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Lucas last won the day on October 8 2023

Lucas had the most liked content!


5,805 "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"


  • Member Title
    Sports Interactive QA and Moderator


  • Biography
    Ooh wee hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly

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  • About Me
    SI QA


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    Pro Wrestling, Tech, Politics

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    Accessibility @ SI

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    Arsenal & England [2034-35]

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  1. The format change reduces the stakes for me of the group stage games, so every game feels much less like they matter as much. It's much easier to follow, permutations wise with a 16 or 32 team setup because you know your teams likely path to the final. I'm still excited about the tournament and will watch as many games as I can, but it is almost as if the tournament doesn't really get interesting until after the group stages, which is a shame. I do think football fatigue comes into it as well, there are increasingly too many games to follow and keep track of now.
  2. Is there a reason you reported your own post to the moderating team?
  3. Thread closed due to trolling, won't be tolerated here if you're going to have an attitude like that.
  4. The feature isn't dependent on a particular operating system. So it will work on macOS. I'll forward this to the right person so we can look into the labelling there.
  5. The only changes that require new games are typically data and competition related changes.
  6. Hi, if you have any data research errors to report please do so here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/database-and-research/spain-data-issues/ Thanks.
  7. In that case, is most likely your pre season expectations being higher than the others.
  8. If you're going on holiday for matches, you don't get manager points. Your assistant gets them instead.
  9. I'd very much recommend updating your OS to the latest Ventura at the very least, unless you can upgrade to Sonoma.
  10. Hi, sorry to hear you are having issues So we can process the crash dump files properly, can you only provide the FM24 crash dumps you have, in an attached post? It's unclear from the dump files whether they are FM23 or FM24, so if you can help us there, that would be appreciated
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