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127 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

About mikcheck

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  1. Good to know there some of you still play it. I feel less alone Great. Same year here, with Groningen
  2. Just to check if anyone does still play FM21 or I'm alone in here
  3. You don't have to. I'm free to give my opinion, as everyone else. I wasn't criticizing, everyone play the game their own way, obviously.
  4. I always avoid that. Playing with 3 central strikers its not realistic and it takes advantage from ME, I guess. I'm not saying its cheating but kinda.
  5. Isn't that normal? Since one is off the ball and the other is the general one. I just didnt know which one is better to demonstrate so Ive used both images
  6. Hi. Does this looks like a low block to you? Off the ball average positions: General average positions:
  7. I like to play with normal defensive line and a mid/low block. In that case I don't care too much about pace and acceleration, except for the ones I want to attack the space. Positioning, antecipation and concentration are really important for for defenders tho. However if I played with a higher line, I'd definitely want my defenders to have pace and accelaration.
  8. Really nice job but man, that's a lot of TI's for my liking
  9. @crusadertsar could you post match stats from some of your games? Thanks
  10. @Rashidido you agree that formations with 2 up top, like 442 are easier to make it to work well also because of the fact that its easier to get the main striker to score?
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