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Wiggins Top Boys

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Wiggins Top Boys last won the day on March 5

Wiggins Top Boys had the most liked content!


3,557 "These go to eleven"


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    I dream of occasional fanzine mentions

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  1. For me I have an excessive amount of long term injuries to my young players, whether they are at the club or out on loan. the latest one is a cruciate injury from a sprint session ffs These two at the club Another player out on loan and another and that's just this season alone.
  2. I do think the player ran into him but the keeper missing the ball is everything really
  3. you are reading too much into a radio station where the presenters are trying to whip up as much false controversy as possible to get callers in
  4. No shame going out this time but need to be braver. Another manager another cycle and we have a shot next time round. Well played England.
  5. Time for the Dutch to get stuck in and windmill those horrible *****
  6. Dutch average but as soon as the argies started being tossers I was willing them to do something to get back Into it. Absolutely love a bit of launch it to the big man. Go on the Dutch!!!
  7. do your silly little dance now you utter mugs. WHEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  8. what a farce giving that penalty. also how are these penalty run ups allowed in this country. i feel like it's something that should be punishable by stoning.
  9. That was absolutely pathetic and I guarantee some VAR Desperado's will defend it. What a save though. Pure justice
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