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44 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. OP shows in a clip that there is backup. Two players in position to neutralize the winger. Perhaps, even if asked to man mark the fullback, the wingback should retreat if the winger is unmarked. But if the winger is neutralized, the wingback should follow the instruction. I know you're a legend, and I love your videos, but your response seems intentionally glib. Robots have nothing to do with it. Why can we assign a fullback to mark the opposite side wingback at all if they won't do the admittedly stupid thing? I'm not defending the tactical implications of what OP is trying to do. I'm sympathizing with their annoyance at unpredictable player behavior from fairly straightforward (again, if foolish) tactical input.
  2. I mean, if a player wants to do something tactically foolish, so what? There are certainly times when op's choice of man marking wold be perfectly reasonable. Just because it might not be in most situations doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to do it at all.
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