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  1. This is one of the things I've been trying to do, but I haven't figured out the correct code yet.
  2. As i can see, no changes in comp editor.fmf file, so no update required for this.
  3. It is not possible to add region to a comp, the db don´t allow it.
  4. You have to delete it with the editor closed. When you launch the editor, the file comeback, but there is no problem. In the tests I did, the only thing I managed to do was make it visible, I couldn't make it editable. I don't have tested it with the new patch.
  5. With this patch, the comp editor.fmf file is different. When ready, will release an update. I'm currently short on time, so it might take a while.
  6. It is in Portuguese, but you can see it work. nation.lnc
  7. Try to substitute SHORT with LONG. "NATION_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" Nation UID "Nation name" ""
  8. So will you have one less level? If you have 4 levels, you want 2º to be the 1º, the 3º to be 2º and the 4º to be 3º?
  9. Try this: Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2024\Caches and delete editor.skc file. Remove the comp editor file, go to Steam and verify your installation.
  10. I think it is hardcoded, I don't find any file with filtering options. Related with filters, only the files with the different things you can filter.
  11. If I remember correctly, create retired people in the nation could help, but not sure. Maybe have a look in some DB in the forum with created nations.
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