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22 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    St. Albans City

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  1. Interesting first half for Musa... Thank god he scored the penalty! (I reckon the linesman's arm was tired by the break.)
  2. Chester are really taking their cuisine seriously... Curry on the wing and a Salmon Poacher up front!
  3. 9 matches (1 before I thought to screen grab) with 5 players available this time for me... who arranges these fixtures and why do they hate me?
  4. I feel this issue (but on FM22)... Managing in Mexico and I have a 22 man squad. The Gold Cup is running so 14 of my 22 man squad aren't available... for 6 matches! GK: Grey Player DR: Actual Right Back DL: Actual Left Back DCR: Backup Right Back DCL: Grey Player DM: Actual DM MCR: Actual MC MCL: Backup DM ST: Actual ST ST: Actual ST ST: Grey Player Bench: All Greys
  5. Step One: Player comes to me asking for a new contract Step Two: I agree to give him a new contract Step Three: I go to offer him a new contract and he refuses to negotiate because he thinks he's outgrown the club Step Four: Player hates me for not offering him a new contract after I promised to
  6. Your recent run of form has been terrible so no coaching course for you! The last 15 matches...
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