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KUBI last won the day on November 18 2017

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1,341 "Carpe diem. Seize the day"


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  1. It needs OS 13 at least. Check which iPads runs with os 13,14 at least. The amount of GB is not very important, but of course it uses about 2 GB.
  2. No, it‘s 5 leagues for all and you can play it on any of the new iPads and it runs also on older ones like the original iPad Pro.
  3. No store, but no sacking is available at the start of a new save. Other three like having a son are in the game, but you have to earn it.
  4. Maybe a more defensive tactical approach could help your team.
  5. I guess it‘s small database by default for all, also on the iPad.
  6. No, but I clicked on it before I chose the nations, maybe that makes a difference.
  7. It´s in the more option menue, when you start a career.
  8. Just wondering, because the advanced rules are so much more powerful than the basic rules. And no, you don't need to tick hundreds boxes and add 500 rules, you could convert a file to advanced rules and just set one new rule, like maximum of 3 foreign players or maximum of 6 loans during a season. And you can do some really nice things like adding cup rounds divided into 2, 3 days or even a week, change tv distribution, setting up your own youth system or adding league rules for more than one league in one file. There is next to no limit - ok, you can still not edit stadiums - and if you let one part untouched, it will be also untouched in your game.
  9. Instead of open a thread just post it here. A thread for beginners and those who just want to swap teams, add their girlfriend to the game or want to play with no or a limited amount of foreign players in their league.
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