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sc91 last won the day on February 19 2023

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3,676 "These go to eleven"

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  1. Anyone worried about England actually winning something can breathe a sigh of relief.
  2. He was pretty fair throughout, quite a good refereed match, quite even on decisions and I can't understand England's complaints. Even the game, it was one of those matches where it could go either way. Just a normal exit, under normal circumstances and you move on.
  3. Somethings in life you can guarantee. Death, taxes, and England to grab defeat from the jaws of victory. The wait goes on for em.
  4. I think for England this last minutes will highlight what a blessing the sacking of Southgate would be.
  5. Reckon France get another. England heads gone. Scapegoat ready in Kane.
  6. I mean I've posted here long enough and been quite brazenly open about my affiliations given birth. I only find the tinted glasses that occur to be an interesting point and fun to poke a
  7. I am pretty neutral just those around annoy me. Rose tinted glasses from those with me can be annoying.
  8. As a neutral, yeah great. Just funny as obviously its England and everyone other sentence was about how bad the ref was.
  9. Ah now come on, I wanted insight into how the ref was ruining things.
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