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Anthrax Dave

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888 "You're gonna need a bigger boat"

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  • Favourite Team
    Hereford & West Ham

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    St Pauli

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  1. England bottling the group stage of Euro 2000 - Losing 3-2 to Portugal (after being 2-0 up), beating Germany 1-0, then losing 3-2 to Romania after giving away a last minute penalty. There was stunned silence in the pub at the end of that Romania game.
  2. If it must go to 48 teams, why not have 8 groups of 6, with the top 4 from each going into a last-32 knockout going forward. Would mean loads more football 👍🍺
  3. That's the last time I watch an England game sober. If I was drunk, we would have won. Damn flu.
  4. Absolutely gutted. No complaints - Apart from the ****ing awful ref.
  5. Absolutely bricking it already. Double Dump incoming 💩
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