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27 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Manchester United

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  1. I only have tackle harder on the two wingers, as well as the central midfielders.
  2. Just a pretty basic 4-3-3, I don't tinker with it much from game to game apart from switching the passing directness from shorter to slightly shorter to go a little bit direct in certain games and flicking between mixed/low crossing depending on if we have Yaremchuk or Duro playing up front.
  3. I also started a save on the winter update with Valencia and it seems like some youngsters such as Mosquera and Perez have had a nice little boost on this update. They've already got one of my favourite young players Javi Guerra. It will be fun to add to the young Spanish group that they have going on at the moment and hopefully get some good academy products coming through. I'm halfway through the 1st season and surpassing expectations by competing with Madrid and Barca at the top of the table, only losing one game away to Barca so far. We even managed to get a 0-0 draw away at Real Madrid despite being down to 10 men from the 3rd minute onward. I don't expect us to keep pace with those two, but it's been a great start. With the January window about to open, there is a temptation to sell a couple of players like Gaya who has interest from Saudi, but at the same time, it would be hard to let go of an academy product who's spent so much time at the club and is still one of our best players. I'm not sure what I'll do if we get a big bid for him.
  4. Wow, Lozano looks absolutely sensational. With his finishing, off the ball and physicals already being so good he could make a brilliant inside forward on the right. I personally would probably try to find a way to accommodate him as wing back, he's got the tools to become one of the world's best in that position
  5. I've been lurking in this thread since it was started up and I have to say what an enjoyable read it has been so far. Especially loving the focus on Mareo products. It's been a while since I did a save in Spain, but this save is defintely inspiring me to head there once again. Keep up the brilliant work!
  6. I'm considering a new laptop as I'm wanting to play FM with a beefy database (between 150-200k players) and I'm finding my current one is pretty choppy when watching games in 3D and slow processing at times. Not too knowledgable when it comes to these things, but would I be able to find anything for £800 or less? I've included the specs of my current laptop for further info.
  7. Just been catching up with the journey so far, seems like a fun save! Hopefully you can solidify yourself after promotion. Good luck for the rest of the season!
  8. Probably a little bit of complacency kicking in from the squad as you've been so dominant, but still you're ticking along nicely with the wins. Good stuff!
  9. Smashing it in the league! It's great getting Suarez tied down to a new long term deal too. I can imagine how frustrating the Ramos deal must have been. Looks like the AI still needs finetuning on this year's game.
  10. That windfall from the Horta transfer should set you up nicely for next season. Seems like you’ll have some work to do!
  11. Just been catching up with the save, it’s been a fantastic read so far Hoping to do a South American youth save myself at some point so will be following this with interest.
  12. Nice bounce back after the struggles of the previous month! Surely Jelgava can’t go the entire season without getting a single point
  13. Wow, what a career you’ve had. Congrats on winning the champions league On a side note, I’m happy to see a couple of players that start off in the AZ Alkmaar academy be apart of your winning team as I’m managing them at the moment.
  14. That it is ridiculous from Sala, but doesn’t look like he’ll be missed much. Great start to the season!
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