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Neil Brock

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Neil Brock last won the day on April 5 2023

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8,840 "May the Force be with you"


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    Sports Interactive Producer

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    Gary Busey's dustbin

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  1. Few things to bear in mind here - if you've got let's say a squad player (Joe Bloggs) on £50k a week which they signed a year ago, then go out and sign another player that Joe Bloggs doesn't think is much better than him, but pay them £100k a week, Joe Bloggs will look at that and think they're being treated unfairly. Likewise the inverse, if a player is being paid poorly compared to their teammates, then they will get wider support if they throw the toys out when you refuse to give them a new contract. So try and be consistent with your wage structure where you can. Consider the wider ramifications of what signing players does to the current squad. They will look around the club and the league and see how comparable players are valued. Even if you sign say a Key Player on £200k a week, that sends a wider message to the squad on the scale of the salaries you're willing to pay. So even the backups will look at that and think this new scale should reverberate down. Likewise with playing at differing levels - expectation with promotion that all players may want an increase to closer to the league average, so plan accordingly in advance. And as for players letting their contracts run down - different players have different ambition and career goals. With an ambitious agent, they'll be encouraged to see those deals down, so make sure your key players never get into the last couple of years if you can help it - albeit that of course comes at a premium.
  2. This has never been the case. Save game files are only deleted if you do so manually.
  3. May have been cooked by @Harryseaess where the photo of the sausages speaks for itself - https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/535570-the-full-english-breakfast-club/?do=findComment&comment=14112781
  4. We've opened this up further beyond what was originally posted above, as we're also looking for more junior designers too. I've updated the link above to the relevant role. We've also created an exciting new position for a UX Researcher which relates to playtesting and the psychology behind FM as detailed here - https://www.sigames.com/vacancy/ux-researcher As always, we're constantly adding new roles to our Careers page, so please do keep an eye out for an opportunity to join the team. Any questions, discussion or thoughts on anything related to this feel free to shout in here.
  5. Sounds like the size of the ground and all the fans is putting more demands on your system than it can handle in the graphical setup you've got.
  6. If you’re reading this post on these forums, it’s more than likely you’re a fan of Football Manager and enjoy spending time playing the game, creating your own story. What we’re looking for is creators – people with experience within the games industry, designers who want to take the next step in their careers. Design is a hugely important part of Football Manager and as we look to grow our team, we’re interested in hearing from people who have created games and have a keen interest in football and FM. We're looking for people with a deep sense of empathy who can work in a multidisciplinary team of designers, producers, artists, programmers and QA. Those who have a good understanding of systems design, and experience with Excel, Machinations or other similar software. It may be that you already engage with FM in deep and meaningful ways, like heavy theorycrafting around gameplay modules such as player development or training. What better way to do so than by having an opportunity to directly influence the future of Football Manager? As part of design applications, we require a portfolio of released projects (games, blog posts, reviews), your CV and covering letter and you must have a right to work in the UK (but we do offer flexible working opportunities including the ability to work from home). You can see a full breakdown of the role and apply here - https://www.sigames.com/vacancy/game-designer-junior-senior For those of you who would love to work for Sports Interactive but unfortunately don’t have the relevant experience for the above, we do always keep our careers page updated with available roles, so please do check that out to see if there’s anything more suitable for you - https://www.sigames.com/careers
  7. Believe the redemption site was down for a short period earlier today but should be back up and running now.
  8. In some nations the league specifically has a ruling that means you can only approach players playing within the same country as your club in the last month of their contract, rather than the last six months.
  9. That's correct. There is a problem with some of the unlockables being available to activate via your wallet on PS5 which the team are working on. Hope to have that addressed as soon as we can.
  10. FM Console Edition has always had In-App Purchases available on Xbox, just took us a little longer to be able to make these available on PS5. As you can see, they are now. Thanks.
  11. Yeah when we've seen examples of these in the past it's often been related to custom aspects, either related to the skin or in-match popups. If you have any of those in game, we'd suggest removing them for now and seeing if that stops the issue from occurring. Unfortunately it's likely that once stuck you can't become 'unstuck' without leaving the game itself I'm afraid.
  12. And just to be clear, it's posts like these which in part, is why developer interaction on these forums have dropped off. Hyperbolic statements without anything constructive or considered. Appreciate people want to have their say and get frustrations off their chest, but just makes me want to channel Larry.
  13. Yeah to be clear on public beta - we have what we call a 'Dream Team' private group of testers. This is made up of people involved in research, our moderating team and those who has consistently raised quality feedback or logged issues via our Bug Trackers over the years. So essentially those who have contributed within the community. We also have a staffed in-house group of full-time testers for multiple areas of the game who work as part of our wider development team. These are highly skilled individuals who have to cover a mountain of areas across the game. Some of these may be obvious (UI, Match, Transfers and Contracts), others a bit more under the hood (Database, Competitions and Rule Groups) and some of those primarily for the infrastructure of the game (Core Tech, QA Engineering). Then you have to take into account FM is now available across iOS, Android, PS5, Xbox, Steam, Epic, GamePass, Apple Arcade (yes including tvOS) and Switch. Each of those games and platforms come with their own quirks which require testing and signing off for every build we both release, and test internally. We have also utilised the Steam 'Public Beta' track in the past as well, but now so many of our players also enjoy FM across Epic and Microsoft Store/Game Pass, using this isn't as inclusive as it once was. It is something which we'll always consider, but not something we're currently looking to utilise. Even rolling an update to our Private Testing group requires a large amount of person-power. To create and check the builds, to write up the build notes, to monitor and log all the suggestions/issues etc. Every single aspect of game development takes resource. And we have to utilise that in the best possible way for our games and our studio.
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