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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    I'm not mad, I'm angury.

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  1. Basically gave up for a while because I couldn't find an answer to this. Anyone able to help at all?
  2. So, maybe I'm missing something here. I'm trying something rather ambitious as it is.. I've got 10 child leagues where 32 teams in total qualify to the parent, which acts as an end of season promotion playoff to the division above. What could be causing the number of teams picked for promotion to be varying, when it's set as below. The league structure in the higher divisions changes for the second season, so while only 2 are relegated 6 go up for this first season. That future change doesn't seem to be the concern here though (and I need to get past this issue so I can then address the fact that the child leagues will need to change for the reduced number of teams) because this seems so random. What could be causing this to error only on occasion? On others it goes past this and then tells me that child competitions can't find enough teams (which is what I want to be seeing) but I can't work on it properly without the initial issue out of the way. Any help would be hugely appreciated. To clarify, it's a straight 32 team cup stage. The semi finalists go up. But this season, to make up extra teams, the losing quarter finalists stayed in and had a playoff. The two teams in the 5-6th playoff also go up.
  3. That's kinda what's different (and annoying) here. There's no point of a single phase. For whatever reason, it's always split and then splits those groups to make new groups. I'm probably just gonna try to have it the way you've suggested just to get it effectively working and move on. My project is basically getting the framework in place before going back and fixing/improving stuff, because it's a bunch of regional federations/leagues that feed into a parent tournament for playoffs into the bottom national league. So until I have all of the leagues in place I can't get the promotion system set up, basically. Thank you for replying!
  4. But then it would just be as two leagues, no? No particular reason for wanting it that way beyond it being neater looking in game really. The first league I originally was gonna do that approach before I realised I could work it by using indivual group rules to take specific teams, so just keep it as Stage 0 (groups) and Stage 1(groups but with individual rules) Basically I'm wondering why the individual rules wouldn't work again for the other setup, but the only issue seems to be that both groups have even numbers, even when I'm specifically saying that they shouldn't. So I'm probably missing something, or it's to do with the transfering of the table data over from the first stage perhaps?
  5. I don't really know how to best explain this, but essentially I'm trying to recreate a peculiar league setup. I found a similar one in the same nation that, eventually, I got working - but this one has me stumped. 16 teams split into 2 groups of 8; the top 6 (3 from each) qualify for a championship group. The other 10 play each other, for no particular reason as far as I can tell. Another league did similar, but it was groups of 8, staying as groups of 8 (top 4 from each group in one, etc). What I now cannot get to work is having a group of 6 and a group of 10 as my second stage. The tournament rules show the top 3 from each group qualifying for one group, then the bottom 5 for another, but overall the second stage is showing 14 matches for everyone, which is presumably where the issue lies. When I tried removing the overall group requirement of 2 rounds, instead applying this to each group individually, it started having an issue with the number of fixtures in the first stage. The league points etc all carry over to the second stage, so could this also be causing an issue? I'm a bit stumped, when I seemingly managed to get the very similar setup to work. Are uneven groups even possible, or would I need to reconfigure it to be leagues?
  6. Thanks! I've been playing about with all manner of options for how the history is/isn't set to automatically store - didn't realise that there was a stage action to do so. This has worked! Thank you! I tried similar previously and it didn't like it, so presumably I set it up wrong somehow. I think I probably had it set to take competition winner rather than the cup stage, which obviously it couldn't find. What is also probably confusing matters for me is that every league in my setup is duplicated - essentially I've recreated how last season worked in real life, then added the structure for the upcoming season offset by a year. Essentially going from a 12-14-12 structure in the top 3 leagues to 14-14-14 after a season. That all seems to work, but obviously any changes I make to the basics I have to do twice. Thank you both!
  7. Still doesn't seem to be working despite adding ranking levels as above. Maybe I'm missing something obvious?
  8. Thanks for replying! I haven't done the ranking levels to that depth at all ever, if I'm honest. I've not touched this editing stuff for years and I'm having a dramatic crash course so I appreciate the patience. Is it the ranking levels that dictate the history then, opposed to the stage fate? Presumably the latter is only cosmetic. Do I need to do something to make the ranking levels record, because no other league I've created requires them at all to acknowledge past winners..
  9. So, I've got a league setup where there are two groups of 14. The winner of each group plays each other and that side is the league champion. Both are already promoted (along with four others). How do I get the second phase to store the winner in the competition history? I have managed to set it up so as the winner of stage 1 is declared as champion in stage 0, but no history records are being created. So basically, how can I make this winning side listed as a "past winner"? There's no champion being saved. Any help is massively appreciated as I've run out of ideas.
  10. Yep - missed the short name out! Thanks for your help; I'm glad it was something silly rather than a complete disaster..
  11. Apologies if this is a stupid problem, but I'm trying to get back into editing and revive a project from years ago. I've got a strange issue that is occuring as part of a test to see if I remembered how to do parent and child leagues. It verifies and loads up, but the names aren't displayed. What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated.
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