would pull of these kind of matches even more. General rule of the thumb: If the AI can do something you cannot, the AI has an edge over you, end of story. Imagine it was able to read the ME play the way the actually superior players of this game can (flaws included)... dynamically adjusting match tactics to space available during matches. SI aren't going to do that, naturally, as that would lead to enraged players.
  14. Historically it's also been the human manager being super successful (as usual...), thus his team rising in reputation to the point that every AI manager choses defensive tactics. As would happen to any manager, AI included, from the start were they managing Man City, Bayern, et all. Thus not only the AI always having fewer shots -- but also the AI teams exclusively ever scoring from few/er shots. That's bound to happen even if the human manager weren't attacking 24/7. Toss a coin for long enough, you may even get a couple streaks... simple laws of probability. It seems some of the same familiar faces still popping in too. SPOILER: If you can't do that to the AI in particular in matches where the AI is considered massive match favourite, chances are YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME. SPOILER ENDING. What I said about if the AI were one day actually to become "decent": RAGE QUIT CENTRAL. I don't mind anymore, mind. I actually compare "quitting" football to when I quit smoking. At first, it was pretty hard. Nowadays I'm wondering what the fuss is all about and I'm often actually pretty alienated not merely by players and federations/officials, but fans alike, acting as if a simple (and occasionally fun) game of kicking a ball around indeed WAS a matter of life and death.
  15. I see these kind of topics have never "evolved". Despite many human managers evidently still outperforming the AI left, right front and center on all accounts on FM20, 22, 23 and 33. Except for one crucial one. Which is winning a few matches despite having fewer/ lesser chances -- which is not gonna happen to that super successful human manager, as it will be exclusively AI that will shut up shop / play on the counter, seeing the human manager team as the big dog to frustrate. You can only ever win with fewer shots if you aim to have fewer shots, Sherlock Obvious. If the human managers would do the same from kick-off in that scenario however, matches would play out like a Western movie shootout, except for nobody ever drawing the gun... This is one of the reasons why I've stopped playing (the other is that I'm alienated by football these days). Because if the AI were to massively ever improve, the challenge would increase, and "it" would happen MORE oftently. Imagine an AI manager that could "read", as a good human manager can, where that space left to exploit would actually be... and dynamically in-match adjusting its formations/roles/duties and instructions accordingly. Rage-quit central.
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